How to Import Text to ConceptDraw MINDMAP
Mind mapping is a quick and efficient way to start up project. When you create a mind map, it might be necessary to use a previously recorded files, notes, or text outlines. The importing capabilities of ConceptDraw MINDMAP allows you to easily convert text into a mind map. You can quickly turn your TXT file to the hierarchical structure of mind map. You can convert the entire TXT file as well as a selected part. ConceptDraw MINDMAP supports the ability to convert text in both single-page and multi-page mind map.You can create a multiple page project mind map quickly, using various text work-pieces. Read this article to find out how to create your multi page mind map from a text outline.HelpDesk
How to Import a PowerPoint Presentation to ConceptDraw MINDMAP
ConceptDraw MINDMAP supports the ability to import presentations from Microsoft® PowerPoint®.HelpDesk
How to Change the Font for an Entire Level of a Mind Map
The visual representation of information is much more productive than simple linear transfer because it is more natural for our brain to understand information in the form of visual images. ConceptDraw MINDMAP will help you put your thoughts and ideas across to any audience in the most intelligible and memorable way. Mind maps can be used in a great number of situations involving analysis, learning, research and thinking. Use them for personal planning, preparing lists, working on projects, as well as analyzing problems and finding solutions. ConceptDraw MINDMAP provides a variety of style and formatting options for your mind maps, that let you add more information to your mind map without interfering with its readability.Enhancing maps using ConceptDraw MINDMAP′s Theme Gallery
Video tutorials on ConceptDraw products. Try it today!HelpDesk
How to Use Mind Map Filtering in ConceptDraw MINDMAP
Many of us use mind maps for organizing, structuring or compiling our ideas or projects. Making mind map is the ability to take existing ideas and combine them in new ways. This is much easier to do when you can see all the ideas in front of you. Using mind maps for organizing and structuring information as the volume of data grows and the map expands can be a challenge. ConceptDraw MINDMAP allows you to sort and filter your mind map content even on the Full Screen.HelpDesk
How to Customize the Default Map Theme
ConceptDraw MINDMAP allows you to customize all kinds of visual aspects of your mind maps, including the the style of topic lines of the default theme for new maps.HelpDesk
How to Perform Presentations in ConceptDraw MINDMAP without Exporting to Other Applications
Tips on how to perform a mind map presentation directly from the mindmapping software.
ConceptDraw MINDMAP Export Capabilities
ConceptDraw MINDMAP supports exporting to many Microsoft Office products, including Word, PowerPoint and Project, as well as exporting to Evernote, Apple iCal, PDF, HTML and graphic format files.Looking at ConceptDraw MINDMAP as a Replacement for Mindjet Mindmanager
The comparing of ConceptDraw MINDMAP to Mindjet Mindmanager allows to identify a lot of benefits. At first, the ConceptDraw MINDMAP has a lower price, the flexible licensing, the license is per-named-user, no charge for major product upgrades and no charge for support. ConceptDraw MINDMAP is effective for launching the stalled projects to new heights, it possess the excellent possibility of importing and exporting to other mind mapping program file formats. ConceptDraw MINDMAP easily integrates with wide set of programs, among them Evernote, Skype, Twitter, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Project, Mindjet Mindmanager, ConceptDraw PROJECT, ConceptDraw PRO, with solutions from ConceptDraw Solution Park. Now you have a freedom to choose the best format for each your document, it is incredibly easy to make the Skype presentation, to take and share critical information, to send your Mind Map to Evernote, to import / export MS Word documents, MS PowerPoint presentations, the project data, open and save Mindmanager files, to map out the long-term Twitter messages and publish them to your Twitter account directly from a Mind Map.Export from ConceptDraw MINDMAP to PowerPoint® Presentation
ConceptDraw MINDMAP extended with Presentation Exchange solution allows you to create a traditional PowerPoint Presentation from your mind maps.
to MS PowerPoint
Mind Map Exchange
This solution extends ConceptDraw MINDMAP software with the ability to easily exchange mind maps with a large variety of other mind mapping applications.
How to Insert a Mind Map into Microsoft Word Document
ConceptDraw MINDMAP offers several options of converting your mind map to MS Word document. You can choose the proper format that meets your needs to communicate content of your mind maps. Generate text, presentations, images or web pages that are pertinent to your work. Primary, you can export a mind map to MS Word. This method allows stylizing the document by using a custom MS Word templates. If you need to combine text and hierarchically structured information in a single document, the best solution is to incorporate a mind map into the MS Word document using the copy-paste capabilities of ConceptDraw MINDMAP.HelpDesk
How to Split a Complex Map to a Few Simple Maps
When using ConceptDraw MINDMAP, you can move each main topic of a large complex mind map to a separate page. Here is the instructions on how to create a multiple page mind map from a solid map.- Mind Map Software, Drawing Tools | Project ...
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