Export from ConceptDraw DIAGRAM Document to a Graphic File
Now it’s easy to share your visual documents with other people in a form most convenient for them. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM can save your drawings and diagrams in a number of highly useful formats, including graphic files. You can save your drawing as a.PNG,.JPG, or other graphic format file.
How to Export Project Data to MS Excel Worksheet
You can share your ConceptDraw PROJECT files with colleagues who use MS Excel®using the export capabilities of ConceptDraw PROJECT.ConceptDraw DIAGRAM Compatibility with MS Visio
The powerful diagramming and business graphics tools are now not exception, but the norm for today’s business, which develop in incredibly quick temp. But with the abundance of powerful business diagramming applications it is important to provide their compatibility for effective exchange the information between the colleagues and other people who maybe use different software in their work. During many years Microsoft Visio™ was standard file format for the business and now many people need the visual communication software tools that can read the Visio format files and also export to Visio format. The powerful diagramming and vector drawing software ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is ideal from the point of view of compatibility with MS Visio. Any ConceptDraw DIAGRAM user who have the colleagues that use MS Visio or any who migrates from Visio to ConceptDraw DIAGRAM , will not have any problems. The VSDX (Visio′s open XML file format) and VDX formatted files can be easily imported and exported by ConceptDraw DIAGRAM , you can see video about this possibility.Export from ConceptDraw DIAGRAM Document to MS Visio® XML
Once you have created your document in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM and you want to share it with your colleagues and friends, who uses MS Visio on their computers, you can easily export your document using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM export to Visio XML files (VDX) feature. Now you can share your ConceptDraw documents with MS Visio users.
How to Save a Drawing as a Graphic File
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM can save your drawings and diagrams in a number of highly useful formats, including graphic files. You can save your drawing as a.PNG,.JPG, or other graphic format file.HelpDesk
How to Exchange Files with MS Project Users
Ability to exchange project data across different project applications gives users an excellent alternative on the way they manage projects, and assists in the interoperability of project information between team members who have Macintosh and PC computers.HelpDesk
How to Convert a Mind Map into MS Project XML
The easiest way to start this project is to conduct a brainstorm session that identifies necessary tasks, then prepare a project schedule in the form of a Gantt chart and assign resources to tasks. With ConceptDraw MINDMAP, you can initiate a project using a mind map to represent all critical and important tasks. ConceptDraw MINDMAP supports a mind map export to MS Project; it also allows import a project file from MS Project giving team members who use OS X or Windows a working visual map of a planned project.HelpDesk
How to Convert a Mind Map into MS Word Document
Mind maps are often used for structuring ideas, planning, and organizing of various documents. ConceptDraw MINDMAP allows you to transfer a mind map to MS Word format using its export facilities. You can convert a mind map to an MS Word outline using the set of standard templates, or even your custom template. Thus, your mind map will be transformed into the proper document format. Using a custom MS Word template allows you to apply your individual style to each document, being exported from ConceptDraw MINDMAP. You can use a mind mapping to capture ideas and structure information. Then make a quick conversion to MS Word and you finally obtain a clean and stylish document.ConceptDraw MINDMAP Export Capabilities
ConceptDraw MINDMAP supports exporting to many Microsoft Office products, including Word, PowerPoint and Project, as well as exporting to Evernote, Apple iCal, PDF, HTML and graphic format files.Export from ConceptDraw DIAGRAM Document to PPT or PPTX (MS PowerPoint®) File
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM has extensive export capabilities which allow you to export your drawing to
How to Create a PowerPoint® Presentation from a Mind Map
ConceptDraw MINDMAP allows you to create a traditional PowerPoint Presentation from your mind maps. There are two different variants when exporting to PowerPoint - one places editable text into the template of your choice, the other places the pieces of the map that you want to show into the slides.Export from ConceptDraw MINDMAP to PowerPoint® Presentation
ConceptDraw MINDMAP extended with Presentation Exchange solution allows you to create a traditional PowerPoint Presentation from your mind maps.
to MS PowerPoint
How to Share Mind Maps via Internet
ConceptDraw MINDMAP provides a variety of export capabilities to help with that situation. Exporting the mind map to HTML format, preserving the links so they can be used to download documents.HelpDesk
How to Use the MS Word Exchange Solution
ConceptDrwa MINDMAP gives you the ability to export your mind map into a ready-to-use Microsoft Word document.How to Exchange ConceptDraw MINDMAP Files with Mindjet MindManager
ConceptDraw MINDMAP has impressive import and export capabilities includes following formats: OPML Mindjet™ MindManager™ Microsoft™ Office products: PowerPoint™ Project™ Word™ FreeMind (import only) XMind (import only)
- Export from ConceptDraw PRO Document to a Graphic File | Export ...
- Export from ConceptDraw MINDMAP to PowerPoint® Presentation ...
- Export from ConceptDraw PRO Document to a Graphic File | Export ...
- Export from ConceptDraw MINDMAP to Evernote | The Mind Map ...
- How To Export Gantt Chart Concept Draw
- Sales KPI Dashboards | Export from ConceptDraw PRO Document ...
- How to Share Mind Maps via Internet | Export from ConceptDraw ...
- Export from ConceptDraw PRO Document to a Graphic File ...
- Export from ConceptDraw MINDMAP to HTML | Export from ...
- Export from ConceptDraw MINDMAP to a Graphic File | How to ...
- Export from ConceptDraw PRO Document to SWF (Adobe® Flash ...
- Export from ConceptDraw PRO Document to PDF (Adobe Acrobat®)
- Export from ConceptDraw MINDMAP to PDF (Adobe Acrobat®) File ...
- Restaurant Floor Plan | Export from ConceptDraw MINDMAP to ...
- Export from ConceptDraw MINDMAP to PowerPoint® Presentation ...
- Waterfall Bar Chart | Export from ConceptDraw MINDMAP to ...
- Export from ConceptDraw MINDMAP to PowerPoint® Presentation ...
- Export from ConceptDraw MINDMAP to MS Project® XML | How To ...
- Pyramid Chart Maker | Onion Diagram Maker | Export from ...