Website Wireframe
The innovative Website Wireframe solution enhances the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM functionality with newest wireframe tools, libraries with variety of predesigned icons, symbols, buttons, graphics, forms, boxes, and many other vector elements, templates and professionally designed samples, which make it the best wireframing software. Website Wireframe solution gives you significant advantages when designing and maintaining websites, creating skeletal and content-free depictions of website structure, making website prototypes and planning the content arrangement before committing to design, also speeds up the processes of sketching, producing and sharing wireframe examples of website style and interface design.
iPhone User Interface
iPhone User Interface solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with templates, samples and libraries with large quantity of vector stencils of graphical user interface elements, Apps icons, UI patterns for designing and prototyping of the iOS applic
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM ER Diagram Tool
Entity-relationship model, also called ER-model, is the main tool of domain modeling on the stage of conceptual design. The modeling of domain data structures is based on the use of graphical tools - Entity-Relationship diagrams (ER-diagrams). The core concepts of ER-Diagram are entity, attribute and relationship. ER-diagram lets visually represent the entities, helps effectively document all properties of designed system and to detail the data storages. To represent the elements at ER-model are commonly used Chen’s notation and Crow’s foot notation, each has its pros and cons. The entity on ER-diagram is represented in the form of rectangle, which specifies its name. An attribute is a property of the entity and relationship is an interaction between the entities. The relationship between two entities is called binary, between more than two entities - ternary. Specific software, such as ConceptDraw DIAGRAM with Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park is helpful for easy creation Entity-Relationship Diagrams.
The SysML solution helps to present diagrams using Systems Modeling Language; a perfect tool for system engineering.
eLearning for Skype
This solution extends ConceptDraw MINDMAP software with the ability to prepare and run remote learning sessions by using Skype
Basic Pie Charts
This solution extends the capabilities of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM (or later) with templates, samples, and a library of vector stencils for drawing pie and donut charts.
Business Process Model and Notation
Business Process Model and Notation Solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is helpful for modeling the business processes of any degree of complexity, documenting them and effective creating diagrams using the BPMN 2.0 standard.
Basic Floor Plans
Detailed floor plan is the basis of any building project, whether a home, office, business center, restaurant, shop store, or any other building or premise. Basic Floor Plans solution is a perfect tool to visualize your creative projects, architectural and floor plans ideas.
Entity Relationship Diagram - ERD - Software for Design Crows Foot ER Diagrams
ER-model is a data model which lets describe the conceptual schemes in a specific subject area. It can help to highlight the key entities and specify relationships that can be established between these entities. During the database design, it is realized the transformation of ER model into certain database scheme based on the chosen data model (relational, object, network, etc.). There are used two notations for ERDs: Crow's Foot and Chen's. Crow's Foot notation proposed by Gordon Everest represents the entity by rectangle containing its name (name must be unique within this model), and relation - by the line which links two entities involved in relationship. The relationship's plurality is graphically indicated by a "plug" on the end of the link, the optionality - by a circle. Entity-Relationship Diagrams based on Crow's Foot notation can be easily drawn using the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM. Extended with Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution, it is the best ERD diagrams software with powerful tools and ready design elements for Crow's Foot and Chen notations.
ATM UML Diagrams
The ATM UML Diagrams solution lets you create ATM solutions and UML examples. Use ConceptDraw DIAGRAM as a UML diagram creator to visualize a banking system.