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Hotel Network Topology Diagram

Network topology is a layout of various elements of computer network, such as nodes, links, routers, etc. It is a network topological structure which can be depicted logically or physically. Physical topology shows the physical location of network's components and cable connections between network nodes. Logical topology describes the data flows, the circulation of signals in physical topology. The physical and logical topologies for two networks can be identical, while their physical interconnections, the distances between nodes, transmission rates, and/or signal types may be differ. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM with Computer and Networks solution from Computer and Networks area of ConceptDraw Solution Park lets you design physical and logical network topology diagrams for wireless and wired computer communication networks located in various premises, including the hotels. You can easy design Hotel Network Topology Diagram, diagrams depicted LANs and WLANs, and also any of eight basic topologies (Point-to-point, Star, Bus, Mesh, Ring, Tree, Hybrid, Daisy chain).
Create Network Topology Diagram
Create Network Topology Diagram

Hotel Network Topology Diagram. Hotel Guesthouse WiFi Network

Would you like to design and construct the local area network (LAN) or wireless LAN (WLAN) at your hotel, guesthouse or inn? In this case first that you need to do is to develop the detailed plan and to represent on it all required equipment, as well as scheme of its arrangement and connection. The ConceptDraw Solution Park offers a powerful Computer Network Diagrams solution from the Computer and Networks area specially developed to help you draw fast and easily the physical and logical network topology diagrams for wireless and wired computer communication networks. The Computer Network Diagrams solution provides numerous set of predesigned samples and templates, and large variety of vector stencils libraries with ready-to-use network icons and symbols of LAN and WLAN equipment, containing the routers, firewalls, switches, wireless access points, broadband access servers, and many other vector symbols. Use them as a real help when designing the Hotel Network Topology Diagrams, Hotel Wireless Computer Network Plans, Guesthouse Wi-Fi Network Diagrams.
This example was redesigned from the Wikipedia file: LastResortHotel BookRoom Process.png. [ wiki/ File:LastResortHotel_ BookRoom_ Process.png]
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. [ licenses/ by-sa/ 3.0/ ]
"Event partitioning is an easy-to-apply systems analysis technique that helps the analyst organize requirements for large systems into a collection of smaller, simpler, minimally-connected, easier-to-understand ‘mini systems’ / use cases. ...
Defining requirements.
Single process in a fictitious hotel using data flow diagram notation.
Single use case in a fictitious hotel using use case diagram notation.
This approach helps the analyst to decompose the system into ‘mentally bite-sized’ mini-systems using events that require a planned response. The level of detail of each response is at the level of ‘primary use cases’. Each planned response may be modelled using DFD notation or as a single use case using use case diagram notation.
The basic flow within a process or use case can usually be described in a relatively small number of steps, often fewer than twenty or thirty, possibly using something like ‘structured English’. Ideally, all of the steps would be visible all at once (often a page or less). The intention is to reduce one of the risks associated with short-term memory, namely, forgetting what is not immediately visible (‘out of sight, out of mind’). ...
Single process in a fictitious hotel using data flow diagram notation." [Event partitioning. Wikipedia]
The DFD example "Last resort hotel book room process" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Data Flow Diagrams solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
DFD, process, external interactor, data store,

Data Flow Diagram Software

Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs) are successfully used when studying the business processes or systems that involve the transfer of data. They are a visual way to represent the data processing, to model and visualize the flow of data through a computer system and functional requirements for a designed system. They are the good business modeling tool to describe the business events and interactions, the physical systems involving the storage and transfer of data. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM supplied with Data Flow Diagrams solution from Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is a modern and powerful data flow diagram software. This solution offers large set of predesigned DFD vector objects, grouped to three libraries: Data Flow Diagrams, Gane-Sarson Notation, and Yourdon and Coad Notation. All they and also collection of DFD samples and built-in templates make a good base for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM users, providing them all conditions for easy creation the Data Flow Diagrams and Data Flow Models of any complexity.

Hotel Service Process

This sample shows computer network diagram of the hotel service process, structure of the hotel service departments and the connection of each department to the internet using the WLAN equipment (routers, hub. etc.). This sample was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software using the Computer and Networks solution from Computer and Networks area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Example of DFD for Online Store (Data Flow Diagram)

Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a methodology of graphical structural analysis and information systems design, which describes the sources external in respect to the system, recipients of data, logical functions, data flows and data stores that are accessed. DFDs allow to identify relationships between various system's components and are effectively used in business analysis and information systems analysis. They are useful for system’s high-level details modeling, to show how the input data are transformed to output results via the sequence of functional transformations. For description of DFD diagrams are uses two notations — Yourdon and Gane-Sarson, which differ in syntax. Online Store DFD example illustrates the Data Flow Diagram for online store, the interactions between Customers, Visitors, Sellers, depicts User databases and the flows of Website Information. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM enhanced with Data Flow Diagrams solution lets you to draw clear and simple example of DFD for Online Store using special libraries of predesigned DFD symbols.
Steps to Creating a Sales Process Flow Chart
Steps to Creating a Sales Process Flow Chart

Data Flow Diagram

Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is the part of the Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM), which is intended for information systems projection and analysis. Data Flow Diagrams allow graphically represent the data flows in information system and analyze the data processing during the structural projection. This type of diagrams lets visually show a work of information system and results of this work, it is often used in connection with human processes and can be displayed as Workflow diagram. Data Flow Diagram visualizes processes and functions, external entities, data depositories, and data flows connecting these elements and indicating direction and data character. Each of these elements used for DFD has its own graphical notation. There are two notations to draw DFDs - Yourdon & Coad and Gane & Sarson. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM extended with Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) solution from Software Developmant area is ideal for designing professional looking DFDs, which can be then easily exported in various formats.

Network Diagram Software Physical Network Diagram

ConceptDraw Network Diagram Software is ideal for network engineers and network designers who need to draw Physical Network Diagrams.

Mesh Network Topology Diagram

A Mesh Network Topology is a computer network topology built on the principle of cells. The network workstations are the mesh nodes, they are connected to each other, usually to the principle "each with each" (a fully connected network) and interact in the distribution of data in a network. Each node relays the data for the network and can take the role of switch for other participants. Mesh Network Topology is sufficiently complex to configure, but however it provides a high fault tolerance, has a capability for self-healing and is considered as quite reliable. Large number of nodes' connections assures a wide selection of route of following the traffic within a network, therefore the breaking of one connection will not disrupt the functioning of network as a whole. As a rule, the Mesh Networks are wireless. The Mesh Network Topology Diagrams of any complexity and Wireless Mesh Network Diagrams are easy for construction in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software using the tools of Computer Network Diagrams solution from Computer and Networks area.

Fishbone Diagram Design Element

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Fishbone Diagrams solution is a perfect tool for software designers and software developers. If you need to create Cause and Effect diagram, Fishbone diagram, Ishikawa diagram from templates and examples, or using the predesigned elements, ConceptDraw DIAGRAM can do this easily. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software gives ability to design Fishbone diagrams that identify many possible causes for an effect for problem. Each Fishbone diagram design element included to Fishbone Diagrams library is vector and ready-to-use.

Hotel Network Topology

Using the predesigned objects, templates and samples of the Computer and Networks Solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM you can create your own professional Computer Network Diagrams quick and easy.

Entity Relationship Diagram - ERD - Software for Design Crows Foot ER Diagrams

ER-model is a data model which lets describe the conceptual schemes in a specific subject area. It can help to highlight the key entities and specify relationships that can be established between these entities. During the database design, it is realized the transformation of ER model into certain database scheme based on the chosen data model (relational, object, network, etc.). There are used two notations for ERDs: Crow's Foot and Chen's. Crow's Foot notation proposed by Gordon Everest represents the entity by rectangle containing its name (name must be unique within this model), and relation - by the line which links two entities involved in relationship. The relationship's plurality is graphically indicated by a "plug" on the end of the link, the optionality - by a circle. Entity-Relationship Diagrams based on Crow's Foot notation can be easily drawn using the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM. Extended with Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution, it is the best ERD diagrams software with powerful tools and ready design elements for Crow's Foot and Chen notations.
How to Build an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
How to Build an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Interactive Voice Response Network Diagram

ConceptDraw solution Computer and Networks provides Interactive Voice Response samples, templates and library of 35 vector stencils for drawing the IVR network diagrams. Use ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software enhanced with solution Computer and Networks to visualize the logical and physical structure of IVR systems for inbound and outbound call centers and voice mail systems.

Draw Network Diagram based on Templates and Examples

ConceptDraw is rapid and powerful network diagram drawing software with rich examples, templates, design objects and stencils.

Local area network (LAN). Computer and Network Examples

Local Area Network (LAN) is a network which consists of computers and peripheral devices connected each other and to the local domain server, and covers a little territory or small number of buildings, such as home, school, laboratory, office, etc. LAN serves for few hundreds of users. It includes many cables and wires, and demands to design previously a Network diagram. All local area network devices can use the shared printers and disk storage. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a perfect network diagramming software with examples of LAN Diagrams, templates and predesigned vector objects. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is the ideal choice for network engineers and network designers who need to draw fast and easy Local Area Network Diagrams, for IT specialists, developers and other IT professionals which need to visualize the communication schemes of LAN and visually document the LAN's physical structure and arrangement in houses, offices and other buildings. Ready-to-use vector objects from Computer Network Diagrams solution will help you design LAN diagrams in minutes.
How to Draw a Computer Network
How to Draw a Computer Network