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Data Flow Diagram Example

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM extended with Data Flow Diagrams solution is the best diagramming and vector drawing software for quick and easy designing the Data Flow Diagram Example of any complexity.

ER Diagram Tool

Creating of Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) is a complex process that requires convenient, automated tools. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software offers a powerful ER Diagram Tool - the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) Solution from the Software Development Area.

software development, software engineering Software Development Area

software development, software engineering
Solutions from the Software Development Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park collect templates, samples and libraries of vector stencils for drawing the software engineering diagrams and user interface design prototypes.

ER Diagram Styles

When creating ER diagrams, you can apply different color ER diagram styles and also notation styles. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM enhanced with Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) Solution gives the ability to draw visual and attractive ER Diagrams using the style icons from Crow’s Foot notation and Chen's notation professionally designed and offered by ERD Chen's Notation and ERD Crow’s Foot Notation libraries.

Software Diagram Templates

Use Software Diagram Templates from the solutions of Software Development area for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM to create your own professional looking Software Diagrams in minutes. The Software Diagrams designed with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM are vector graphic documents and are available for reviewing, modifying, converting to a variety of formats (image, HTML, PDF file, MS PowerPoint Presentation, Adobe Flash or MS Visio XML), printing and send via e-mail in one moment.

Entity Relationship Diagram Examples

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software offers the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) Solution from the Software Development Area for ConceptDraw Solution Park. How many examples contains the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) Solution! All Entity Relationship Diagram examples were designed and saved for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM users. Now they are available from ConceptDraw STORE.

Business Process Mapping — How to Map a Work Process

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a world-class diagramming platform that lets you display, communicate, and present dynamically. It′s powerful enough to draw everything from basic flowcharts to complex engineering schematics. Video tutorials on ConceptDraw products. Try it today!

E-R Diagrams

Complexity of databases increases day by day, due to this the Entity relationship models and E-R diagrams become more and more popular, and now are an important part of database design. E-R diagrams created at ConceptDraw DIAGRAM allow visually and graphically represent structure and design of databases.

Export from ConceptDraw MINDMAP to PDF (Adobe Acrobat®) File

The export options in ConceptDraw MINDMAP allow mind maps to be exported in various graphical formats such as images, webpages, or PDF files. They can also be exported into Microsoft Office applications or into different mindmapping programs.

Taxi Service Data Flow Diagram DFD Example

This sample shows the Data Flow Diagram of the Taxi Service and interactions between the Clients, Operators and Divers, as well as Orders and Reports databases.

Database Flowchart Symbols

Data base diagrams describes inter-related data and tables. It describes roles and relationships, internal and external dependencies, data exchange conventions and structures of knowledge domain. ConceptDraw Software provides number of data-base chart libraries including major 49 vector symbols. Use these DFD flowchart symbol libraries to design data-base structure and models, use it to design data base process-oriented models, or simple data-oriented models. The are special drawing tools for making data flowcharts, data process diagrams, structured analysis diagrams, and information flow diagrams.

Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM

Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) is applied for detailed description of structures and high-level (conceptual) design databases using the Chen's and Crow's Foot notations. An ERD represents a diagram constructed mainly of rectangular blocks (for entities, data) linked with relationships. The links between the blocks are used to describe relations between the entities. There are three types of relationships: one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many. Use the specialized ERD software - ConceptDraw DIAGRAM to create the Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) of any degree of complexity with Chen's and Crow's Foot notations. Draw them easily applying the powerful built-in tools and libraries of predesigned ERD vector objects from Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. You can also start with one of ready template or sample included to this solution. Designing the ERDs in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM you can easy move the objects within a diagram with saving the relationships between them.
How to Build an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
How to Build an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Entity Relationship Diagram Symbols

The semantic modeling method nowadays is successfully applied in database structure design. It is effective method of modeling the data structures, which is based on the meaning of these data. As a tool of semantic modeling, there are used different types of Entity-Relationship Diagrams. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is applied to visually and clearly represent a structure of a business database. The main components of ERDs are: entity, relation and attributes. An entity is a class of similar objects in the model, each entity is depicted in the form of rectangle and has the name expressed by a noun. Relation is shown in the form of non-directional line that connects two entities. There are several notation styles used for ERDs: information engineering style, Chen style, Bachman style, Martin Style. The Entity Relationship Diagram symbols used for professional ERD drawing are predesigned by professionals and collected in the libraries of the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software.

Design Element: Chen for Entity Relationship Diagram - ERD

Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) were developed and introduced as a convenient and visual tool for the data modeling, they are the perfect way for easy determining data and also relationships between them. The first standard notation for ERD was proposed by Chen. Chen's notation is very rich on the data modeling tools and standard notation symbols and elements for drawing easy understandable Entity-relationship diagrams, Attribute diagrams, Decomposition charts, which are especially popular for designing relational databases. The entity is the main term, it is a set of instances abstract or real objects with common characteristics or attributes. Any system's object is represented by one uniquely identified entity, relationships describe the links between the entities. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software, which includes the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution, offers all needed tools for professional drawing ER diagrams. Specially developed vector ERD design elements according to Chen and Crow's Foot notations are indispensible for professional ERDs design.

Data Flow Diagrams

The information system manages the flow of data introduced into the system. To graphically represent and document the flow of data through some information system is used a Data Flow Diagram (DFD). DFD is a way to visualize the flow of data or data processing, to clearly demonstrate what type of data or information is transferred, where they come from and where are sent. It lets to create an overview of the system, to depict the major steps, and effectively model the processes. DFDs are helpful for analyzing and modifying the business systems. Traditionally are used two notations for DFDs creation - Yourdon-Coad and Gane-Sarson. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software offers a special Data Flow Diagrams solution from Software Development area, which enables to quickly and simply create professional Data Flow Diagrams including the data storage, data flows, external entities, functional transforms, control transforms and signals. Use the offered templates, samples and extensive range of libraries to design your own Data Flow Diagrams in minutes.

Tools and Software to Improve Your Workflow

The first step to improve your workflow is to draw it down. When the workflow is visualised you are able to analyse it, to find excess or missing steps or relations. Changing the workflow on paper you can pass as many iterations as needed to get the optimal process, and then start implementing changes to the real process. The best software helps you with workflow is ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software extended with the Workflow Diagram solution. It contains all tools, features, samples and templates you may need during drawing workflow, analysis, and then presenting and implementing your results.

Transportation Infographics

ConceptDraw is a visualization Software for making transportation infographics. Infographics design vector elements and vector graphics which will surely help you in your design process.

Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method. SSADM with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM

Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (abbr. SSADM) is a method developed in Great Britain and accepted in 1993 as a national standard for information systems development and analysis. SSADM is based on Data Flow Diagrams and is characterized with presence of clear sequence of steps at projecting, analysis, and documenting of information system. It involves 6 main stages: analysis of existing system or estimation of practicability, requirements definition, determination of technical requirements and equipment cost, development of logical data model, projecting of logical requirements and specification them, physical projecting. Each of them is also divided into several steps defining the tasks that should be fulfilled at a given stage. The most important SSADM elements are flows modeling with help of DFD, data logic modeling with help of LDS (Logical Data Structure) and description of entities behavior. Applying of SSADM is easy with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software and Data Flow Diagram solution.

Flowchart Marketing Process. Flowchart Examples

This sample shows the Flowchart that displays the layout and work flow of the cloud marketing platform. This diagram has a style of the marketing brochure. This style displays the central product that is related to the other issues. Using the ready-to-use predesigned objects, samples and templates from the Flowcharts Solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM you can create your own professional looking Flowchart Diagrams quick and easy.

What is a Systems Engineering?
Examples of Systems Engineering Diagrams

Systems engineering is an interdisciplinary field of engineering that focuses on how to design and manage complex engineering systems over their life cycles. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM supplied with SysML Solution from the Software Development Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is a powerful and effective systems engineering software.