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Process Flowchart

ConceptDraw is Professional business process mapping software for making process flow diagram, workflow diagram, general flowcharts and technical illustrations for business documents. It is includes rich examples, templates, process flowchart symbols. ConceptDraw flowchart maker allows you to easier create a process flowchart. Use a variety of drawing tools, smart connectors, flowchart symbols and shape libraries to create flowcharts of complex processes, process flow diagrams, procedures and information exchange.
How To Create a Process Flow Chart (business process modelling techniques)
How To Create a Process Flow Chart (business process modelling techniques)
"A swim lane (or swimlane) is a visual element used in process flow diagrams, or flowcharts, that visually distinguishes responsibilities for sub-processes of a business process. Swim lanes may be arranged either horizontally or vertically. In the accompanying example, the swimlanes are named Customer, Sales, Contracts, Legal, and Fulfillment, and are arranged vertically. ...
When used to diagram a business process that involves more than one department, swimlanes often serve to clarify not only the steps and who is responsible for each one, but also how delays, mistakes or cheating are most likely to occur.
Many process modeling methodologies utilize the concept of swimlanes, as a mechanism to organize activities into separate visual categories in order to illustrate different functional capabilities or responsibilities (organisational roles). Swimlanes are used in Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) and Unified Modeling Language activity diagram modeling methodologies." [Swim lane. Wikipedia]
The template "Business process swim lane diagram BPMN 1.2" for the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software is included in the Business Process Diagram solution from the Business Processes area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Swim lane diagram BPMN 1.2 template
Swim lane diagram BPMN 1.2 template, task, start, horizontal lane, lane, end,

Diagramming Software for Design Business Process Diagrams

Swimlanes are a visual mechanism of organizing and categorizing activities, in BPMN consist of two types: Pool, Lane. Use ConceptDraw Swimlanes library with 20 objects from BPMN.

Types of Flowcharts

A Flowchart is a graphically representation of the process, algorithm or the step-by-step solution of the problem. There are ten types of Flowcharts. Using the Flowcharts solution from the Diagrams area of ConceptDraw Solution Park you can easy and quickly design the Flowchart of any of these types.
How to Simplify Flow Charting
How to Simplify Flow Charting

ORM Diagram

The vector stencils library ORM Diagrams from the solution Software Development contains specific ORM symbols for ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software. The Software Development solution is contained in the ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Swim Lane Flowchart Symbols

Use the set of special professionally developed swim lane flowchart symbols - single, multiple, vertical and horizontal lanes from the Swimlanes and Swimlanes BPMN 1.2 libraries from the Business Process Diagram solution, the Swim Lanes library from the Business Process Mapping solution as the perfect basis for your Swim Lane Flowcharts of processes, algorithms and procedures.

Business Process Elements: Swimlanes

ConceptDraw has 142 vector stencils in the 8 libraries that helps you to start using software for designing own Business Process Diagrams. Use Swimlanes library with 20 objects from BPMN.
The vector stencils library "Swimlanes" contains 20 swimlane shapes for drawing business process diagrams (BPMN 2.0) using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software.
"Swim lanes are a visual mechanism of organising and categorising activities, based on cross functional flowcharting, and in BPMN consist of two types: (1) Pool. Represents major participants in a process, typically separating different organisations. A pool contains one or more lanes (like a real swimming pool). A pool can be open (i.e., showing internal detail) when it is depicted as a large rectangle showing one or more lanes, or collapsed (i.e., hiding internal detail) when it is depicted as an empty rectangle stretching the width or height of the diagram. (2) Lane. Used to organise and categorise activities within a pool according to function or role, and depicted as a rectangle stretching the width or height of the pool. A lane contains the flow objects, connecting objects and artifacts." [Business Process Model and Notation. Wikipedia]
The example "Design elements - Swimlanes BPMN 2.0" is included in the Business Process Diagram solution from the Business Processes area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
BPMN 2.0 swimlanes
BPMN 2.0 swimlanes, two lanes, horizontal pool, non-initiating message flow with decorator, multiple horizontal lanes, horizontal lanes, lanes, initiating message flow with decorator, horizontal pool, pool, multiple lanes, horizontal pool, pool, MI participant, horizontal pool, pool, horizontal lane, lane, collapsed horizontal pool, horizontal pool, pool, MI participant, collapsed horizontal pool, horizontal pool, pool,

How to Make Soccer Position Diagram Using ConceptDraw PRO

The soccer field has the form of a large rectangle, covered with grass. Dimensions of soccer fields may vary slightly, depending on the level of the game, but all fields have some common characteristics. Soccer players may take different positions. Each soccer position has its own name, and implies certain player functions. Every soccer position has a very specific name and task: Goalkeeper, Defenders, Midfielders and Forwards. During preparation for the game coach met a challenge: how to explain each player's position and his role in the game. The difficulty is the fact that in the course of the game players will often move on the field and do not stay in one place. Football field diagram with dimensions and marking, and positions - it is an important tool for the coach. ConceptDraw PRO helps both coach and players to understand exactly their roles during the particular game. The ability to create Soccer diagrams is contained in the ConceptDraw Soccer solution. The solution provides
"A swim lane (or swimlane) is a visual element used in process flow diagrams, or flowcharts, that visually distinguishes responsibilities for sub-processes of a business process. Swim lanes may be arranged either horizontally or vertically. In the accompanying example, the swimlanes are named Customer, Sales, Contracts, Legal, and Fulfillment, and are arranged vertically. ...
When used to diagram a business process that involves more than one department, swimlanes often serve to clarify not only the steps and who is responsible for each one, but also how delays, mistakes or cheating are most likely to occur.
Many process modeling methodologies utilize the concept of swimlanes, as a mechanism to organize activities into separate visual categories in order to illustrate different functional capabilities or responsibilities (organisational roles). Swimlanes are used in Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) and Unified Modeling Language activity diagram modeling methodologies." [Swim lane. Wikipedia]
The template "UML activity diagram (swimlanes)" for the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software is included in the Rapid UML solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. solution-park/ software-uml
UML activity diagram (swimlanes)
UML activity diagram (swimlanes),  UML activity diagram symbols, swimlanes, note, merge, initial, final, decision, action

Flow chart Example. Warehouse Flowchart

Warehouse Flowcharts are different diagrams describing wharehousing and inventory menagement processes. Typical purposes of warehouse flowcharts are evaluating warehouse performance and organizational performance, measuring efficiency of customer service. This type of workflow diagrams can be used for identifying any disconnection between business activities and business objectives.
Standard warehousing process flow diagram and standard workflow diagram used for process identification for further evaluating effectiveness and profitability of overall business process. Use the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Flowcharts solution from the Diagrams area of ConceptDraw Solution Park to design your own workflow diagrams, process flow diagram and flow charts. Need to use Process Flow Diagram for designing Warehouse packages flow.
ConceptDraw Arrows10 Technology
ConceptDraw Arrows10 Technology

How To Create an Involvement Matrix

The Involvement Matrix can identify the distribution of responsibilities and identify roles in a group or team. This matrix can be used company wide. The Involvement Matrix identifies participants who are involved in corrective actions. The Involvement Matrix is constructed for all highly prioritized corrective actions. It uses symbols to assign who participates, performs, consults, should be informed, checks the work, and accepts the results. Using visual diagrams keeps ideas clear and is very effective when discussing the problem and a description of the solution. They are great at helping to quickly see what stage of the problem-solving effort is currently underway.It defines the participants and their roles. The matrix displays all of the parties involved, defines their level of involvement, and the nature of their participation. The ability to create an Involvement Matrix is supported by the ConceptDraw Seven Management and Planning Tools solution.

Cause and Effect Analysis

Cause and Effect Analysis - The Seven Management and Planning Tools is a tool for Cause and Effect Analysis that allows users to analyze the root causes for factors that influenced the problem. This diagram is constructed separately for each highly prioritized factor. The Diagram is then used for further formulation of potential actions.
7MP Tools
7MP Tools

Diagramming Software for Design UML Communication Diagrams

UML Communication Diagram depicts the interactions between objects or parts in terms of sequenced messages and describes both the static structure and dynamic behavior of a system.