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physics symbols, physics diagrams Physics

physics symbols, physics diagrams
Physics solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with templates, samples and libraries of vector stencils for drawing the physical illustrations, diagrams and charts.

How to Draw Physics Diagrams in ConceptDraw PRO

Physics charts can be helpful when you learn Physics, perform experiments, or solve any other tasks regarding Physics. ConceptDraw PRO allows you to draw physical diagrams of mechanical, nuclear, optical and electrical processes using the set of vector physics symbols and physics diagram templates. Nothing is more helpful in the study of physics as a visual representation of the physical processes: physics schemes, diagrams and illustrations.
"In physics, the Eightfold Way is a term coined by American physicist Murray Gell-Mann for a theory organizing subatomic baryons and mesons into octets (alluding to the Noble Eightfold Path of Buddhism). The theory was independently proposed by Israeli physicist Yuval Ne'eman and led to the subsequent development of the quark model. ...
The Eightfold Way may be understood in modern terms as a consequence of flavor symmetries between various kinds of quarks. Since the strong nuclear force affects quarks the same way regardless of their flavor, replacing one flavor of quark with another in a hadron should not alter its mass very much. Mathematically, this replacement may be described by elements of the SU(3) group. The octets and other arrangements are representations of this group." [Eightfold Way (physics). Wikipedia]
The physical diagram "The Eightfold Way" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Physics solution from the Science and Education area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Baryon octet (left) and meson octet (right) diagrams
Baryon octet (left) and meson octet (right) diagrams, proton, nucleon, neutron, nucleon, Xi-null-hyperon, Xi-minus-hyperon, Sigma-plus-hyperon, Sigma-null-hyperon, Pi-plus meson, pion, Pi-null meson, pion, Pi-minus meson, pion, Lambda-hyperon, K-plus meson, kaon, K-null meson, kaon, K-minus meson, kaon, Eta-meson, Anti-Sigma-minus-hyperon, Anti-K-null meson, antikaon,