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How to Draw a Line Chart Quickly

A common line chart is a graphical representation of the functional relationship between two series of data. A line chart that is created by connecting a series of data points together with a straight line is the most basic type of a line chart. A line chart can be used for depicting data that changes continuously over time. It is extensively utilized in statistics, marketing and financial business. ConceptDraw Line Graph solution provides the possibility to make 2D line charts quickly and effortlessly.

IDEF3 Standard

Use Case Diagrams technology. IDEF3 Standard is intended for description and further analysis of technological processes of an enterprise. Using IDEF3 standard it is possible to examine and model scenarios of technological processes.

How to Connect Objects in ConceptDraw PRO on PC

ConceptDraw PRO provides a few options for drawing connections between objects: Direct Connectors,
Smart, Arc, Bezier, Curve and Round Connectors. You can connect objects in your ConceptDraw diagram with proper connectors using the embedded automatic connection modes. This article describes how you can connect objects with connectors and how you can ascribe different types and behaviors.
Arrow 10 Technology
Arrow 10 Technology