How to Diagram Sentences
Diagramming sentences is a playful, fun way to learning English Grammer. Sentences can be very complex, and can contain many different parts of speech which implicate many different grammatical rules. Diagramming sentences will help you to make sure every parts of your sentence are grammatically correct, and provides you with more comprehensive understanding of the English Language. A Sentence Diagram displays the parts of a sentence as a diagram in order to show the relationship of words and groups of words within the sentence. Sentence Diagram shows the relationship between the proposal of its parts. This is a good way to teach grammar! Sentence Diagram helps to make the writing more coherent as well as more interesting to read. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM allows you to create clear sentence diagrams using the special templates and vector stencils library.Data Flow Diagram
Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is the part of the Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM), which is intended for information systems projection and analysis. Data Flow Diagrams allow graphically represent the data flows in information system and analyze the data processing during the structural projection. This type of diagrams lets visually show a work of information system and results of this work, it is often used in connection with human processes and can be displayed as Workflow diagram. Data Flow Diagram visualizes processes and functions, external entities, data depositories, and data flows connecting these elements and indicating direction and data character. Each of these elements used for DFD has its own graphical notation. There are two notations to draw DFDs - Yourdon & Coad and Gane & Sarson. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM extended with Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) solution from Software Developmant area is ideal for designing professional looking DFDs, which can be then easily exported in various formats.Electrical Drawing Software and Electrical Symbols
Any electrical device could not be created without electrical diagram, wiring also cannot be laid without pre-designed and approved scheme or plan. Electrical drawing is a type of technical drawing that depicts scheme of some electrical device and includes the information about power, lighting, etc. Electrical plan designed for architectural or engineering project visually displays location of electrical devices and connections. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is ideal electrical software for construction professional-looking Electrical Circuits, Electrical Schematics, Electrical Layouts, Electrical Wiring, Automotive Wiring, Cabling Layout Diagrams, Circuits and Logic Schematics, Logic Gate Diagrams, Digital Circuits, Parallel Circuits, Blue Prints with help of 926 standard electrical symbols offered by 26 libraries of Electrical Engineering solution from the Engineering area for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM. It makes drawing Electrical diagrams very easy even for beginners, and also extends your work with various export methods.Components of ER Diagram
Entity-Relationship model gives the possibility to visually describe a database using the components of ER Diagram, entity relationship stencils, relationship symbols, work flow shapes. ER-diagram lets represent the data or entities, attributes of these entities and relationships between them, using standardized Crow’s Foot notation icons or Chen’s notation icons. An entity is an object of the real world, it can exist independently and has the instances which differ in attribute values (properties). The attributes give an unambiguous (uniquely) identification for the instance and are called the primary key, this key can be composite and combine several attributes. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a professional software available with Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution from Software Development area that lets create ERDs for various database systems, using Crow’s Foot and Chen’s notations. It is invaluable tool for software engineers and developers, it supports ODBC-compatible databases (Oracle, MySQL, MS Access, MS SQL, InterBase, Firebird and others).
This solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with samples, template and libraries of vector stencils for drawing the Chemistry Illustrations for science and education.
Language Learning
Language Learning solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with templates, samples and library of vector stencils for drawing the sentence diagrams.
Electrical Symbols, Electrical Diagram Symbols
When drawing Electrical Schematics, Electrical Circuit Diagrams, Power Systems Diagrams, Circuit and Wiring Diagrams, Digital and Analog Logic Schemes, you will obligatory need the electrical symbols and pictograms to represent various electrical and electronic devices, such as resistors, wires, transistors, inductors, batteries, switches, lamps, readouts, amplifiers, repeaters, relays, transmission paths, semiconductors, generators, and many more. Today these symbols are internationally standardized, so the diagrams designed using them are recognizable and comprehensible by specialists from different countries. Electrical Engineering Solution included to ConceptDraw Solution Park provides 26 libraries with 926 commonly used electrical schematic and electrical engineering symbols making the reality the easy drawing of Electrical diagrams, schematics and blueprints. Now you need only a few minutes to create great-looking Electrical diagram, simply choose required electrical design elements from the libraries, drag them on the needed places at the document and connect in a suitable way.Flowchart Components
The ConceptDraw Flowchart component includes a set of samples and templates. This geathered as flowchart maker toolbox which focused on drawing flowcharts of any industry standards.Chemistry Equation Symbols
If you are related with chemistry in you work or education activity, you need often draw various illustrations with chemistry equations. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software offers you the Chemistry solution from the Science and Education area. Chemistry solution provides the Chemical Drawings Library with large quantity of vector chemistry equation symbols to help you create professional looking chemistry diagrams quick and easy.Business Process Modeling Notation
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a software for simplу depicting the business processes based on BPMN 2.0. Business Process Diagrams Cross-Functional-Flowcharts, Workflows, Process Charts, IDEF0 and IDEF2, Timeline, Calendars, Gantt Charts, Business Process Modeling, Audit and Opportunity Flowcharts and Mind Maps (presentations, meeting agendas).- How To Draw A Compound Bar Graph And A Histogram
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