Local area network (LAN). Computer and Network Examples
Local Area Network (LAN) is a network which consists of computers and peripheral devices connected each other and to the local domain server, and covers a little territory or small number of buildings, such as home, school, laboratory, office, etc. LAN serves for few hundreds of users. It includes many cables and wires, and demands to design previously a Network diagram. All local area network devices can use the shared printers and disk storage. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a perfect network diagramming software with examples of LAN Diagrams, templates and predesigned vector objects. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is the ideal choice for network engineers and network designers who need to draw fast and easy Local Area Network Diagrams, for IT specialists, developers and other IT professionals which need to visualize the communication schemes of LAN and visually document the LAN's physical structure and arrangement in houses, offices and other buildings. Ready-to-use vector objects from Computer Network Diagrams solution will help you design LAN diagrams in minutes.
Network Layout Floor Plans
Network Layout Floor Plans solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software functionality with powerful tools for quick and efficient documentation the network equipment and displaying its location on the professionally designed Network Layout Floor Plans. Never before creation of Network Layout Floor Plans, Network Communication Plans, Network Topologies Plans and Network Topology Maps was not so easy, convenient and fast as with predesigned templates, samples, examples and comprehensive set of vector design elements included to the Network Layout Floor Plans solution. All listed types of plans will be a good support for the future correct cabling and installation of network equipment.
Network Diagram Software. LAN Network Diagrams. Physical Office Network Diagrams
Physical LAN Diagrams illustrate the communication schemes of Local Area Networks, the physical network connection of computers and networks arrangement on the small areas - at homes, offices, and other buildings. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a perfect network diagramming software with samples and examples of WAN and LAN Diagrams, templates and collection of network components libraries. Computer Network Diagrams Solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM Mac and Windows is ideal for IT professionals, network engineers and network designers who need to visualize network architecture, to document LANs physical structure and arrangement, to draw Local Area Network (LAN) diagrams and schematics, WAN diagrams, physical office network diagrams and topologies, wiring drawings, etc. You can design all them easy using the predesigned vector objects of computers and computer network devices, hardware devices, peripheral devices, external digital devices, internet and logical symbols, and many other stencils from the Computer Network Diagrams libraries. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM offers a powerful and easy-to-use solution for those who looking for a Visio alternative for Mac. It is a world-class diagramming platform with dynamic presentation power.
Star Network Topology
Star is a basic computer network topology in which all nodes (computers and peripheral devices) of the network are connected to the central hub or switch with a point-to-point connection, forming a physical network segment. Such network segment can function separately or as a part of complex network topology. The switch is a server, the peripherals are the clients. The large workload and functions of network management are entrusted on the central computer, all information exchange goes through it, so it must to be obligatory the most powerful. The star network topology is a simple topology for design and implementation. Its advantages are high performance, flexible administration capabilities, simplicity of adding additional nodes and search of faults, the fact that a failure of one workstation doesn't affect the work of entire network. But the failure of central hub will result the failure of whole network or network segment - it's the main disadvantage. Use the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM with Computer and Networks solution to designing Star Network Topology Diagrams fast and easy.
IDEF4 Standard
Use Case Diagrams technology. IDEF4 standard implies not only graphical presentation but the additional information about diagrams of heredity, methods systematization and types which are contained in specifications.Chemistry Drawings
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Chemistry solution from the Science and Education area is a powerful chemistry drawing software that is ideal for quick and easy designing of various: chemistry drawings, scientific and educational chemistry illustrations, schemes and diagrams of chemical and biological lab set-ups, images with chemical formulas, molecular structures, chemical reaction schemes, schemes of labware, that can be then successfully used in the field of science and education, on various conferences, and so on.Chemistry Drawing Software
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM extended with Chemistry solution from the Science and Education area is a powerful chemistry drawing software that provides the useful tools to help you design all kinds of chemistry drawings and illustrations, chemical schemes and diagrams of formulas, reaction schemes and lab set-ups of any complexity.How to Draw Pictorial Chart. How to Use Infograms
How to draw pictorial chart quick, easy and effective? ConceptDraw DIAGRAM offers the unique Pictorial Infographics Solution that will help you! Pictorial Infographics solution contains large number of libraries with variety of predesigned vector pictograms that allows you design infographics in minutes. There are available 10 libraries with 197 vector pictograms.Basketball Court Diagram and Basketball Positions
The illustration of possible situations during the basketball matches, presentation of basketball positions and the best tactics, explanation of rules and training to successful game, become much more easier and time saving with visual illustrations and drawings. Creation of several illustrations and comparing them lets effectively show the differences and advantages in positions of players. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software extended with Basketball solution from Sport area of ConceptDraw Solution Park provides the shapes' libraries with different kinds of basketball courts and basketball positions, templates and samples, which will render great help for basketball specialists and fans in drawing professional-looking and illustrative basketball-related diagrams and schematics of any complexity in a few minutes. Extensive export capabilities of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM to varied graphical formats open before you wide field for activities and possibility to easy communicate with large quantity of people, which have different software installed on their devices.Network Icon
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Computer Network Diagrams Solution from the Computer and Networks Area offers a set of useful tools, collection of templates, samples, and libraries of various computer symbols, computer devices icons, computer network icon for fast and easy drawing network computer diagrams and illustrations.Design Element: IVR for Network Diagrams
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is perfect for software designers and software developers who need to draw IVR Network Diagrams.
Personal area (PAN) networks. Computer and Network Examples
Personal area network (PAN) is a network organized on a limited area and used for data transmission between various personal devices, such as computers, tablets, laptops, telephones, different digital and mobile devices, etc. and also for connecting to higher level network and Internet. PAN is used to manage the interconnections of IT devices which surround a single user and generally contains such appliances, as cordless mice, keyboard, phone, and Bluetooth handsets. PANs can be wired with computer buses, or wirelessly connected to the Internet using such network technologies as Bluetooth, Z-Wave, ZigBee, IrDa, UWB, Body Area Network. PANs have a lot of pros and cons, they are expedient, lucrative and handy, but sometimes have bad connection with other networks on the same radio bands, Bluetooth has distance limits and slow data transfer speed, but is comparatively safe. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software supplied with numerous solutions of Computer and Networks Area included to ConceptDraw Solution Park perfectly suits for designing the Personal Area Networks.
How To use Switches in Network Diagram
Special libraries of highly detailed, accurate shapes and computer graphics, servers, hubs, switches, printers, mainframes, face plates, routers etc.
Examples of Flowcharts, Org Charts and More
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM covers a broad spectrum of business graphics categories and offers at ConceptDraw STORE enormous online collection of pictorial examples and samples for different thematics and application areas. It is a plentiful source of inspiration and wonderful examples of professionally designed diagrams, flowcharts, UML diagrams, organizational charts, databases, ERDs, network diagrams, business charts, different thematic charts, schematics, infographics and plans developed specially for knowledge workers, engineers, managers, businessmen, marketing specialists, analytics, scientists, students, professors, journalists and also for a large number of other people that every day use various diagrams and drawings in their work and life activity. Each of these examples is a real art, all they are well thought-out and designed without efforts with help of powerful tools of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software. ConceptDraw examples display all variety of tasks, possibilities and results that ConceptDraw Product Line lets achieve fast and easy. ConceptDraw is one of the best Visio alternatives for Mac. It open all Visio formats like.vsdx,.vss,.vdx files and allows you to export files to Visio formats.
Computers and Communications
Computers and communications solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with illustration samples, templates and vector stencils libraries with clip art of computers, control devices, communications, technology, Apple machines.
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