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Computer Network Architecture. Computer and Network Examples

The network architecture and design specialization will help you gain the technical leadership skills you need to design and implement high-quality networks that support business needs.

How to Remove ConceptDraw Products from Mac and PC

CS Odessa provides registered users a 21 day trial period at no charge. A Trial License can be used to run a fully functional version of ConceptDraw products for 21 days. Trial mode functions exactly as a fully licensed copy of the product does. After your trial has expired and you have not yet purchased a license, the product reverts to Demo mode. The following article contains the instruction for those trial users who want to remove ConceptDraw products after the trial period is over.

How to Draw a Mind Map on PC Using ConceptDraw MINDMAP

Mind maps are useful forcapturing ideas, organizing and structuring information in a visual form, that is easier to understand, and easier to explain to others. Mind map consists of a general Main Idea surrounded by other related topics and subtopics, which are displayed in a radial hierarchical structure. Read this step-by-step guide on how to create a mind map using ConceptDraw MINDMAP for Windows.

How to Install ConceptDraw on a Second Computer

ConceptDraw products use a cloud-based license model. This means that your license will be automatically added to your account and saved there permanently. Concepdraw licensing agreement allows you to install ConceptDraw software on a second computer. It doesn’t matter if you have two PCs, two Macs; or a Mac and a PC, as long as you are the only user of the ConceptDraw product you can install it wherever it’s needed. Thus you don’t have to worry about losing your license if your computer crashes or you want to install on a second system. When running offline, the ConceptDraw applications will run in the mode featured for the license type, assigned to your account.

How to Use ConceptDraw Single User License

With ConceptDraw products it is possible to reassign a licenses

Network Drawing Software

ConceptDraw Network Drawing Software - Network design software for network drawings with abundant examples and templates. Create computer network designs, diagrams and schematics using ConceptDraw.

How to Connect Objects in ConceptDraw PRO on PC

ConceptDraw PRO provides a few options for drawing connections between objects: Direct Connectors, Smart, Arc, Bezier, Curve and Round Connectors. You can connect objects in your ConceptDraw diagram with proper connectors using the embedded automatic connection modes. This article describes how you can connect objects with connectors and how you can ascribe different types and behaviors.
Arrow 10 Technology
Arrow 10 Technology