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"Southern Cone (Spanish: Cono Sur, Portuguese: Cone Sul) is a geographic region composed of the southernmost areas of South America, south of and around the Tropic of Capricorn. Traditionally, it covers Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, bounded on the west by the Pacific Ocean, and south to the junction between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, which is the closest continental area of Antarctica (1000 km). In terms of social and political geography, the Southern Cone comprises Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Southern Brazil and the Brazilian state of São Paulo.
High life expectancy, the highest Human Development Index of Latin America, high standard of living, significant participation in the global markets and the emerging economy of its members make the Southern Cone the most prosperous macro-region in South America." [Southern Cone. Wikipedia]
This political map sample was redesigned from the Wikimedia Commons file: Map of South America (Cono sud).png. [ wiki/ File:Map_ of_ South_ America_ (Cono_ sud).png]
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. [ licenses/ by-sa/ 3.0/ deed.en]
The example "Southern Cone - Political map" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Continent Maps solution from the Maps area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Political map - Southern Cone
Political map - Southern Cone, South America, South America map,
Used Solutions
"The Andean States are a group of nations in South America that are defined by sharing a common geography (Andes mountain range) or culture such as the Quechua language and Andean cuisine which was primarily spread during the times of the Inca Empire, but also before and after it.
Politically speaking, Argentina and Chile are usually not considered part of the Andean States as they lack a strong native Andean heritage and are culturally more oriented towards Europe and they are not a members of the Andean Community of Nations (which Venezuela is in the process of leaving).
The Andes occupy the western part of South America, stretching through the following countries: Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina (not considered to be -geopolitically- an Andean State), Chile (not considered to be -geopolitically- an Andean State)." [Andean states. Wikipedia]
"Southern Cone (Spanish: Cono Sur, Portuguese: Cone Sul) is a geographic region composed of the southernmost areas of South America, south of and around the Tropic of Capricorn. Traditionally, it covers Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, bounded on the west by the Pacific Ocean, and south to the junction between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, which is the closest continental area of Antarctica (1000 km). In terms of social and political geography, the Southern Cone comprises Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Southern Brazil and the Brazilian state of São Paulo.
High life expectancy, the highest Human Development Index of Latin America, high standard of living, significant participation in the global markets and the emerging economy of its members make the Southern Cone the most prosperous macro-region in South America." [Southern Cone. Wikipedia]
Eastern South America (Brazil). "Brazil Listeni/ brəˈzɪl/ (Portuguese: Brasil, IPA: [bɾaˈziw]), officially the Federative Republic of Brazil (Portuguese: República Federativa do Brasil, About this sound listen (help·info)), is the largest country in both South America and the Latin American region. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population. It is the largest Portuguese-speaking country in the world, and the only one in the Americas. Bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east, Brazil has a coastline of 7,491 km (4,655 mi). It is bordered on the north by Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and the French overseas region of French Guiana; on the northwest by Colombia; on the west by Bolivia and Peru; on the southwest by Argentina and Paraguay and on the south by Uruguay. Numerous archipelagos form part of Brazilian territory, such as Fernando de Noronha, Rocas Atoll, Saint Peter and Paul Rocks, and Trindade and Martim Vaz. It borders all other South American countries except Ecuador and Chile and occupies 47 percent of the continent of South America." [Brazil. Wikipedia]
"The Guianas, sometimes called by the Spanish loan-word Guayanas (Las Guayanas) refers to a region in north-eastern South America which includes the following three territories:
(1) French Guiana, an overseas department of France,
(2) Guyana, known as British Guiana from 1831 until 1966, after the colonies of Berbice, Essequibo, and Demerara, taken from the Netherlands in 1814, were merged into a single colony,
(3) Suriname, until 1814 a part of Dutch Guiana, together with Berbice, Essequibo and Demerara." [The Guianas. Wikipedia]
This political map sample was redesigned from the Wikimedia Commons file: South America Color-coded Regions.png. [ wiki/ File:South_ America_ Color-coded_ Regions.png]
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. [ licenses/ by-sa/ 3.0/ deed.en]
The example "South America regions - Political map" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Continent Maps solution from the Maps area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Political map - South America regions
Political map - South America regions, South America, South America map,
Used Solutions

UML diagram, UML modeling Rapid UML

UML diagram, UML modeling
Rapid UML solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with templates, samples and libraries of vector stencils for quick drawing the UML diagrams using Rapid Draw technology.
The vector stencils library "Solid geometry" contains 15 shapes of solid geometric figures.
"In mathematics, solid geometry was the traditional name for the geometry of three-dimensional Euclidean space - for practical purposes the kind of space we live in. It was developed following the development of plane geometry. Stereometry deals with the measurements of volumes of various solid figures including cylinder, circular cone, truncated cone, sphere, and prisms.
The Pythagoreans had dealt with the regular solids, but the pyramid, prism, cone and cylinder were not studied until the Platonists. Eudoxus established their measurement, proving the pyramid and cone to have one-third the volume of a prism and cylinder on the same base and of the same height, and was probably the discoverer of a proof that the volume of a sphere is proportional to the cube of its radius." [Solid geometry. Wikipedia]
The shapes example "Design elements - Solid geometry" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Mathematics solution from the Science and Education area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Solid geometrical figures
Solid geometrical figures, tetrahedron, pyramid with flat top, pyramid, pentagonal pyramid with flat top, pentagonal cone, octahedron, irregular polyhedron, icosahedron, half sphere, dodecahedron, cuboid, rectangular cuboid, right cuboid, rectangular box, rectangular hexahedron, right rectangular prism, rectangular parallelepiped, cube, cone with flat top, cone,

continent map, maps of continents,map of continents, continents map, 7 continents map, continents and oceans map, world continents map Continent Maps

continent map, maps of continents,map of continents, continents map, 7 continents map, continents and oceans map, world continents map
Continent Maps solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with templates, samples and libraries of vector stencils for drawing the thematic maps of continents, state maps of USA and Australia.

hierarchy pyramid Pyramid Diagrams

hierarchy pyramid
Pyramid Diagrams solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with templates, samples and library of vector stencils for drawing the marketing pyramid diagrams.