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Campus Area Networks (CAN). Computer and Network Examples

A campus network provides wireless access to the Internet or LAN to users located in two or more buildings or in the open space surrounding those buildings. A campus network is usually set in the campus of a university, but the same kind of planning and design can be applied for other purposes. For example, the campus network can used for an office or industrial park, in a public place like a supermarket with an entertainment center, even on a farm. Another form of temporary campus network can exist during special events such as music festivals or rallies.
The elementary campus networks arise spontaneously: the radio signals from the access points, which provide network inside the building are not limited to its walls, so any user in the backyard can also get wireless network access. The larger and more complex campus network may have additional access points in places specially chosen for serving clients, i.e., on the lawn in front of the college or in a coffee shop around the corner.

Examples of Flowcharts, Org Charts and More

ConceptDraw examples covers a broad spectrum of business graphics categories. We separated all the graphic documents on application areas and had produced multiple solutions for each of them. ConceptDraw provides a wide variety of examples such as flowcharts, organizational charts, business charts, UML diagrams, database and ERD, directional map, network diagrams and lots more. Each solution accommodates 10+ examples that shows specific application cases of a diagram. ConceptDraw STORE is an application for downloading solutions with examples, templates and stencil libraries. Please choose any examples you are interested in, alternatively download them for free; you will need to install ConceptDraw to view them. As you will see, ConceptDraw is very powerful, you can use more than 10000 symbols, examples, and many pre-drawn templates, to create your own spectacular flowcharts, business diagrams, network diagrams and lots more, effortlessly, and in no time at all.
What is ConceptDraw OFFICE
What is ConceptDraw OFFICE

Types of Flowchart - Overview

When designing a process or an instruction in clear way, you should consider creating a flowchart. A Process Flow Diagram is the method. You can avoid wasting a lot of time understanding complex concepts as they get clear with different diagrams.
How to Simplify Flow Charting
How to Simplify Flow Charting

Active Directory

Making the Active Directory Diagrams is always better with the Active Directory Diagrams solution, developed by the specialists of CS Odessa for simplifying all the ConceptDraw PRO users’ work by making it much simpler to create the needed drawing.

Network Design. Computer and Network Examples

Network design is a complex process that include topological design, network-synthesis. In the network design process it is necessary to determine where to place the components and how to connect them. The designed network should obligatory correspond to the needs of the subscriber and operator.
This example shows the network diagram. It was created in ConceptDraw PRO using the Computer and Networks Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Network Security

The Internet is a giant computer network which connects computers all over the world. It is integral part of human society and business. But the serious question for network engineers, designers, lawmakers and enforcers is the need for protect the Internet networks from the Internet crimes, hacking and attacks. There are quite a number of hardware, software and physical methods of protection against them.
The samples you see on this page were created in ConceptDraw PRO using the tools of Network Security Diagrams Solution for ConceptDraw PRO software. They show protection networks with Firewalls and other network security devices.

Network Security Model

Creation of well thought-out network security model will effectively help you in realization your network's security. ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Network Security Diagrams Solution from the Computer and Networks Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park lets fast and easy design all variety of network security models: Open network security model, Closed network security model, Restrictive network access model.

Active Directory Diagram

Active Directory Diagram represents the scheme of correlations of service components with the preset degree of the detailed elaboration. Such diagram lets plan and service the existing network quicker and more qualitatively and presents the clear picture of the network structure in graphical format.
With the help of ConceptDraw PRO extended with Active Directory Diagrams Solution from the Computer and Networks Area you can easily and quickly create the highly detailed Active Directory Diagram.

UML Tool & UML Diagram Examples

The classical design of any automated process is UML diagrams that provide wide graphical ways to present all aspects of automation.
Solution RapidUML from Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park provides templates, examples and 13 vector stencils libraries for drawing all types of UML 1.x and 2.x diagrams using ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software.
Use these UML diagram templates and examples to quickly start drawing your own UML diagrams.

network security tips, cyber security degrees, it security solutions, network security, network security devices, secure wireless network Network Security Diagrams

network security tips, cyber security degrees, it security solutions, network security, network security devices, secure wireless network
The Network Security Diagrams solution presents a large collection of predesigned cybersecurity vector stencils, cliparts, shapes, icons and connectors to help you succeed in designing professional and accurate Network Security Diagrams, Network Security Infographics to share knowledge about effective ways of networks protection with help of software and network security devices of different cyber security degrees, Network Plans for secure wireless network, Computer Security Diagrams to visually tell about amazing possibilities of IT security solutions. The samples and examples reflect the power of ConceptDraw PRO software in drawing Network Security Diagrams, give the representation about variety of existing types of attacks and threats, help to realize their seriousness and the methods to deal with them.