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This sport field plan sample was designed on the base of the Wikipedia file: Football pitch metric.svg. [ wiki/ File:Football_ pitch_ metric.svg]
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. [ licenses/ by-sa/ 3.0/ deed.en]
"A football pitch (also known as a football field or soccer field) is the playing surface for the game of football made of turf. Its dimensions and markings are defined by Law 1 of the Laws of the Game, "The Field of Play".
All line markings on the pitch form part of the area which they define. For example, a ball on or above the touchline is still on the field of play; a ball on the line of the goal area is in the goal area; and a foul committed over the 16.5-metre (18-yard) line has occurred in the penalty area. Therefore a ball must completely cross the touchline to be out of play, and a ball must wholly cross the goal line (between the goal posts) before a goal is scored; if any part of the ball is still on or above the line, the ball is still in play." [Association football pitch. Wikipedia]
The sport field plan example "Football pitch metric" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Sport Field Plans solution from the Building Plans area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Sport field plan
Sport field plan, soccer field,

playground layout Sport Field Plans

playground layout
Construction of sport complex, playgrounds, sport school, sport grounds and fields assumes creation clear plans, layouts, or sketches. In many cases you need represent on the plan multitude of details, including dimensions, placement of bleachers, lighting, considering important sport aspects and other special things.

Soccer (Football) Dimensions

The Soccer solution from the Sport area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is designed as a tool that helps produce soccer illustrations of any complexity in minutes. You can quick and easy design the professional looking plan of the soccer field with set up dimensions.

Soccer (Football) Formation

Using diagrams is the easiest way to explain the soccer formations. The Soccer solution from the Sport area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is designed as a tool that helps you produce the soccer diagrams in a few minutes. The predesigned samples of the Soccer solution for ConceptDraw PRO depict the most popular formation diagrams.
This pitch plan sample was designed on the base of the Wikipedia file: Comparison sport playing areas.svg.
[ wiki/ File:Comparison_ sport_ playing_ areas.svg]
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. [ licenses/ by-sa/ 3.0/ deed.en]
"A pitch is an outdoor playing area for various sports. The term is used in British and Australian English; the comparable term in American English is playing field. In most sports, the official technical term is field of play, although this is not regularly used by those outside of refereeing/ umpiring circles.
In the sport of cricket, the cricket pitch refers not to the entire field of play, but to the section of the field on which batting and bowling take place in the centre of the field. The pitch is prepared differently to the rest of the field, to provide a harder surface for bowling.
A pitch is often a regulation space, as in an association football pitch." [Pitch (sports field). Wikipedia]
The pitch plan example "Sport fields comparison" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Sport Field Plans solution from the Building Plans area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Pitch plans
Pitch plans, volleyball court, tennis court, rectangular pool, rectangular-shaped pool, pool, basketball key, basketball court, badminton court,

Playground Layout

ConceptDraw PRO software extended with Sport Field Plans Solution from the Building Plans Area is a perfect software for drawing professional looking playground layout of any complexity.

Design a Soccer (Football) Field

The Soccer (Football) Fields library from the Soccer solution from the Sport area of ConceptDraw Solution Park provides a complete set of predesigned fields: horizontal and vertical located, colored or not, end zone view soccer field.
The vector stencils library "Sport fields and recreation" contains 25 shapes for drawing sport fields and recreation plans.
"A pitch is an outdoor playing area for various sports. The term is used in British and Australian English; the comparable term in American English is playing field. In most sports, the official technical term is field of play, although this is not regularly used by those outside of refereeing/ umpiring circles.
In the sport of cricket, the cricket pitch refers not to the entire field of play, but to the section of the field on which batting and bowling take place in the centre of the field. The pitch is prepared differently to the rest of the field, to provide a harder surface for bowling.
A pitch is often a regulation space, as in an association football pitch." [Pitch (sports field). Wikipedia]
The shapes example "Design elements - Sport fields and recreation" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Sport Field Plans solution from the Building Plans area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Sport fields and recreation design elements
Sport fields and recreation design elements, wood hot tub, fiberglass spa, spa, volleyball court, tennis court, swing set, slide, swing, soccer field, sand-box, sandbox, rectangular pool, rectangular-shaped pool, pool, play structure, climbing towers, monkey bars, fire pole, slide, oval pool, oval-shaped pool, pool, lap pool, pool, kidney-shaped pool, pool, football field, diving board, competition pool, pool, basketball ring, basketball key, basketball hoop, basketball court, baseball diamonds, barbecue, barbeque, BBQ, badminton court,

soccer field, football field, soccer field dimensions, football field dimensions, soccer positions, football positions, soccer diagram, football diagram Soccer

soccer field, football field, soccer field dimensions, football field dimensions, soccer positions, football positions, soccer diagram, football diagram
The Soccer (Football) Solution extends ConceptDraw PRO v9.5 (or later) software with samples, templates, and libraries of vector objects for drawing soccer (football) diagrams, plays schemas, and illustrations. It can be used to make professional looking

Soccer (Football) Field Templates

The Soccer solution for ConceptDraw PRO includes also a wide collection of templates and samples to help the soccer specialists and fans to draw any soccer-related diagrams and schemas as quickly as possible.

Soccer (Football) Positions

Explaining soccer positions becomes much more easier and time saving with visual drawings. ConceptDraw PRO software extended with the Soccer solution from the Sport area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is very useful tool that will help you design the soccer-related drawings of any complexity in minutes.

Soccer (Football) Tactics

To quick and easy draw the diagrams with soccer (football) tactics, use the "Soccer (Football) Fields" and "Soccer (Football) Positions" libraries from the Soccer solution from the Sport area of ConceptDraw Solution Park

Ice Hockey Rink Dimensions

Meeting ice hockey rules one should learn ice hockey rink terms, lines, zones etc. ConceptDraw PRO is an advanced drawing software that allows you produce ice hockey rink depiction of any complexity, from simple sketch drawing to detailed one as on example below.

Soccer (Football) Illustrated

It’s very important that your soccer drawing looked beautiful, interesting and attracted the attention. For this it is necessary add the illustrations! The Soccer solution delivers several libraries with predesigned bright and interesting clipart objects

Soccer (Football) Offside

It’s very convenient to explain the different tactics and positions using the visual drawings. ConceptDraw PRO software extended with the Soccer solution from the Sport area of ConceptDraw Solution Park provides libraries, templates and samples allowing specialists or soccer fans to draw the soccer-related diagrams and schemas of any complexity in a few minutes.