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How to Convert a Mind Map into MS Word Document

Mind maps are often used for structuring ideas, planning, and organizing of various documents. ConceptDraw MINDMAP allows you to transfer a mind map to MS Word format using its export facilities. You can convert a mind map to an MS Word outline using the set of standard templates, or even your custom template. Thus, your mind map will be transformed into the proper document format. Using a custom MS Word template allows you to apply your individual style to each document, being exported from ConceptDraw MINDMAP. You can use a mind mapping to capture ideas and structure information. Then make a quick conversion to MS Word and you finally obtain a clean and stylish document.

How to Insert a Mind Map into Microsoft Word Document

ConceptDraw MINDMAP offers several options of converting your mind map to MS Word document. You can choose the proper format that meets your needs to communicate the content of your mind maps. Generate text, presentations, images or web pages that are pertinent to your work. Primary, you can export a mind map to MS Word. This method allows stylizing the document by using a custom MS Word templates. If you need to combine text and hierarchically structured information in a single document, the best solution is to incorporate a mind map into the MS Word document using the copy-paste capabilities of ConceptDraw MINDMAP.

How to Use the MS Word Exchange Solution

ConceptDrwa MINDMAP gives you the ability to export your mind map into a ready-to-use Microsoft Word document.

How to Make SWOT Analysis in a Word Document

A SWOT Analysis is a popular tool of the strategic planning which is used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats that are involved in any businesses. Use of mind maps allows you to collect a lot of information used for SWOT Analysis, visually structure it and also identify the relationships between different parts of this information. SWOT and TOWS Matrix Diagrams solution for ConceptDraw Solution Park combines professional visual advantages of ConceptDraw MINDMAP software and presentation capabilities of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM , which together provide a complete work solution. The SWOT and TOWS diagrams, matrices or mind maps produced in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM using the predesigned vector objects or filling the ready templates, can be then easily exported to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe PDF, and many other electronic file formats. The possibility of export makes easy the use of SWOT diagrams designed in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM and lets you efficiently collaborate even with people who maybe don't have this software.

Export from ConceptDraw MINDMAP into MS Word Document

ConceptDraw Word Exchange solution gives you the ability to export mind maps to MS Word. It also allows stylizing the resulting document by using a custom MS Word template.
How to Export ConceptDraw MINDMAP Document to MS Word
How to Export ConceptDraw MINDMAP Document to MS Word

How to Input Data from MS Excel Into a Mind Map

Many people apply Excel documents to store data in the form of hierarchical lists. With ConceptDraw MINDMAP you can easily turn the linear structure of an Excel table in a radial structure of mind map ConceptDraw MINDMAP will create a mind map file (CDMZ) from your Excel (XLS) file. If you keep your information in the Microsoft Excel files, you can import them into ConceptDraw MINDMAP, converting the columns and rows to a hierarchically structured mind map. If you have multiple individual sheets in your Excel workbook, ConceptDraw MINDMAP will turn them into a single multi-page mind map. ConceptDraw MINDMAP lets you import an entire Microsoft® Excel file as well as insert data from the selected cells.

How to Create a PowerPoint® Presentation from a Mind Map

ConceptDraw MINDMAP allows you to create a traditional PowerPoint Presentation from your mind maps. There are two different variants when exporting to PowerPoint  - one places editable text into the template of your choice, the other places the pieces of the map that you want to show into the slides.

ConceptDraw MINDMAP Export Capabilities

ConceptDraw MINDMAP supports exporting to many Microsoft Office products, including Word, PowerPoint and Project, as well as exporting to Evernote, Apple iCal, PDF, HTML and graphic format files.

How to Convert a Mind Map into MS Project XML

The easiest way to start this project is to conduct a brainstorm session that identifies necessary tasks, then prepare a project schedule in the form of a Gantt chart and assign resources to tasks. With ConceptDraw MINDMAP, you can initiate a project using a mind map to represent all critical and important tasks. ConceptDraw MINDMAP supports a mind map export to MS Project; it also allows import a project file from MS Project giving team members who use OS X or Windows a working visual map of a planned project.

How to Import Mind Maps from FreeMind

ConceptDraw MINDMAP is great for breaking through barriers in your workflow. Its intuitive thought organization abilities jumpstart stagnant processes and provide a platform for bursts of creativity that launch stalled projects to new heights. In the continued spirit of breaking down barriers, CS Odessa brings you Mind Map Exchange Phase.

How to Import Text to ConceptDraw MINDMAP

Mind mapping is a quick and efficient way to start up a project. When you create a mind map, it might be necessary to use previously recorded files, notes, or text outlines. The importing capabilities of ConceptDraw MINDMAP allow you to easily convert text into a mind map. You can quickly turn your TXT file to the hierarchical structure of mind map. You can convert the entire TXT file as well as a selected part. ConceptDraw MINDMAP supports the ability to convert text in both single-page and multi-page mind map. You can create a multiple page project mind map quickly, using various text work-pieces. Read this article to find out how to create your multi-page mind map from a text outline.

Export from ConceptDraw MINDMAP to Apple iCal

ConceptDraw MINDMAP Mac OS X version enables you to export your mind map into the iCal calendar and generate tasks from mind map topics.

How to Create a PowerPoint Presentation from a SWOT Analysis Mindmap

You can use SWOT analysis PowerPoint presentation to represent strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats involved in your SWOT matrix.

How to make great presentation via Skype? it works with ConceptDraw MINDMAP?

ConceptDraw Solution Park provides a lot of useful solutions, among them Remote Presentation for Skype solution and powerful Mind Map Exchange solution. The presentation via Skype conference call is a part of Remote Presentation for Skype solution, due to it you are able to share easily your presentation via Skype and to control the slide-show process, which plays synchronously on the computers of all conference call participants. The Mind Map Exchange solution provides a lot of features for importing and exporting the documents between ConceptDraw MINDMAP software and the most popular mindmapping software tools, such as MindJet Mindmanager, Freemind, XMind and others. Thanks to all these abilities the ConceptDraw MINDMAP mind mapping software is perfect for holding the remote learning, remote training, varied web conferences, webinars and team briefings, and to represent any kind of information in a simple and convenient Mind Map form. With ConceptDraw MINDMAP it is easy to deliver the presentation session via Skype and to share the great-looking presentation documents with each conference participant.

MindMap Presentation

Mindmap Presentation. Present Mindmaps via Skype with ConceptDraw MINDMAP.