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Christmas clipart, New Year invitation template, holiday greeting card Holiday

Christmas clipart, New Year invitation template, holiday greeting card
The Holiday Solution from Illustration area of ConceptDraw Solution Park contains holiday illustration examples, templates and vector clipart library.

business clipart, finance clipart Business and Finance

business clipart, finance clipart
Use Business and Finance solution to make professional-looking documents, presentations and websites, business, finance, advertising, and project management illustrations, or any designs that requires clipart of currency, office, business, advertising, management, marketing, people, time, post, contacts, collaboration, etc.

Winter Sports Vector Clipart. Medal Map. Spatial Infographics

Tracking Olympic results in visual format is the most modern way to deliver statistics to a broad audience. This is a good example of an illustrated table you may easily modify, print, or publish on web from ConceptDraw Winter Sports solution.

winter sports Winter Sports

winter sports
The Winter Sports solution from Sport area of ConceptDraw Solution Park contains winter sports illustration examples, templates and vector clipart libraries.

architecture, food, music, animal toys, vehicle toys, cartoon, ABC, greek letters, buildings, puzzles, entertainment, state flags Artwork

architecture, food, music, animal toys, vehicle toys, cartoon, ABC, greek letters, buildings, puzzles, entertainment, state flags
Artwork solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with illustration samples, templates and libraries of vector clipart of architecture, food, music, funny animals, aquatic fauna and transport.

design presentation Presentation Clipart

design presentation
Presentation design elements solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with slide samples, templates and vector stencils libraries with design elements of presentation symbols, arrows, callouts, backgrounds, borders and frames, title blocks.

fire safety clipart, security clipart Safety and Security

fire safety clipart, security clipart
Safety and security solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with illustration samples, templates and vector stencils libraries with clip art of fire safety, access and security equipment.

aerospace symbols, transport symbols Aerospace and Transport

aerospace symbols, transport symbols
This solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with templates, samples and library of vector clipart for drawing the Aerospace and Transport Illustrations. It contains clipart of aerospace objects and transportation vehicles, office buildings and anci

nature illustration, nature environment Nature

nature illustration, nature environment
This solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with samples, templates and libraries of vector clipart for drawing the Nature illustrations. Use it to make professional-looking documents, presentations and websites illustrated with color scalable vector c

Basketball Field in the Vector

The Basketball Field library from the Basketball solution provides a complete set of ready-to-use predesigned vector courts: horizontally and vertically located, whole and half of court, colored and not, courts with views from different sides. All courts objects are designed according to the real basketball courts dimensions. Simply drop the needed basketball field in the vector from the library to design your own basketball diagram.