Use this vertical bar chart template to design your column charts in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software.
"Bar graphs can ... be used for more complex comparisons of data with grouped bar charts and stacked bar charts. In a grouped bar chart, for each categorical group there are two or more bars. These bars are color-coded to represent a particular grouping. For example, a business owner with two stores might make a grouped bar chart with different colored bars to represent each store: the horizontal axis would show the months of the year and the vertical axis would show the revenue. Alternatively, a stacked bar chart could be used. The stacked bar chart stacks bars that represent different groups on top of each other. The height of the resulting bar shows the combined result of the groups. However, stacked bar charts are not suited to datasets where some groups have negative values. In such cases, grouped bar charts are preferable." [Bar chart. Wikipedia]
The column chart template "Double bar graph" is included in the Basic Bar Graphs solution from the Graphs and Charts area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
"Bar graphs can ... be used for more complex comparisons of data with grouped bar charts and stacked bar charts. In a grouped bar chart, for each categorical group there are two or more bars. These bars are color-coded to represent a particular grouping. For example, a business owner with two stores might make a grouped bar chart with different colored bars to represent each store: the horizontal axis would show the months of the year and the vertical axis would show the revenue. Alternatively, a stacked bar chart could be used. The stacked bar chart stacks bars that represent different groups on top of each other. The height of the resulting bar shows the combined result of the groups. However, stacked bar charts are not suited to datasets where some groups have negative values. In such cases, grouped bar charts are preferable." [Bar chart. Wikipedia]
The column chart template "Double bar graph" is included in the Basic Bar Graphs solution from the Graphs and Charts area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Bar Graph
You need to draw the Bar Graph? The automated tool can be useful for you. ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Bar Graphs solution from Graphs and Charts area of ConceptDraw Solution Park will help you create any Bar Graph.Bar Chart Examples
Complete set of bar chart examples is produced using ConceptDraw software. Surfing bar chart examples you can find an example that is the best for your case.Use this bar graph template to design your column charts for 1-4 data series.
"Bar charts have a discrete range. Bar charts are usually scaled so all the data can fit on the chart. Bars on the chart may be arranged in any order. Bar charts arranged from highest to lowest incidence are called Pareto charts. Normally, bars showing frequency will be arranged in chronological (time) sequence. Grouped bar graph usually present the information in the same order in each grouping. Stacked bar graphs present the information in the same sequence on each bar.
Bar charts provide a visual presentation of categorical data. Categorical data is a grouping of data into discrete groups, such as months of the year, age group, shoe sizes, and animals. These categories are usually qualitative. In a column bar chart, the categories appear along the horizontal axis; the height of the bar corresponds to the value of each category." [Bar chart. Wikipedia]
The template "Bar chart" for the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software is included in the Bar Graphs solution from the Graphs and Charts area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
"Bar charts have a discrete range. Bar charts are usually scaled so all the data can fit on the chart. Bars on the chart may be arranged in any order. Bar charts arranged from highest to lowest incidence are called Pareto charts. Normally, bars showing frequency will be arranged in chronological (time) sequence. Grouped bar graph usually present the information in the same order in each grouping. Stacked bar graphs present the information in the same sequence on each bar.
Bar charts provide a visual presentation of categorical data. Categorical data is a grouping of data into discrete groups, such as months of the year, age group, shoe sizes, and animals. These categories are usually qualitative. In a column bar chart, the categories appear along the horizontal axis; the height of the bar corresponds to the value of each category." [Bar chart. Wikipedia]
The template "Bar chart" for the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software is included in the Bar Graphs solution from the Graphs and Charts area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
The vector stencils library Bar charts contains templates you can simply drag from the library to your document in the the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software, and add your data.
"A bar chart or bar graph is a chart with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent. The bars can be plotted vertically or horizontally. A vertical bar chart is sometimes called a column bar chart. ...
A bar graph is a chart that uses either horizontal or vertical bars to show comparisons among categories. One axis of the chart shows the specific categories being compared, and the other axis represents a discrete value. Some bar graphs present bars clustered in groups of more than one (grouped bar graphs), and others show the bars divided into subparts to show cumulate effect (stacked bar graphs)." [Bar chart. Wikipedia]
The graph template set "Design elements - Bar charts" is included the Basic Bar Graphs solution from the Graphs and Charts area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
"A bar chart or bar graph is a chart with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent. The bars can be plotted vertically or horizontally. A vertical bar chart is sometimes called a column bar chart. ...
A bar graph is a chart that uses either horizontal or vertical bars to show comparisons among categories. One axis of the chart shows the specific categories being compared, and the other axis represents a discrete value. Some bar graphs present bars clustered in groups of more than one (grouped bar graphs), and others show the bars divided into subparts to show cumulate effect (stacked bar graphs)." [Bar chart. Wikipedia]
The graph template set "Design elements - Bar charts" is included the Basic Bar Graphs solution from the Graphs and Charts area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Bar Chart Software
The best bar chart software ever is ConceptDraw. ConceptDraw bar chart software provides an interactive bar charting tool and complete set of predesigned bar chart objects.This business intelligence dashboard sample shows the top 10 products sales by stores in September, 2016 using vertical bar charts.
"Bar graphs/ charts provide a visual presentation of categorical data. Categorical data is a grouping of data into discrete groups, such as months of the year, age group, shoe sizes, and animals. These categories are usually qualitative. In a column bar chart, the categories appear along the horizontal axis; the height of the bar corresponds to the value of each category." [Bar chart. Wikipedia]
The BI dashboard example "Top 10 Products Sales by Stores, September 2016" was created using ConceptDraw PRO software extended with the Business Intelligence Dashboards solution from the Business Processes area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
"Bar graphs/ charts provide a visual presentation of categorical data. Categorical data is a grouping of data into discrete groups, such as months of the year, age group, shoe sizes, and animals. These categories are usually qualitative. In a column bar chart, the categories appear along the horizontal axis; the height of the bar corresponds to the value of each category." [Bar chart. Wikipedia]
The BI dashboard example "Top 10 Products Sales by Stores, September 2016" was created using ConceptDraw PRO software extended with the Business Intelligence Dashboards solution from the Business Processes area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Competitor Analysis
Competitor analysis is a first and obligatory step in elaboration the proper corporate marketing strategy and creating sustainable competitive advantage. Use powerful opportunities of numerous solutions from ConceptDraw Solution Park for designing illustrative diagrams, charts, matrices which are necessary for effective competitor analysis.Line Chart Template for Word
This sample was created in ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software using the Line Graphs Solution from Graphs and Charts area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. This sample shows the Line Chart of annual percentage change. The Line Chart allows you to clearly see the changes of data over the time.TQM Diagram Tool
The Total Quality Management Diagram solution helps you and your organization visualize business and industrial processes. Create Total Quality Management diagrams for business process with ConceptDraw software.HelpDesk
How to Create a Sales Dashboard
Visual dashboard is a valuable tool for any sales team. Sales dashboard allows you to view and monitor sales indicators that are important for manager and sales staff . It helps to use the timely and reliable information to improve the quality of sales performance and increase sales revenues. ConceptDraw Sales Dashboard solution is a tool for both: sales manager and sales team. It provides the visualization of key performance indicators that are critical to the entire sales organization. The custom sales dashboard displays the real-time information on sales performance KPIs with the help of intuitive and easy-to-understand diagrams and charts.Polar Graph
This sample shows the Polar Graph. The Polar Graph is a graph in the polar coordinate system in which the each point on the plane is defined by two values - the polar angle and the polar radius. The certain equations have very complex graphs in the Cartesian coordinates, but the application of the polar coordinate system allows usually produce the simple Polar Graphs for these equations.How to Draw a Line Graph
In your work activity you need regularly draw the line graphs? And each time you ask yourself a question "How to Draw a Line Graph easier and faster?". The desire to automate the line graphs drawing process led to the creation of Line Graphs solution from Graphs and Charts area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.Cross-Functional Flowchart
Use of Cross-Functional Flowchart is a clear way of showing each team member’s responsibilities and how processes get shared or transferred between different responsible people, teams and departments. Use the best flowchart maker ConceptDraw PRO with a range of standardized cross-functional flowchart symbols to create the Cross-Functional Flowcharts simply and to visualize the relationship between a business process and the functional units responsible for that process. To draw the most quickly Cross-Functional Flowcharts, Cross Functional Process Maps, or Cross Functional Process Flow Diagrams, start with a Cross-functional flowchart samples and templates from ConceptDraw Solution Park. The ConceptDraw Arrows10 and RapidDraw technologies will be also useful for you in drawing. ConceptDraw PRO supports designing both types - horizontal and vertical Cross-functional flowcharts. A vertical layout makes the accents mainly on the functional units while a horizontal layout - on the process. If you need a Visio alternative in Mac OS X, try ConceptDraw PRO. Its interface is very intuitive and it’s actually much easier to use than Visio, yet somehow it’s just as powerful if not more so. ConceptDraw PRO performs professional quality work and seamless Visio interaction.
ERD Symbols and Meanings
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is a popular software engineering tool for database modeling and illustration the logical structure of databases, which uses one of two notations - Chen's or Crow’s Foot. Crow's foot notation is effective when used in software engineering, information engineering, structured systems analysis and design. Each of these notations applies its own set of ERD symbols. Crow's foot diagrams use boxes to represent entities and lines between these boxes to show relationships. Varied shapes at the ends of lines depict the cardinality of a given relationship. Chen's ERD notation is more detailed way to represent entities and relationships. ConceptDraw PRO application enhanced with all-inclusive Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution allows design professional ER diagrams with Chen's or Crow’s Foot notation on your choice. It contains the full set of ready-to-use standardized ERD symbols and meanings helpful for quickly drawing, collection of predesigned ERD samples, examples and templates. ConceptDraw Pro is a great alternative to Visio for Mac users as it offers more features and can easily handle the most demanding professional needs.
- How To Make A Stacked Bar Graph
- Double bar graph - Template | Double bar chart - Nitrate ...
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- Bar Graphs | Bar Graph | Double bar graph - Template | _bar Graph_
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- Green Bar Graph
- Double bar graph - Template | Bar Graph | Rainfall Bar Chart ...
- In A Bar Graph The Vertical Axis Represents
- Chronological Bar Graph
- Basic Bar Graphs | Bar Graphs | Double bar graph - Template | Basic ...
- What Do The Bars On This Bar Graph Represent
- Stacked Bar Graph
- Bar Chart Examples | Chart Maker for Presentations | Bar Chart ...
- Bar Chart Template for Word
- Bar Chart Template for Word
- Bar Graph