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How to Create an Effective Mind Map Using Topic Types

Tips on how to increase mind map effectiveness using Topic Types functionality, delivered with ConceptDraw MINDMAP.

How To Plan and Implement Projects Faster

ConceptDraw Office is the most effective tool for planning, tracking, and reporting all types of projects with strong management capabilities, user friendly functionality, and superior ease of use. In this tutorial video we will assist you in planning and managing a project using ConceptDraw Office.

Network Diagrams for Bandwidth Management

A perfect tool to draw network diagram for bandwidth management. Computer & Networks solution provides the symbol libraries with pre-designed network graphic elements. Use Computer & Networks solution to draw the network diagrams for bandwidth management for Cisco networks, Apple networks, IVR networks, GPRS networks, wi-fi networks, LAN and WAN.

How to Edit a Project Task List

A list of a project tasks is core to any project plan. It is the basic part of a project schedule. The project task list should include all of the work associated with fulfilling the project on time. Having an entire and complete task list, the project manager will be able to estimate the costs and resources, necessary to implement the project. The project task list creation is a key piece of project management. The list of project tasks have include activities, should be performed, and the sequence in which tasks need to be completed.