SWOT Analysis
Most of the data needed for market analysis (demand, prices, volume of sales, etc.) are undefined, and in future are possible their changes as in the worst and the best side. SWOT analysis is effective method for prediction these processes and decision making for organizations that function in a competitive environment. It allows you to see the whole situation, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of organization (advantages and disadvantages), as well as opportunities and threats of external environment. The results of SWOT analysis are the basis for optimization the business processes, for development by the leading specialists in organization of interrelated complex of strategies and competitive activities. ConceptDraw PRO software enhanced with SWOT and TOWS Matrix Diagrams Solution will effectively help you in strategic planning for your company, department, project, in development marketing campaign, in identification of four categories of factors of internal and external environment of organization, and construction professional-looking SWOT and TOWS matrices.Venn Diagram Examples for Problem Solving. Environmental Social Science. Human Sustainability Confluence
The Venn diagram example below shows sustainable development at the confluence of three constituent parts. Create your Venn diagrams for problem solving in environmental social science using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Venn Diagrams solution from the area "Diagrams" of ConceptDraw Solution Park.PROBLEM ANALYSIS. Root Cause Analysis Tree Diagram
Root Cause Analysis Tree Diagram. Use the Root Cause Diagram to perform visual root cause analysis. Root Cause Analysis Tree Diagram is constructed separately for each highly prioritized factor. The goal of this is to find the root causes for the factor and list possible corrective action. ConceptDraw Office suite is a software for problem analysis.Bar Diagrams for Problem Solving. Create manufacturing and economics bar charts with Bar Graphs Solution
Create bar charts for visualizing problem solving in manufacturing and economics using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Bar Graphs Solution from the Graphs and Charts area of ConceptDraw Solition Park.Simple Drawing Applications for Mac
ConceptDraw gives the ability to draw simple diagrams like flowcharts, block diagrams, bar charts, histograms, pie charts, divided bar diagrams, line graphs, area charts, scatter plots, circular arrows diagrams, Venn diagrams, bubble diagrams, concept maps, and others.Types of Flowcharts
A Flowchart is a graphical representation of process, algorithm, workflow or step-by-step solution of the problem. It shows the steps as boxes of various kinds and connects them by arrows in a defined order depicting a flow. There are twelve main Flowchart types: Basic Flowchart, Business Process Modeling Diagram (BPMN), Cross Functional Flowchart, Data Flow Diagram (DFD), IDEF (Integrated DEFinition) Flowchart, Event-driven Process Chain (EPC) Diagram, Influence Diagram (ID), Swimlane Flowchart, Process Flow Diagram (PFD), Specification and Description Language (SDL) Diagram, Value Stream Mapping, Workflow Diagram. Using the Flowcharts solution from the Diagrams area of ConceptDraw Solution Park you can easy and quickly design a Flowchart of any of these types. This solution offers a lot of special predesigned vector symbols for each of these widely used notations. They will make the drawing process of Flowcharts much easier than ever. Pay also attention for the included collection of ready Flowchart examples, samples and quick-start templates. This is business process improvement tools. If you are looking for MS Visio for your Mac, then you are out of luck, because it hasn't been released yet. However, you can use Visio alternatives that can successfully replace its functions. ConceptDraw PRO is an alternative to MS Visio for Mac that provides powerful features and intuitive user interface for the same.Cause and Effect Diagram
ConceptDraw PRO software extended with Fishbone Diagrams solution from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is perfect for Cause and Effect Diagram creating. It gives the ability to draw fishbone diagram that identifies many possible causes for an effect or a problem. Causes and Effects are usually grouped into major categories to identify these sources of variation. Causes and Effects in the diagram show relationships among various factor. Fishbone diagram shows factors of Equipment, Process, People, Materials, Environment and Management, all affecting the overall problem.Electrical Symbols — Semiconductor
Semiconductors are crystalline or amorphous solids with distinct electrical characteristics. They are of high resistance — higher than typical resistance materials, but still of much lower resistance than insulators. Their resistance decreases as their temperature increases, which is behavior opposite to that of a metal. Finally, their conducting properties may be altered in useful ways by the deliberate, controlled introduction of impurities into the crystal structure, which lowers its resistance but also permits the creation of semiconductor junctions between differently-doped regions of the extrinsic semiconductor crystal. The behavior of charge carriers which include electrons, ions and electron holes at these junctions is the basis of diodes, transistors and all modern electronics. 26 libraries of the Electrical Engineering Solution of ConceptDraw PRO make your electrical diagramming simple, efficient, and effective. You can simply and quickly drop the ready-to-use objects from libraries into your document to create the electrical diagram.UML Deployment Diagram. Design Elements
UML Deployment diagram describes the hardware used in system implementations and the execution environments and artifacts deployed on the hardware. ConceptDraw has 393 vector stencils in the 13 libraries that helps you to start using software for designing your own UML Diagrams. You can use the appropriate stencils of UML notation from UML Deployment library.Using Fishbone Diagrams for Problem Solving
Problems are obstacles and challenges that one should overcome to reach the goal. They are an inseparable part of any business, and the success of an enterprise often depends on ability to solve all problems effectively. The process of problem solving often uses rational approach, helping to find a suitable solution. Using Fishbone Diagrams for Problem Solving is a productive and illustrative tool to identify the most important factors causing the trouble. ConceptDraw PRO extended with Fishbone Diagrams solution from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is a powerful tool for problem solving with Fishbone Ishikawa diagram graphic method.Network Diagram Software LAN Network Diagrams & Diagrams for LAN Physical Office Network Diagrams
Physical LAN Diagrams illustrate the communication schemes of Local Area Networks, the physical network connection of computers and networks arrangement on the small areas - at homes, offices, and other buildings. ConceptDraw PRO is a perfect network diagramming software with samples and examples of WAN and LAN Diagrams, templates and collection of network components libraries. Computer Network Diagrams Solution for ConceptDraw PRO Mac and Windows is ideal for IT professionals, network engineers and network designers who need to visualize network architecture, to document LANs physical structure and arrangement, to draw Local Area Network (LAN) diagrams and schematics, WAN diagrams, physical office network diagrams and topologies, wiring drawings, etc. You can design all them easy using the predesigned vector objects of computers and computer network devices, hardware devices, peripheral devices, external digital devices, internet and logical symbols, and many other stencils from the Computer Network Diagrams libraries. ConceptDraw PRO offers a powerful and easy-to-use solution for those who looking for a Visio alternative for Mac. It is a world-class diagramming platform with dynamic presentation power.UML Activity Diagram. Design Elements
UML Activity Diagram illustrate the business and operational step-by-step workflow of components in a system and shows the overall flow of control.What is SWOT Analysis?
What is SWOT analysis? The SWOT abbreviation is formed from the reduction of four words - strength, weakness, opportunity and threat, on which is based the SWOT analysis. It is a structured planning method that involves the analysis of the situation within a company, as well as analysis of external factors and the situation on the market. SWOT analysis emphasizes that the strategy must to combine the internal capabilities and external situation the best way as possible. The use of SWOT analysis allows to systemize all available information and apply this clear picture to make informed decisions concerning to your business development. In fact, SWOT analysis is an intermediate step between the formulation of goals and the statement of problem. The main goal is a sustainability and improvement of efficiency of business functioning. When you have an installed ConceptDraw PRO software, it gives you a lot of benefits in SWOT analysis. Use the powerful drawing tools and capabilities of the SWOT and TOWS Matrix Diagrams solution to hold the SWOT analysis effectively and with pleasure.Electrical Diagram Software
Electrical engineering and electronic engineering are extensive fields dedicated to research, design, development, manufacturing, test, and montage of systems and devices of electricity, electronics, microelectronics, telecommunications, power engineering, etc. These fields use various types of schemes, diagrams, technical drawings and require a special precision, accuracy and attention at their construction and using. The availability of modern specialized software has great importance for electrical engineers and electronic specialists, it assists them in drawing Electrical schematics and diagrams, Electrical drawings and Wiring schemes, Electronic Circuit schematics, etc. One of such software is ConceptDraw PRO extended with Electrical Engineering Solution that offers powerful drawing tools, wide variety of samples and libraries with numerous quantity of predesigned electrical symbols and vector objects of electrical devices. All they help design with minimal efforts Electrical diagrams and blueprints of any complexity, now drawing process is easy even for beginners.Electrical Symbols — Semiconductor Diodes
In electronics, a diode is a two-terminal electronic component that conducts primarily in one direction (asymmetric conductance); it has low (ideally zero) resistance to the flow of current in one direction, and high (ideally infinite) resistance in the other. A semiconductor diode is a crystalline piece of semiconductor material with a p–n junction connected to two electrical terminals. Today, most diodes are made of silicon, but other semiconductors such as selenium or germanium are sometimes used. 26 libraries of the Electrical Engineering Solution of ConceptDraw PRO make your electrical diagramming simple, efficient, and effective. You can simply and quickly drop the ready-to-use objects from libraries into your document to create the electrical diagram.- Diagram Of Business Environment Showing The Links Between
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