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Local area network (LAN). Computer and Network Examples

A local area network (LAN) is a devices network that connect with each other in the scope of a home, school, laboratory, or office. Usually, a LAN comprise computers and peripheral devices linked to a local domain server. All network appliances can use a shared printers or disk storage. A local area network serve for many hundreds of users. Typically, LAN includes many wires and cables that demand a previously designed network diagram. They are used by IT professionals to visually document the LANs physical structure and arrangement.
ConceptDraw - Perfect Network Diagramming Software with examples of LAN Diagrams. ConceptDraw Network Diagram is ideal for network engineers and network designers who need to draw Local Area Network diagrams.
How to Draw a Computer Network
How to Draw a Computer Network

Metropolitan area networks (MAN). Computer and Network Examples

Metropolitan Area Network combines local networks located within a city, and is based on high data rate compounds, implemented on the basis of fiber channels and other digital data transmission channels. Now, with the increasing number of network communities, wireless local area networks based on 802.11b standard are combined into a wireless metropolitan area network consisting of affordable antenna systems and consumer-grade wireless equipment using 802.11a and 802.11b standards.

Storage area networks (SAN). Computer and Network Examples

A Storage area network (SAN) is a dedicated network that provides access to data storage and operations only on the block level. SAN usually has own network of storage devices/elements and disk arrays that are connected with each other and to a remote data-sharing network. SANs are widely used for enhancing the storage devices (optical jukeboxes, disk arrays, tape libraries) that are accessible for networked servers.
This example was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM using the Computer and Networks Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. It shows the hybrid of Storage area network (SAN) and Network Attached Storage (NAS) technologies.

Cross Functional Flowchart Examples

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM extended with Cross-Functional Flowcharts Solution from the Business Processes Area is a powerful software which offers a variety of Cross Functional Flowchart examples. The use of predesigned examples as the base for your own Cross Functional Flowchart Diagrams is a timesaving and useful way.

Flow Chart Diagram Examples

Draw your own business process flowcharts using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and business graphics software.
The Flowcharts Solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a comprehensive set of examples and samples in several different color themes for professionals that need to graphically represent a process.

Value Stream Mapping Examples

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software supplied with Value Stream Mapping solution from the Quality area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is ideal for drawing Value Stream Maps and includes variety of value stream mapping examples.

Wireless network. Computer and Network Examples

A Wireless network is a type of the computer network that uses the wireless connections for connecting network nodes for data transfer. The wireless networks are very useful, inexpensive, popular and widely used. They are easy setup and do not require the cables installation.
Using the solutions of the Computer and Networks Area for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM you can design the wireless network diagrams of any complexity quick and easy.

Column Chart Examples

Column chart examples from ConceptDraw collection can help you find the best visual depiction for you data. You can easily modify column chart examples according to data you want to visualize.


How do you make usually the EPC diagrams? It is quite complex and lengthy process. But now thanks to the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Event-driven Process Chain Diagrams EPC solution from the Business Processes area of ConceptDraw Solution Park this process became simple and fast.

Flowchart Examples

It’s very simple, convenient and quick to design professional looking Flowcharts of any complexity using the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Flowcharts Solution from the "Diagrams" Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park which provides a wide set of predesigned objects, templates, samples and Flowchart examples.