Kanban Board Software
Kanban Board Software is incredibly useful tool that allows a team to work effective and productive, to analyze and improve the business processes, and visualize the workflows. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM with its numerous solutions is a powerful Kanban Board Software! Draw your own professional looking Kanban Board Diagrams quick, easy and effective with useful tools of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software.
Scrum Workflow
The Scrum Workflow Solution extends the capabilities of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM with a large collection of professionally-designed samples and a selection of ready-to-use scrum design elements: scrum diagrams and arrows, scrum icons of people, artifacts, workflow, workspace and other colorful scrum clipart, and also scrum charts.
Scrum board
ConceptDraw diagramming and vector drawing software extended with SCRUM Workflow solution from the Project Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is an ideal scrum tool and powerful software for creating pictorial and professional-looking Scrum board for easy tracking the workflow, for facilitating daily synchronization and productivity improvement.
Manufacturing and Maintenance
Manufacturing and maintenance solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with illustration samples, templates and vector stencils libraries with clip art of packaging systems, industrial vehicles, tools, resources and energy.
"Value Stream Map (VSM)
1. A tool used to improve a process by identifying added value and eliminating waste.
2. A process map that follows the value creation process.
A. “strap yourself to the product (or service) and see where you go”
3. A process map with data added.
A. Times: processing, wait, cycle.
B. Quality: number of rejects.
C. Inventory.
D. Resources.
1) Number of people.
2) Space.
3) Distance traveled.
E. Whatever else is useful for analyzing the process." [ocw.mit.edu/ courses/ aeronautics-and-astronautics/ 16-660j-introduction-to-lean-six-sigma-methods-january-iap-2012/ lecture-notes/ MIT16_ 660JIAP12_ 1-6.pdf]
This sample VSM flowchart shows the value stream in a manufacturing, production control and shipping processes.
This value stream mapping diagram example was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Value Stream Mapping solution from the Quality area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
1. A tool used to improve a process by identifying added value and eliminating waste.
2. A process map that follows the value creation process.
A. “strap yourself to the product (or service) and see where you go”
3. A process map with data added.
A. Times: processing, wait, cycle.
B. Quality: number of rejects.
C. Inventory.
D. Resources.
1) Number of people.
2) Space.
3) Distance traveled.
E. Whatever else is useful for analyzing the process." [ocw.mit.edu/ courses/ aeronautics-and-astronautics/ 16-660j-introduction-to-lean-six-sigma-methods-january-iap-2012/ lecture-notes/ MIT16_ 660JIAP12_ 1-6.pdf]
This sample VSM flowchart shows the value stream in a manufacturing, production control and shipping processes.
This value stream mapping diagram example was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Value Stream Mapping solution from the Quality area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Scrum workflow
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with unique SCRUM Workflow solution from the Project Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park allows fast and easy design professional-looking Scrum Workflow Diagrams and Scrum workflow scheme for projects required when working on projects and managing them, when developing software with cutting-edge Agile methodologies.- Agile Methodology Pdf
- Agile Development Scrum Pdf
- Scrum Pdf
- Scrum Workflow | Sprint Retrospective | Sprint Backlog | Sprint ...
- Conceptual diagram of the Kanban System | Kanban Board ...
- Conceptual diagram of the Kanban System | Manufacturing and ...
- Conceptual diagram of the Kanban System | Value stream mapping ...
- Agile Software Development With Scrum Pdf
- Scrum sprint cycle | Major sprint components | Scrum board ...
- Process Mapping Of Shipment