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Credit Card Processing System UML Diagram

Credit Card Processing System UML Diagram. This sample shows the Use Case Diagram of the credit card processing system. You can see how the payment by credit card occurs. This sample can be used by the bank, financial enterprises, for understanding the work of the credit card processing system at the projecting the banking systems.

UML Notation

Unified Modeling Language (UML) is an open standard, the language of graphic description used for modeling objects in a field of software development and software engineering. It was created for definition, specification, visualization, designing and documenting software systems, as a unification of three object-oriented technologies Booch, OMT and OOSE, and uses the defined graphic notation for creating the visual models of object-oriented software systems. Description of UML consists of two parts, interactive and supplementing each other: UML semantics, which represents a certain metamodel, defines the abstract syntax and semantics of terms of object modeling with UML, and UML notation that is a graphic notation for visual representation of UML semantics. The powerful tools of the Rapid UML solution included to ConceptDraw Solution Park make the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software the best for easy applying the UML notation when creating the visual models of object-oriented software systems and designing different kinds of UML diagrams.