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Rack Diagrams

Rack Diagrams visualize the rack mounting of computer and network equipment as the drawing of frontal view of the rack with equipment installed. They are used for choosing the equipment or racks to buy, and help to organize equipment on the racks virtually, without the real installation.

Bubble diagrams in Landscape Design with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM

To define the links between the different areas of your own landscape design and see the project from aside, we recommend to draw landscape diagram called bubble one which is analogue of «mind maps» as it allows us to create approximate image of our future proper landscape view. Use special libraries (and we have plenty of them) with objects of landscape design to be able to create the detailed plan of your landscape which will be looking so smart and professionally good as the samples we provide were created by designers who know so much about making such kinds of design plans. Having ConceptDraw DIAGRAM as the assistant in your work, will ensure the success after using our product. Make the bubble diagrams as well as any other ones in minutes with ease having our application called ConceptDraw DIAGRAM and you will see how quick it will change your life simplifying lots of work.

Product Overview

The role of ConceptDraw MINDMAP is to organize and plan idea development and communicate between process participants. Mind maps are convenient to prepare presentations for team and management and send task lists and related information.

Internet solutions with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM

ConceptDraw is a good means of visualization of information of any kind as it features powerful graphic capabilities. The conception of using ConceptDraw and open formats by the programs that work with Internet can be used for displaying any data and any structure in Internet.