ConceptDraw PRO extended with Sales Dashboard solution from the Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is a perfect software for creating the live dashboard for the business data and progress visualization.Strategy Map
The enterprise strategy is an interrelated perspective plan of actions designed to achieve long-term goals according to company's own potential as well as external factors. Development of strategy is one of the main functions of management. The strategy determines the enterprise's direction of development, it covers all major functions and departments: supply, production, finance, marketing, personnel, scientific researches and development, and helps managers to make informed decisions when choosing a method of actions. The choice by managers of a particular strategy means that of all the possible paths of development and ways of actions, it is decided to choose one direction in which the enterprise will evolve. Without a strategy the administration has no thought-out plan of actions, no guide in the world of business, and no unified program to achieve desired results. Since in the process of strategic decision making always appear new alternatives and is executed the search of the most preferred solutions, the initially designated goals of strategic development can be subsequently adjusted. This Mind Map template of a strategy map helps to display a variety of performance measures, which can have an impact on your organization.
Sales Dashboard
Sales Dashboard solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with templates, samples and library of vector stencils for drawing the visual dashboards of sale metrics and key performance indicators (KPI).
How to Connect Text Data to a Time Series Chart on Your Live Dashboard
Time Series Dashboard means an integration of some type of diagrams: Line Charts, Bar Charts, Column Charts, and Dot Plots on a single space. The ConceptDraw Time Series Dashboard solution can be used to create the interactive Time Series dashboard. The libraries of Time Series Charts solution contain the Live Objects, that can change their appearance depending on the external data. Each chart from the Time Series dashboard displays particular source data. You can include Time Series Charts in your business or technical dashboards to show and compare the items changing over time.
Aerospace and Transport
This solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with templates, samples and library of vector clipart for drawing the Aerospace and Transport Illustrations. It contains clipart of aerospace objects and transportation vehicles, office buildings and anci
Competitor Analysis
Competitor analysis is a first and obligatory step in elaboration the proper corporate marketing strategy and creating sustainable competitive advantage. Use powerful opportunities of numerous solutions from ConceptDraw Solution Park for designing illustrative diagrams, charts, matrices which are necessary for effective competitor analysis.HelpDesk
How to Connect a Live Object to a Text Data Source
Instruction on how to connect a ConceptDraw live object with data source files in TXT format to visualize the actual values of your performance metrics.
Correlation Dashboard
Correlation dashboard solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with samples, templates and vector stencils library with Scatter Plot Charts for drawing the visual dashboard visualizing data correlation.
Spatial Dashboard
Spatial dashboard solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with templates, samples and vector stencils libraries with thematic maps for drawing visual dashboards showing spatial data.
This solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with samples, templates and libraries of vector clipart for drawing the Nature illustrations. Use it to make professional-looking documents, presentations and websites illustrated with color scalable vector c
Frequency Distribution Dashboard
Frequency distribution dashboard solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with samples, templates and vector stencils libraries with histograms and area charts for drawing the visual dashboards showing frequency distribution of data.
Composition Dashboard
Composition dashboard solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with templates, samples and vector stencils library with charts and indicators for drawing visual dashboards showing data composition.
Stakeholder Onion Diagrams
The Stakeholder Onion Diagram is often used as a way to view the relationships of stakeholders to a project goal. A basic Onion Diagram contains a rich information. It shows significance of stakeholders that will have has influence to the success achieve
Line Graphs
How to draw a Line Graph with ease? The Line Graphs solution extends the capabilities of ConceptDraw PRO v10 with professionally designed templates, samples, and a library of vector stencils for drawing perfect Line Graphs.
- Sales Dashboard | Aerospace and Transport | Resources Images ...
- Dashboard Indicators Image
- Elements Of Sales Images
- Dashboard Indicator Images
- Dashboard | How to Connect Text Data to a Time Series Chart on ...
- Sequence Diagram Block Diagram For Image Enhancement
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- Football Ground Mejarment Hd Images
- Basketball Court Dimensions | Basketball Court Diagram and ...
- Images For Hockey Measurement
- Performance Indicators | Enterprise dashboard | KPI Dashboard ...
- Dashboard Images
- KPI Dashboard | Basic Flowchart Symbols and Meaning | Human ...
- PM Dashboards | Business Diagram Software | Project — Working ...
- Hocky Court Measurment Images
- How to Create a Sales Dashboard Using ConceptDraw PRO ...
- How To Create Restaurant Floor Plan in Minutes | How to Connect ...
- Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) | ConceptDraw Solution Park ...
- Picture Graphs | Histograms | ConceptDraw Solution Park | The ...
- Design elements - Meter indicators | Sales Dashboard - Access ...