Looking at ConceptDraw MINDMAP as a Replacement for Mindjet Mindmanager
The comparing of ConceptDraw MINDMAP to Mindjet Mindmanager allows to identify a lot of benefits. At first, the ConceptDraw MINDMAP has a lower price, the flexible licensing, the license is per-named-user, no charge for major product upgrades and no charge for support. ConceptDraw MINDMAP is effective for launching the stalled projects to new heights, it possess the excellent possibility of importing and exporting to other mind mapping program file formats. ConceptDraw MINDMAP easily integrates with wide set of programs, among them Evernote, Skype, Twitter, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Project, Mindjet Mindmanager, ConceptDraw PROJECT, ConceptDraw DIAGRAM , with solutions from ConceptDraw Solution Park. Now you have a freedom to choose the best format for each your document, it is incredibly easy to make the Skype presentation, to take and share critical information, to send your Mind Map to Evernote, to import / export MS Word documents, MS PowerPoint presentations, the project data, open and save Mindmanager files, to map out the long-term Twitter messages and publish them to your Twitter account directly from a Mind Map.HelpDesk
How to Convert a Mind Map into MS Word Document
Mind maps are often used for structuring ideas, planning, and organizing of various documents. ConceptDraw MINDMAP allows you to transfer a mind map to MS Word format using its export facilities. You can convert a mind map to an MS Word outline using the set of standard templates, or even your custom template. Thus, your mind map will be transformed into the proper document format. Using a custom MS Word template allows you to apply your individual style to each document, being exported from ConceptDraw MINDMAP. You can use a mind mapping to capture ideas and structure information. Then make a quick conversion to MS Word and you finally obtain a clean and stylish document.HelpDesk
How to Insert a Mind Map into Microsoft Word Document
ConceptDraw MINDMAP offers several options of converting your mind map to MS Word document. You can choose the proper format that meets your needs to communicate the content of your mind maps. Generate text, presentations, images or web pages that are pertinent to your work. Primary, you can export a mind map to MS Word. This method allows stylizing the document by using a custom MS Word templates. If you need to combine text and hierarchically structured information in a single document, the best solution is to incorporate a mind map into the MS Word document using the copy-paste capabilities of ConceptDraw MINDMAP.How to Import Mind Maps from XMind
ConceptDraw MINDMAP has impressive import and export capabilities includes following formats: OPML, Mindjet MindManager; Microsoft Office products: PowerPoint, Project, Word; FreeMind (import only); XMind (import only). Now ConceptDraw MINDMAP users and Mindjet MindManager users can freely exchange their mind maps using the Mind Map Exchange solution available in Solution Park.How to Exchange ConceptDraw MINDMAP Files with Mindjet MindManager
ConceptDraw MINDMAP has impressive import and export capabilities includes following formats: OPML Mindjet™ MindManager™ Microsoft™ Office products: PowerPoint™ Project™ Word™ FreeMind (import only) XMind (import only)
How to Use Mind Map Exchange Solution
Using ConceptDraw MINDMAP you can import and export files of Microsoft Project, MindManager, XMind, FreeMind, Microsoft Office, and many other project management and mind mapping applications. You can create your own mind map based on the incoming files of different mind mapping software, and then export the final mind map to any desired format from the list of supported ones.How to do presentation via Skype using mindmaps of Mindjet Mindmanager?
Skype application is incredibly popular and successfully used for personal correspondence in all other the world, as well as for solution the working questions in a field of business. The Remote Presentation for Skype solution specially developed for ConceptDraw users and offered by ConceptDraw Solution Park, supplies the ConceptDraw MINDMAP software with perfect possibility to do the Skype conference calls, to share presentations via Skype, to hold the Skype conferences with your team, to represent effectively the Mind Maps of any complexity created in ConceptDraw MINDMAP , as well as in other mindmapping applications, including Mindjet Mindmanager, and to keep the presentation document synchronized between call participants. ConceptDraw MINDMAP gives for the presenter the full control over the slide-show process that plays synchronously on the computers of all Skype conference call participants, the result file is saved at the Presentation History folder on the computer of each participant of a given conference.How to Import Mind Maps from FreeMind
ConceptDraw MINDMAP is great for breaking through barriers in your workflow. Its intuitive thought organization abilities jumpstart stagnant processes and provide a platform for bursts of creativity that launch stalled projects to new heights. In the continued spirit of breaking down barriers, CS Odessa brings you Mind Map Exchange Phase.What is MindMap presentation via Skype?
Skype is incredibly popular program, used by millions of people in all over the world as a means of communication and sharing the information, data, documents and other files. The Skype opportunities for business are obvious and limitless, besides it is a global standard for video web conferencing. The Remote Presentation for Skype solution supplies the ConceptDraw MINDMAP with perfect ability to hold the Skype conferences with your team, effectively exchange the documents and present them live via Skype, allowing the coworkers from anywhere in the world to view their briefing while hearing their voice. The Mind Map Exchange solution contributes for easy importing and exporting documents between ConceptDraw MINDMAP and other most popular mindmapping software, such as MindJet Mindmanager, Freemind, XMind, also MS Word and other applications. At the end of Skype conference held at the assist of Remote Presentation for Skype solution, each participant receives the copy of presentation document file and can find it at Presentation History folder, viewed again or shown for other team.HelpDesk
How to Import MS Project File to a Mind Map Using the Project Exchange Solution
ConceptDraw MINDMAP can export a mind map to MS Project; it can also import a project file from MS Project, making a working visual map of a planned project. ConceptDraw MINDMAP supports inputting external data into a map with one click. Input capabilities are critical because it makes your data visual. When your data is visual, you can manage and communicate it using newly generated documents and/or presentations. Data you can input into your map can come from just about anywhere. Data can come from Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, Project, the web, a mind map, and other electronic sources. You can input data as a task list, resource list, Gantt chart, brainstorm or search results.- Looking at ConceptDraw MINDMAP as a Replacement for Mindjet ...
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- Xmind Import Mindmanager
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