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Successful Strategic Plan

This sample shows the Strategic Plan of the Broadband Lifecycle that was developed by Strategic Networks Group. The Broadband Lifecycle represents the advance of the broadband investments.

SWOT Analysis Solution - Strategy Tools

The condition and successful development of the company depends on how efficiently it is able to react on different outside influences. Analysis and interrelated consideration of external factors and the company's capabilities allow effectively solve appearing problems. One of the most common methods of evaluation together internal and external factors influencing the company's development is SWOT analysis elaborated for business and industry. It is a necessary element of researches and obligatory preliminary stage at the preparation of strategic and marketing plans of the company. Upon the results of SWOT analysis, we can assess does the company have the internal forces and resources to realize the existing opportunities and resist external threats, and what internal deficiencies require the prompt rectification. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software enhanced with SWOT Analysis solution offers powerful drawing and strategy tools for effective execution the SWOT and TOWS analysis for your company with a goal of effectively realizing strategic planning and correct decision-making.

Strategy Map

The enterprise strategy is an interrelated perspective plan of actions designed to achieve long-term goals according to company's own potential as well as external factors. Development of strategy is one of the main functions of management. The strategy determines the enterprise's direction of development, it covers all major functions and departments: supply, production, finance, marketing, personnel, scientific researches and development, and helps managers to make informed decisions when choosing a method of actions. The choice by managers of a particular strategy means that of all the possible paths of development and ways of actions, it is decided to choose one direction in which the enterprise will evolve. Without a strategy the administration has no thought-out plan of actions, no guide in the world of business, and no unified program to achieve desired results. Since in the process of strategic decision making always appear new alternatives and is executed the search of the most preferred solutions, the initially designated goals of strategic development can be subsequently adjusted. This Mind Map template of a strategy map helps to display a variety of performance measures, which can have an impact on your organization.

Emergency Action Plan Template

In the case of origin of an emergency is very important to have a correct, clear and comprehensible action plan which will help you to react quicker and to make right decisions. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software extended with Fire and Emergency Plans solution from the Building Plans Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park provides extensive drawing tools for quick and easy creating fire and emergency plans, and also a set of various templates and samples, among them the Emergency Action Plan Template.

microsoft azure, windows azure, azure management, azure storage, azure blob storage, azure services Azure Architecture

microsoft azure, windows azure, azure management, azure storage, azure blob storage, azure services
Azure Architecture solution bundles into one handy tool everything you need to create effective Azure Architecture diagrams. It adds the extra value to versatile ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software and extends the users capabilities with comprehensive collection of Microsoft Azure themed graphics, logos, preset templates, wide array of predesigned vector symbols that covers the subjects such as Azure management, Azure storage, and Azure services, amongst others, and allow you to illustrate Azure Architecture diagrams at any degree of complexity, to present visually your Azure cloud system architecture with professional style, to design Azure cloud topology, to document Windows Azure Architecture and Azure Cloud System Architecture, to visualize the great abilities and work of Microsoft Azure Cloud System and Azure services.

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is widely used cloud platform which was created by Microsoft and now is managed by Microsoft datacenters in 19 regions of the world, and has a wide set of benefits and features. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Azure Architecture Solution from the Computer and Networks area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is the best for designing various pictorial infographics, illustrations and materials showing the possibilities and work of Microsoft Azure Cloud System and Azure services.


ConceptDraw DIAGRAM extended with Seven Management and Planning Tools Solution from the Management Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is the best software for drawing all types of diagrams from the Seven Management and Planning Tools: Affinity Diagram, Relations Diagram, Prioritization Matrix, Root Cause Analysis Tree Diagram, Involvement Matrix, PERT Chart, and Risk Diagram (PDPC).

SWOT analysis Software & Template for Macintosh and Windows

Experienced businessmen and professional marketing specialists know that the success in business largely depends on the chosen company's development strategy. To develop a correct development and promotion strategy for each individual business enterprise is needed a SWOT analysis. It is used to prepare marketing strategies for growing your business in the right direction, helps to develop the strategic alternative in the field of staff management and logistics, assists to know the strengths and weaknesses of the company, and also to identify the factors that affect the industry as a whole and this company in particular. Professional SWOT analysis is often holding by consulting companies. SWOT analysis is that tool which lets you make your business more successful. Realize it easily using professional SWOT analysis software developed for Macintosh and Windows OS - ConceptDraw DIAGRAM. Enhanced with SWOT and TOWS Matrix Diagrams solution, ConceptDraw DIAGRAM offers a lot of predesigned vector stencils for SWOT analysis, quick-start templates, useful SWOT samples and TOWS examples.

How to Make SWOT Analysis in a Word Document

A SWOT Analysis is a popular tool of the strategic planning which is used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats that are involved in any businesses. Use of mind maps allows you to collect a lot of information used for SWOT Analysis, visually structure it and also identify the relationships between different parts of this information. SWOT and TOWS Matrix Diagrams solution for ConceptDraw Solution Park combines professional visual advantages of ConceptDraw MINDMAP software and presentation capabilities of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM , which together provide a complete work solution. The SWOT and TOWS diagrams, matrices or mind maps produced in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM using the predesigned vector objects or filling the ready templates, can be then easily exported to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe PDF, and many other electronic file formats. The possibility of export makes easy the use of SWOT diagrams designed in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM and lets you efficiently collaborate even with people who maybe don't have this software.

SWOT Analysis Tool for Small Business

SWOT analysis is effective method of making the plan to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project. SWOT analysis includes the specifying project objectives and attentive identifying the internal and external causes for accomplishing the main project goals. It is actively used in large and small business project management for effective and clear identifying the critical factors. SWOT and TOWS Matrix Diagrams solution is included to ConceptDraw Solution Park and contains the high-quality analysis tools. This graphical solution turns the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software in an excellent marketing management and advertising agency software, the best SWOT analysis tool for small business or large, as you like and need. Included graphic tools, visual and project planning components make it the best marketing project management software for marketing project planning and for making marketing presentations. Use the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM to create professional and well-designed SWOT matrices in minutes.