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continent map, maps of continents,map of continents, continents map, 7 continents map, continents and oceans map, world continents map Continent Maps

continent map, maps of continents,map of continents, continents map, 7 continents map, continents and oceans map, world continents map
Continent Maps solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with templates, samples and libraries of vector stencils for drawing the thematic maps of continents, state maps of USA and Australia.

Line Graph, Basic Line Graphs Basic Line Graphs

Line Graph, Basic Line Graphs
This solution extends the capabilities of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM (or later) with templates, samples and a library of vector stencils for drawing Line Graphs.

australia map, map of australia, map australia Australia Map

australia map, map of australia, map australia
For graphic artists creating accurate maps of Australia. The Australia Map solution - allows designers to map Australia for their needs, offers a collection of scalable graphics representing the political geography of Australia, split into distinct state

map of england, map of scotland, united kingdom map, uk map, map of uk, great britain map, map of great britain, map of united kingdom, map of wales UK Map

map of england, map of scotland, united kingdom map, uk map, map of uk, great britain map, map of great britain, map of united kingdom, map of wales
The Map of UK solution contains collection of professionally designed samples and scalable vector stencil graphics maps, representing the United Kingdom counties, regions and cities. Use the Map of UK solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park as the base fo

How to draw Metro Map style infographics? (New York)

How to draw Metro Map style infographics of New York subway. New York Subway has a long history starting on October 27, 1904. Since the opening many agencies have provided schemes of the subway system. At present time are 34 lines in use. This page present New York City subway map construct with Metro Map Solution in Conceptdraw DIAGRAM software. This is a one-click tool to add stations to the map. It lets you control the direction in which you create new stations, change lengths, and add text labels and icons. It contains Lines, Stations, and Landmarks objects

histogram, flow chart, pareto chart, fishbone diagram, quality control Seven Basic Tools of Quality

histogram, flow chart, pareto chart, fishbone diagram, quality control
Manage quality control in the workplace, using fishbone diagrams, flowcharts, Pareto charts and histograms, provided by the Seven Basic Tools of Quality solution.

dinner recipes, easy recipes, food recipes, cooking recipes, quick recipes, holiday recipes, party recipes Cooking Recipes

dinner recipes, easy recipes, food recipes, cooking recipes, quick recipes, holiday recipes, party recipes
Create quick and easy recipe diagrams with the Cooking Recipes solution. Make a tasty meal for dinner, for holidays, or for a party.

Restaurant Floor Plan

Restaurants, cafes, banquet halls are popular places not only solely for eating, but for relaxation and recreation, that's why their construction and design requires special attention and exclusive solutions. Restaurant essentials include kitchen area, dining area, restrooms, bar area, staff quarters. Every specific restaurant floor plan have the main goal - organize space, restaurant seating plan or restaurant seating chart and provide the maximal comfort and beautiful impressions for your clients. On the stage of planning the restaurant's construction, you need obligatory create the set of different plans taking into account all details: Restaurant Seating Plan or Restaurant Seating Chart, Restaurant Floor Plan, Restaurant Layout Plan, Restaurant Design Plan, Furniture Arrangement Plan, etc. Now you don't need to be an artist to create great-looking Restaurant Floor Plan and other listed plans in minutes. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM Restaurant Floor Plan Software - enhanced with Cafe and Restaurant Floor Plan solution from Building Plans area of ConceptDraw Solution Park offers a lot of libraries with predesigned vector objects, many examples and templates for drawing restaurant floor plan and layout. Create unique, creative and harmonious custom designs for restaurants and cafes in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software fast and easy.