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What is Gantt Chart (historical reference)

Historical reference about the Gantt chart.

Gantt Chart Software

ConceptDraw PROJECT is a powerful Gantt Chart Software. The Gantt Charts are useful for displaying a large amount of detailed information, project tasks and timelines in a visually pleasing, easy-to-understand format. ConceptDraw PROJECT provides wide capabilities of importing and exporting in various formats: Microsoft Project, ConceptDraw MINDMAP, Mindjet MindManager, PDF file.

How to Create a Gantt Chart for Your Project

Instruction on how to create Gantt chart using ConceptDraw PROJECT software. Gant Chart is a graphical representation of tasks as segments on a time scale. It helps plan or overlapping.

How to Report Task's Execution with Gantt Chart

ConceptDraw PROJECT’s powerful reporting engine lets you generate a set of tabular reports with just one click, or visualize your project as Radial Tasks Structures, Work Breakdown Structures and Resource Calendars. It also provides you with dynamic Project Dashboards.

How to Generate ConceptDraw PROJECT Standard Reports on PC

The reporting capabilities of ConceptDraw PROJECT are really impressive. This section will help you find out what useful information can be obtained when using ConceptDraw PROJECT standard reports.

Advanced printing in ConceptDraw Project

ConceptDraw PROJECT has flexible print settings that allowing you to easily print your project data to suite any need.

Gantt Chart Templates

Gantt Chart Templates - PM Easy Solution from the Project Management Area extends ConceptDraw PROJECT with the ability to quickly start a project. It lists task dependencies and relationships making the terative planning easy. ConceptDraw PROJECT lets you the useful possibility to create visual project dashboards and diagrams, generate various kinds of reports with one click. It provides also extensive capabilities of importing and exporting in various formats: Microsoft Project, ConceptDraw MINDMAP, Mindjet MindManager, PDF file.

How to Create a Pie Chart

Create a Pie Chart with ConceptDraw software quickly and easily. The simple tutorial helps you learn how to create a pie chart.

Successful Strategic Plan

This sample shows the Strategic Plan of the Broadband Lifecycle that was developed by Strategic Networks Group. The Broadband Lifecycle represents the advance of the broadband investments.

Donut Chart Templates

These donut chart templates was designed using ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Pie Charts solution from Graphs and Charts area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. All these donut chart templates are included in the Pie Charts solution. You can quickly rework these examples into your own charts by simply changing displayed data, title and legend texts.