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Mind Map Making Software

ConceptDraw MINDMAP is a powerful Mind Map making software, effective business and personal productivity application, which provides professional tools for thinking, brainstorming, generating and organizing ideas and data, for project planning, problem solving and many other tasks. ConceptDraw MINDMAP possess power, economy, and versatility, which help to raise personnel and team productivity. ConceptDraw MINDMAP allows you effectively generate, change, and update the Mind Maps. It provides variety of input and output solutions that allow create, change and share the Mind Maps quickly, simply and effectively. The use of desired Input template lets you create your own Mind Map in one moment. Discover today wide output and input capabilities of ConceptDraw MINDMAP. It lets to input the data from MS PowerPoint, MS Word, MS Project, XMind, MindManager, OPML and Text Outline sources, and also output your Mind Maps to MS PowerPoint, MS Word, MS Project, save as PDF, Web-page, Text Outline, RTF, OPML, or image.

winter sports Winter Sports

winter sports
The Winter Sports solution from Sport area of ConceptDraw Solution Park contains winter sports illustration examples, templates and vector clipart libraries.

How to Perform Presentations in ConceptDraw MINDMAP without Exporting to Other Applications

Tips on how to perform a mind map presentation directly from the mindmapping software.
Effective Presentation
Effective Presentation

How to Create a PowerPoint® Presentation from a Mind Map

ConceptDraw MINDMAP allows you to create a traditional PowerPoint Presentation from your mind mind maps. There are two different variants when exporting to PowerPoint  - one places editable text into the template of your choice, the other places the pieces of the map that you want to show into the slides.

How to Import a PowerPoint Presentation to ConceptDraw MINDMAP

ConceptDraw MINDMAP supports the ability to import presentations from Microsoft® PowerPoint®.

Presentations in Educational Process

Using mind mapping in education is very popular way to make your lecture materials more structural and clear both for you and for students. At remote learning session your students also can make notes or type questions to the current slides without interrupting slide show.

How to Present a Mind Map with Multiple Main Ideas

The simplest way to create a presentation from your map is by creating Default Presentation, but it will not display slides for additional Main Ideas and their topics. This article describes how you can do this.
Effective Presentation
Effective Presentation

football, american football, football field, american football field, football field dimensions, offense, defense, football plays, football diagram Football

football, american football, football field, american football field, football field dimensions, offense, defense, football plays, football diagram
The Football Solution extends ConceptDraw PRO v9.5 (or later) software with samples, templates, and libraries of vector objects for drawing football (American) diagrams, plays schemas, and illustrations. It can be used to make professional looking documen

quality management mind map, quality management mindmap Quality Mind Map

quality management mind map, quality management mindmap
This solution extends ConceptDraw MINDMAP software with Quality Management Mind Maps (Presentations, Meeting Agendas, Problem to be solved).

How to Start Mind Mapping from a Custom Template

In this article, find out how you can make your favorite template the default map when launching ConceptDraw MINDMAP.

How to Input Data from MS Excel Into a Mind Map

Many people apply Excel documents to store data in the form of hierarchical lists. With ConceptDraw MINDMAP you can easily turn the linear structure of an Excel table in a radial structure of mind map ConceptDraw MINDMAP will create a mind map file (CDMZ) from your Excel (XLS) file. If you keep your information in the Microsoft Excel files, you can import them into ConceptDraw MINDMAP, converting the columns and rows to a hierarchical structured mind map. If you have multiple individual sheets in your Excel workbook, ConceptDraw MINDMAP will turn them into a single multi-page mind map. ConceptDraw MINDMAP lets you import an entire Microsoft® Excel file as well as insert data from the selected cells.

basketball, basketball court, football field, baskettball court dimensions, offense, defense, bsketball plays, basketball diagram Basketball

basketball, basketball court, football field, baskettball court dimensions, offense, defense, bsketball plays, basketball diagram
The Basketball Solution extends ConceptDraw PRO v9.5 (or later) software with samples, templates, and libraries of vector objects for drawing basketball diagrams, plays schemas, and illustrations. It can be used to make professional looking documents, pre

playground layout Sport Field Plans

playground layout
Construction of sport complex, playgrounds, sport school, sport grounds and fields assumes creation clear plans, layouts, or sketches. In many cases you need represent on the plan multitude of details, including dimensions, placement of bleachers, lighting, considering important sport aspects and other special things.

mind map, Conference Calls, mindmap, mindmapping, project, skype presentation, skype, remote presentation, international call, team, workgroup, screen sharing, screen share, skype screen sharing, PowerPoint, MS Word, MindJet, education, remote training Remote Presentation for Skype

mind map, Conference Calls, mindmap, mindmapping, project, skype presentation, skype, remote presentation, international call, team, workgroup, screen sharing, screen share, skype screen sharing, PowerPoint, MS Word, MindJet, education, remote training
This solution extends ConceptDraw MINDMAP software with the ability to collaborate via Skype.

How to Make a Project Tasks Mind Map from Brainstorm

Start project with creating a mind map, structuring ideas captured during a brainstorming session.