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VMware vNetwork Distributied Switch (vDS). Computer and Network Examples

The VMware vNetwork Distributed Switch (vDS) is the new virtual switch (vSwitch) with vSphere 4 that extends the set of features of the VMware vNetwork Standard Switch (vSS). The VMware vSS is the base-level virtual networking alternative that extends the capabilities, configuration and appearance of the standard vSwitch in VMware ESX 3.5 to ESX 4.0 and vSphere 4.
This example was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM using the Computer and Networks Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park and shows the VMware vDS network diagram.

Network Glossary Definition

The Network Topology Diagram examples was created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with Computer and Networks solution.
Easy to draw network topology diagrams, network mapping and Cisco network topology.
How to Draw a Computer Network
How to Draw a Computer Network