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Simple Diagramming

Create flowcharts, org charts, floor plans, business diagrams and more with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM.

Concept Map

A concept map is a way of representing relationships between ideas, images, or words. How to draw a Concept Map quick, easy and effective? ConceptDraw DIAGRAM offers the unique Concept Maps Solution from the "Diagrams" Area that will help you!

rack, rack mount, rack solutions, server rack  Rack Diagrams

rack, rack mount, rack solutions, server rack
The Rack Diagrams solution can be used while working in the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and drawing software in order to create the necessary Rack diagrams. Choosing any of the 54 vector shapes from its stencil library, you can use the Rack Diagrams solution for drawing various types of Rack diagrams or Server rack diagrams visualizing 19" rack mounted computers and servers. The Rack Diagrams solution, additionally including a collection of samples and a quick-start template, can be useful for many users of the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM who deal with computer networks, such as IT specialists; computer, network and telecommunication engineers; software engineers, technical writers, IT managers, system administrators, technical support, webmasters, system architects and engineers.

network layout, network floor plan, network visualization, network topologies, network topology mapper Network Layout Floor Plans

network layout, network floor plan, network visualization, network topologies, network topology mapper
Network Layout Floor Plans solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software functionality with powerful tools for quick and efficient documentation the network equipment and displaying its location on the professionally designed Network Layout Floor Plans. Never before creation of Network Layout Floor Plans, Network Communication Plans, Network Topologies Plans and Network Topology Maps was not so easy, convenient and fast as with predesigned templates, samples, examples and comprehensive set of vector design elements included to the Network Layout Floor Plans solution. All listed types of plans will be a good support for the future correct cabling and installation of network equipment.

UML Diagram Editor

This sample shows the UML Class Diagram of Learning Object Metadata (LOM) base schema. The classes represented as boxes with attributes and are connected with associations. You can see the composition associations on this diagram. The associations are indicated with the multiplicities 0..1, 0..*. This sample can be used in electrical and electronics engineering.

Cloud computing, Architecture Diagrams, Cloud Computing Architecture, How Cloud Computing Works, amazon cloud computing architecture, introduction to cloud computing architecture Cloud Computing Diagrams

Cloud computing, Architecture Diagrams, Cloud Computing Architecture, How Cloud Computing Works, amazon cloud computing architecture, introduction to cloud computing architecture
The Cloud Computing Diagrams solution extends the functionality of the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software with a comprehensive collection of libraries of commonly accepted cloud computing vector stencils to help you to get started designing Cloud Computing Diagrams, Architecture Diagrams and Cloud Computing Architecture Diagrams without effort. This solution lets one professionally depict the way how the cloud computing works, allows giving a powerful introduction to the Cloud computing architecture and Amazon cloud computing architecture, to display the essence of the cloud computing, the main characteristics and classification of the cloud services thanks to the wide variety of predesigned samples and examples.

Data Flow Diagram Software

When studying a business process or system involving the transfer of data, it is common to use a Data Flow Diagram (DFD) to visualize how data are processed. Being initially used exclusively in regards to the flow of data through a computer system, now DFDs are employed as the business modeling tools. They are applied to describe the business events and interactions, or physical systems involving data storage and transfer. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a powerful Data Flow Diagram software thanks to the Data Flow Diagrams solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Computer Hardware - Reseller Business Plan

When developing a business plan it is very important to accurately represent the structure and visually outline all important information. A business plan usually has a clear hierarchical structure. The Mind Maps are particularly effective to describe such structures, they are one of the most powerful and visually intuitive tools for the tasks of structuring and memorizing large amounts of information. The Mind Maps are indispensable in development the complex projects, in preparation and discussion of business plans, in designing the presentations, in process of decision making, holding brainstorming, time management, etc. As for the software for working with Mind Maps, particularly effective is a cross-platform ConceptDraw MINDMAP software for Windows and Mac OS X. It provides many tools that help in business plan preparation for organizing the new business, in developing a business plan for promotion some product, etc. ConceptDraw MINDMAP supports the multipage documents, the export and import into popular applications MS PowerPoint, MS Word, PDF, MindManager, in project management applications ConceptDraw Project and MS Project, and in various graphical formats. You can to observe a Mind Map of a business plan for computer hardware reseller designed in ConceptDraw MINDMAP.

network topology diagram software, network icons, network diagram template, networking icons available, how to draw a network diagram Computer Network Diagrams

network topology diagram software, network icons, network diagram template, networking icons available, how to draw a network diagram
Computer Network Diagrams solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with samples, templates and libraries of vector icons and objects of computer network devices and network components to help you create professional-looking Computer Network Diagrams, to plan simple home networks and complex computer network configurations for large buildings, to represent their schemes in a comprehensible graphical view, to document computer networks configurations, to depict the interactions between network's components, the used protocols and topologies, to represent physical and logical network structures, to compare visually different topologies and to depict their combinations, to represent in details the network structure with help of schemes, to study and analyze the network configurations, to communicate effectively to engineers, stakeholders and end-users, to track network working and troubleshoot, if necessary.

computer clipart, communication symbols Computers and Communications

computer clipart, communication symbols
Computers and communications solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with illustration samples, templates and vector stencils libraries with clip art of computers, control devices, communications, technology, Apple machines.
This vector stencils library contains 184 round icons.
Use it to design cloud computing infographics and diagrams with ConceptDraw PRO software.
"Though service-oriented architecture advocates "everything as a service" (with the acronyms EaaS or XaaS or simply aas), cloud-computing providers offer their "services" according to different models, which happen to form a stack: infrastructure-, platform- and software-as-a-service.
Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
In the most basic cloud-service model ... providers of IaaS offer computers — physical or (more often) virtual machines — and other resources. IaaS refers to online services that abstract the user from the details of infrastructure like physical computing resources, location, data partitioning, scaling, security, backup etc.
Platform as a service (PaaS)
PaaS vendors offer a development environment to application developers. The provider typically develops toolkit and standards for development and channels for distribution and payment. In the PaaS models, cloud providers deliver a computing platform, typically including operating system, programming-language execution environment, database, and web server. Application developers can develop and run their software solutions on a cloud platform without the cost and complexity of buying and managing the underlying hardware and software layers.
Software as a service (SaaS)
In the software as a service (SaaS) model, users gain access to application software and databases. Cloud providers manage the infrastructure and platforms that run the applications. SaaS is sometimes referred to as "on-demand software" and is usually priced on a pay-per-use basis or using a subscription fee.
In the SaaS model, cloud providers install and operate application software in the cloud and cloud users access the software from cloud clients. Cloud users do not manage the cloud infrastructure and platform where the application runs. This eliminates the need to install and run the application on the cloud user's own computers, which simplifies maintenance and support. Cloud applications differ from other applications in their scalability — which can be achieved by cloning tasks onto multiple virtual machines at run-time to meet changing work demand." [Cloud computing. Wikipedia]
The vector stencils library "Cloud round icons" is included in the Cloud Computing Diagrams solution from the Computer and Networks area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Add, add,
Analysis, analysis,
App, App,
Archive, archive,
Back, back,
Backup, backup,
Book, book,
Books, books,
Box, box,
Bug, bug,
Calculation, calculation,
Calendar, calendar,
Call, call,
Car, car,
Certificate, certificate,
Cloud alert
Cloud alert, cloud alert,
Cloud analysis
Cloud analysis, cloud analysis,
Cloud authorization
Cloud authorization, cloud authorization,
Cloud collaboration
Cloud collaboration, cloud collaboration,
Cloud communications
Cloud communications, cloud communications,
Cloud computing
Cloud computing, cloud computing,
Cloud configuration
Cloud configuration, cloud configuration,
Cloud connectivity
Cloud connectivity, cloud connectivity,
Cloud control
Cloud control, cloud control,
Cloud cost calculation
Cloud cost calculation, cloud cost calculation,
Cloud database
Cloud database, cloud database,
Cloud download
Cloud download, cloud download,
Cloud drive
Cloud drive, cloud drive,
Cloud error
Cloud error, cloud error,
Cloud failure
Cloud failure, cloud failure,
Cloud FAQ
Cloud FAQ, cloud FAQ,
Cloud feedback
Cloud feedback, сloud feedback,
Cloud files
Cloud files, cloud files,
Cloud gateway
Cloud gateway, cloud gateway,
Cloud hosting
Cloud hosting, cloud hosting,
Cloud info
Cloud info, cloud info,
Cloud Internet storage
Cloud Internet storage, cloud Internet storage,
Cloud lock
Cloud lock, cloud lock,
Cloud locked
Cloud locked, cloud locked,
Cloud mail
Cloud mail, cloud mail,
Cloud music
Cloud music, cloud music,
Cloud paperless office
Cloud paperless office, cloud paperless office,
Cloud performance
Cloud performance, cloud performance,
Cloud photo
Cloud photo, сloud photo,
Cloud safe
Cloud safe, сloud safe,
Cloud search
Cloud search, сloud search,
Cloud security
Cloud security, cloud security,
Cloud servers
Cloud servers, cloud servers,
Cloud services
Cloud services, cloud services,
Cloud shopping
Cloud shopping, cloud shopping,
Cloud success
Cloud success, cloud success,
Cloud synchronization
Cloud synchronization, cloud synchronization,
Cloud tech support
Cloud tech support, cloud tech support,
Cloud transfer
Cloud transfer, cloud transfer,
Cloud unlocked
Cloud unlocked, cloud unlocked,
Cloud upload
Cloud upload, cloud upload,
Cloud video
Cloud video, cloud video,
Code, code,
Collaboration, collaboration,
Communication, communication,
Community cloud
Community cloud, community cloud,
Contact list
Contact list, contact list,
Content, content,
Database, database,
Datacenter, datacenter,
Data storage
Data storage, data storage,
Desktop, desktop,
Display, display,
Document, document,
Documents, documents,
Dollar, drawing shapes, dollar,
Done, done,
Down, drawing shapes, down,
Download, download,
E-commerce, E-commerce,
Earth, earth,
Email, email,
Encryption, encryption,
Error, error,
Ethernet, ethernet,
Euro, euro, drawing shapes,
Failure, failure,
Feed, feed,
File, file,
Files, files,
Filter, filter,
Firewall, firewall,
Flash drive
Flash drive, flash drive,
Folder, folder,
Forward, forward, drawing shapes,
Hard drive
Hard drive, hard drive, drawing shapes,
Hardware, hardware, drawing shapes,
Health, health, drawing shapes,
Health monitoring
Health monitoring, health monitoring, drawing shapes,
Home, home, drawing shapes,
Hosting, hosting,
Image, image,
Info, info,
Innovation, innovation,
Key, key,
Keyboard, keyboard,
Laptop, laptop,
Letter, letter, drawing shapes,
Lightning, lightning, drawing shapes,
Link, link, drawing shapes,
List, list, drawing shapes,
Location, location, drawing shapes,
Lock, lock, drawing shapes,
Log, log, drawing shapes,
Login, login,
Logout, logout,
Mail, mail, drawing shapes,
Mail list
Mail list, mail list, drawing shapes,
Marketplace, marketplace, drawing shapes,
Memory (RAM)
Memory (RAM), memory, RAM, drawing shapes,
Message, message, drawing shapes,
Minus, minus, drawing shapes,
Mobile, mobile, drawing shapes,
Mobile cloud computing
Mobile cloud computing, mobile cloud computing, drawing shapes,
Mouse, mouse, drawing shapes,
Music player
Music player, music player, drawing shapes,
Network, network, drawing shapes,
Notebook, notebook, drawing shapes,
Notification, notification, drawing shapes,
Package, package, drawing shapes,
Patch, patch, drawing shapes,
Performance, performance, drawing shapes,
Personal cloud
Personal cloud, personal cloud,
Phone book
Phone book, phone book, drawing shapes,
Photo, photo, drawing shapes,
Plug, plug, drawing shapes,
Pound, pound, drawing shapes,
Power, power, drawing shapes,
Power button
Power button, power button, drawing shapes,
Process, process, drawing shapes,
Processing, processing, drawing shapes,
Puzzles, puzzles, drawing shapes,
Question sign
Question sign, question sign, drawing shapes,
Recovery, recovery, drawing shapes,
Remote, remote, drawing shapes,
Repair, repair, drawing shapes,
Restore, restore, drawing shapes,
Rocket (Logic app)
Rocket (Logic app), rocket, logic app, drawing shapes,
Router, router, drawing shapes,
Safety, safety, drawing shapes,
Schedule, schedule,
Script, script, drawing shapes,
SDK, drawing shapes, SDK,
Search (Scan)
Search (Scan), search, scan, drawing shapes,
Security, security, drawing shapes,
Server, server, drawing shapes,
Server rack
Server rack, server rack, drawing shapes,
Services, services,
Sharing, sharing, drawing shapes,
Shopping basket
Shopping basket, shopping basket, drawing shapes,
Sign in
Sign in, sign in, drawing shapes,
Smartphone, smartphone, drawing shapes,
Song, song, drawing shapes,
Sound, sound, drawing shapes,
Stethoscope, stethoscope, drawing shapes,
Stickman, stickman, drawing shapes,
Subscription, subscription, drawing shapes,
Sync, sync, drawing shapes,
Tablet, tablet, drawing shapes,
Tech support
Tech support, tech support, drawing shapes,
Time, time, drawing shapes,
Top rated
Top rated, top rated, drawing shapes,
Transfer, transfer, drawing shapes,
Unlink, unlink, drawing shapes,
Unlock, unlock, drawing shapes,
Up, up, drawing shapes,
Upload, upload,
User, user, drawing shapes,
Video mail
Video mail, video mail, drawing shapes,
View (visual)
View (visual), view, visual, drawing shapes,
Virus protection
Virus protection, virus protection, drawing shapes,
Waste bin
Waste bin, waste bin, drawing shapes,
Web, web, drawing shapes,
Wifi, wifi, drawing shapes,
Wireless, wireless, drawing shapes,
Yen sign
Yen sign, yen sign, drawing shapes,

cybersecurity, communications, homeland security, financial services, information technology, emergency services, energy sector Critical Infrastructure Sectors

cybersecurity, communications, homeland security, financial services, information technology, emergency services, energy sector
Critical Infrastructure Sectors solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software provides a set of examples and vector stencil libraries for designing infographics and diagrams about means for the most efficient protection of critical infrastructure, energy sector, and rapid recovery in the case of disruptions. Illustrate your projects on the prevention of physical, environmental, and cyber threats, development of information technology and detection equipment. Improve your projects in communications, financial services, emergency services, homeland security, cybersecurity to solve critical issues efficiently and decrease the detrimental effects of disruptions on society and citizens. Show the results of testing new technologies and newest equipment for critical infrastructure protection and increasing resilience.

network security tips, cyber security degrees, it security solutions, network security, network security devices, secure wireless network Network Security Diagrams

network security tips, cyber security degrees, it security solutions, network security, network security devices, secure wireless network
The Network Security Diagrams solution presents a large collection of predesigned cybersecurity vector stencils, cliparts, shapes, icons and connectors to help you succeed in designing professional and accurate Network Security Diagrams, Network Security Infographics to share knowledge about effective ways of networks protection with help of software and network security devices of different cyber security degrees, Network Plans for secure wireless network, Computer Security Diagrams to visually tell about amazing possibilities of IT security solutions. The samples and examples reflect the power of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software in drawing Network Security Diagrams, give the representation about variety of existing types of attacks and threats, help to realize their seriousness and the methods to deal with them.

How to Use the ″Online Store PR Campaign″ Sample

Interactive tool helps you find the appropriate response to social media mentions quickly.

State Diagram Example — Online Store

This sample was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software using the UML State Mashine Diagram library of the Rapid UML Solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. This sample shows the work of the online store and can be used for the understanding of the online shopping processes, for projection and creating of the online store.

Online Diagram Tool

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Rapid UML Solution from the Software Development Area is a powerful online diagram tool that will help you design any types of UML diagrams simply and fast.

block diagram, function blocks Block Diagrams

block diagram, function blocks
Block Diagrams solution with the pre-made templates, samples and stencil libraries full of vector elements can be used for drawing any needed Block diagram, Functional block diagram, or Block flow diagram. Using the created block diagrams for visualizing the high-levelled concepts of engineering, software system design and business, any business owner has a chance to succeed in doing what he is meant to. Many business specialists, business owners, and project managers will find the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM block diagram creator with Block Diagrams solution useful for drawing the 2D and 3D Block diagrams as using the pre-designed objects.

Network Topology

Network topology describes a way of organizing the physical connectivity of computers and other network components. All networks are built based on basic topologies: bus, star, ring, mesh. The basic topologies themselves are not complicated, but in practice we often face with their complex combinations. A particular choice of one or another topology affects the composition of necessary network equipment, opportunity of network expansion and method of network management. Bus topology is widespread and the most simple, it uses a single cable along which are connected all computers. In Star topology each computer is connected by a separate cable to common hub device located in a center of network. In networks with Ring topology, the data are transmitted around the ring from one computer to another, usually in one direction. In Mesh networks, only the computers with intensive data exchange are connected. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software extended with powerful tools of solutions included to Computer and Networks area, contributes to high-quality design Network Topology Diagrams of different types.

UML Tool & UML Diagram Examples

The Unified Modeling Language (abbr. UML) is a general-purpose modeling language widely used in the field of software development, software engineering, education, science, industry, business. In 1997 the UML was approved as a standard by the OMG (Object Management Group) and in 2005 was published as ISO standard by the International Organization for Standardization. UML is widely and succesfully applied for optimization the process of software systems development and business systems analysis. There are used 14 types of UML diagrams, 7 from them depict structural information, another 7 types represent different types of behavior and aspects of interactions. Design of any automated process is easy with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM and unique Rapid UML solution from the Software Development area, which provides numerous UML examples, templates and vector stencils libraries for drawing all types of UML 1.x and UML 2.x diagrams. Use of predesigned UML diagram examples and templates lets you quickly start drawing your own UML diagrams in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software.