ConceptDraw DIAGRAM Compatibility with MS Visio
The powerful diagramming and business graphics tools are now not exception, but the norm for today’s business, which develop in incredibly quick temp. But with the abundance of powerful business diagramming applications it is important to provide their compatibility for effective exchange the information between the colleagues and other people who maybe use different software in their work. During many years Microsoft Visio™ was standard file format for the business and now many people need the visual communication software tools that can read the Visio format files and also export to Visio format. The powerful diagramming and vector drawing software ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is ideal from the point of view of compatibility with MS Visio. Any ConceptDraw DIAGRAM user who have the colleagues that use MS Visio or any who migrates from Visio to ConceptDraw DIAGRAM , will not have any problems. The VSDX (Visio′s open XML file format) and VDX formatted files can be easily imported and exported by ConceptDraw DIAGRAM , you can see video about this possibility.Visio Files and ConceptDraw
Visio Files and ConceptDraw. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is compatible with MS Visio.VDX formatted files.VDX is Visio’s open XML file format, and it can be easily imported and exported by ConceptDraw DIAGRAM.
Project Exchange
This solution extends ConceptDraw PROJECT and ConceptDraw MINDMAP software with the ability to import and export project data.
How to Exchange ConceptDraw MINDMAP Files with Mindjet MindManager
ConceptDraw MINDMAP has impressive import and export capabilities includes following formats: OPML Mindjet™ MindManager™ Microsoft™ Office products: PowerPoint™ Project™ Word™ FreeMind (import only) XMind (import only)
Visio Exchange
Our Visio Exchange tool allows you to Import and export native MS Visio 2013 files that are in the new MS Visio drawing (VSDX) format introduced in the most recent Visio iteration. In addition, ConceptDraw DIAGRAM supports the import and export of MS Visio 2007-2010 XML. (VDX) files more accurately then previous versions of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM. If you have the older MS Visio 2007-2010.
Looking at ConceptDraw MINDMAP as a Replacement for Mindjet Mindmanager
The comparing of ConceptDraw MINDMAP to Mindjet Mindmanager allows to identify a lot of benefits. At first, the ConceptDraw MINDMAP has a lower price, the flexible licensing, the license is per-named-user, no charge for major product upgrades and no charge for support. ConceptDraw MINDMAP is effective for launching the stalled projects to new heights, it possess the excellent possibility of importing and exporting to other mind mapping program file formats. ConceptDraw MINDMAP easily integrates with wide set of programs, among them Evernote, Skype, Twitter, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Project, Mindjet Mindmanager, ConceptDraw PROJECT, ConceptDraw DIAGRAM , with solutions from ConceptDraw Solution Park. Now you have a freedom to choose the best format for each your document, it is incredibly easy to make the Skype presentation, to take and share critical information, to send your Mind Map to Evernote, to import / export MS Word documents, MS PowerPoint presentations, the project data, open and save Mindmanager files, to map out the long-term Twitter messages and publish them to your Twitter account directly from a Mind Map.How to make great presentation via Skype? it works with ConceptDraw MINDMAP?
ConceptDraw Solution Park provides a lot of useful solutions, among them Remote Presentation for Skype solution and powerful Mind Map Exchange solution. The presentation via Skype conference call is a part of Remote Presentation for Skype solution, due to it you are able to share easily your presentation via Skype and to control the slide-show process, which plays synchronously on the computers of all conference call participants. The Mind Map Exchange solution provides a lot of features for importing and exporting the documents between ConceptDraw MINDMAP software and the most popular mindmapping software tools, such as MindJet Mindmanager, Freemind, XMind and others. Thanks to all these abilities the ConceptDraw MINDMAP mind mapping software is perfect for holding the remote learning, remote training, varied web conferences, webinars and team briefings, and to represent any kind of information in a simple and convenient Mind Map form. With ConceptDraw MINDMAP it is easy to deliver the presentation session via Skype and to share the great-looking presentation documents with each conference participant.Network Visualization with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM
ConceptDraw makes the entire process of network visualization easier thanks to the numerous ready-to-use objects included in the package for presentation of network equipment, LDAP directory symbols and many other objects that symbolize resources in most various representations.Software development with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM
Modern software development requires creation of large amount of graphic documentation, these are the diagrams describing the work of applications in various notations and cuts, also GUI design and documentation on project management. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM technical and business graphics application possesses powerful tools for software development and designing technical documentation for object-oriented projects. Solutions included to the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park provide the specialists with possibility easily and quickly create graphic documentation. They deliver effective help in drawing thanks to the included package of templates, samples, examples, and libraries with numerous ready-to-use vector objects that allow easily design class hierarchies, object hierarchies, visual object-oriented designs, flowcharts, GUI designs, database designs, visualize the data with use of the most popular notations, including the UML and Booch notations, easy manage the development projects, automate projection and development.How To Use Collaboration Software
Collaboration Software helps to transform shared MINDMAP documents to build an effective team collaboration.
Collaboration Area
The solutions from Collaboration area of ConceptDraw Solution Park extend ConceptDraw DIAGRAM and ConceptDraw MINDMAP software with features, samples, templates and vector stencils libraries for drawing diagrams and mindmaps useful for collaboration.
Internet solutions with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM
ConceptDraw is a good means of visualization of information of any kind as it features powerful graphic capabilities. The conception of using ConceptDraw and open formats by the programs that work with Internet can be used for displaying any data and any structure in Internet.How To Send Presentation via Skype (Mac OS X)
New way to present documents via Skype conference call on Mac. All participants receive files. Presentation can be created automatically from plenty document formats.
What is MindMap presentation via Skype?
Skype is incredibly popular program, used by millions of people in all over the world as a means of communication and sharing the information, data, documents and other files. The Skype opportunities for business are obvious and limitless, besides it is a global standard for video web conferencing. The Remote Presentation for Skype solution supplies the ConceptDraw MINDMAP with perfect ability to hold the Skype conferences with your team, effectively exchange the documents and present them live via Skype, allowing the coworkers from anywhere in the world to view their briefing while hearing their voice. The Mind Map Exchange solution contributes for easy importing and exporting documents between ConceptDraw MINDMAP and other most popular mindmapping software, such as MindJet Mindmanager, Freemind, XMind, also MS Word and other applications. At the end of Skype conference held at the assist of Remote Presentation for Skype solution, each participant receives the copy of presentation document file and can find it at Presentation History folder, viewed again or shown for other team.One formula of professional mind mapping : input data + output data + make great presentation
ConceptDraw MINDMAP is a powerful software from ConceptDraw Office suite, which provides a lot of tools and components for professional Mind Mapping. Besides the extensive tools for creation attractive and great-looking Mind Maps, it offers also wide import capabilities from MS Office files and mind mapping files MindJet MindManager, XMind and FreeMind, extensive export capabilities to common formats, such as PDF, HTML, different graphic formats, the possibility to generate MS Office documents, Project Management reports, PowerPoint presentations and demonstrate them via Skype conference call. Use of Skype conference call feature lets you to demonstrate the presentation's slide show and control it on computers of Skype call participants. This Report Mind Map example created in ConceptDraw MINDMAP software depicts the current project status and includes many pages and slides. This Project Status Report can be easy played as a slide show presentation on the large screen or to remote team using Skype conference call.Using mind maps created by Mindjet MindManager for Presentation via Skype to remote team
ConceptDraw MINDMAP software extended with powerful tools of Remote Presentation for Skype solution allows to hold effectively the Skype conference calls and presentations, and to share your Mind Map documents of any complexity via Skype. ConceptDraw MINDMAP is one of the best mind mapping applications due to the extensive set of functions, tools and features, but sometimes you may need to work with Mind Map files designed in other applications. ConceptDraw MINDMAP gives you the possibility to share via Skype not only the ConceptDraw MINDMAP documents, in cases when you have the Mind Maps designed in Mindjet MindManager, you can also represent them via Skype to the remote team. Extensive importing and exporting capabilities between ConceptDraw MINDMAP and MindJet Mindmanager are available thanks to the Mind Map Exchange solution included to ConceptDraw Solution Park. Note, that at the end of every Skype conference, each its participant receives a copy of presentation document file that is automatically stored in Presentation History folder.
PM Response
The PM Response solution extends the functional abilities in project management for all three ConceptDraw products by helping to improve the response time to project changes, to plan on how to effectively respond on issues and events impacting the project. It supplies the project managers, team leaders, and all other project participants with wide abilities of iteration planning, creative collaboration, effective decision-making, discussions of the project layout approaches and solving the project challenges, lets them use mind mapping technique for iteration planning and applying the project changes, to represent the projects data as Mind Maps and use them to construct the clear plans, to convert project maps to project implementations, to use different kinds of Visual diagrams to solve the current project problems and to make correct decisions, to plan resources usage and to respond to changes in the project environment.
MindMap Presentation
Mindmap Presentation. Present Mindmaps via Skype with ConceptDraw MINDMAP.
Audio and Video Connectors
Audio and video connectors solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with templates, samples and library of vector stencils for drawing audio and video hook up diagrams.
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