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How to Open MS Visio® 2003-2010 Files on Mac®

The ConceptDraw DIAGRAM has solved the problem for those who need to share MS Visio documents between users of different operating systems. ConceptDraw Visio File Conversion is a free web service, that is available to anyone who has a requirement to open Visio (VSD) documents in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM. This service was created for Mac OS X users, who need to open visual documents saved in Visio(VSD) file format. If you have heard from many people that they frequently faced difficulties with sharing their MS Visio documents between Windows and Mac OS X users, be sure that there were no ConceptDraw DIAGRAM users among them.

How to Exchange Files with MS Project Users

Ability to exchange project data across different project applications gives users an excellent alternative on the way they manage projects, and assists in the interoperability of project information between team members who have Macintosh and PC computers.

How to Import MS Project File to a Mind Map Using the Project Exchange Solution

ConceptDraw MINDMAP can export a mind map to MS Project; it can also import a project file from MS Project, making a working visual map of a planned project. ConceptDraw MINDMAP supports inputting external data into a map with one click. Input capabilities are critical because it makes your data visual. When your data is visual, you can manage and communicate it using newly generated documents and/or presentations. Data you can input into your map can come from just about anywhere. Data can come from Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, Project, the web, a mind map, and other electronic sources. You can input data as a task list, resource list, Gantt chart, brainstorm or search results.

How to Convert MS Visio® 2003-2010 File to   ConceptDraw DIAGRAM

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is such a viable alternative for individuals and organizations that are looking for a professional business solution. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM file import and export works roundtrip with the Visio 2010-2013 file formats. With the introduction of Visio 2013 Microsoft has changed the native binary file format used in earlier versions of Microsoft Visio. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM file import and export works with the new Visio VSDX file format and at the same time supports the improved import of VDX file format. To Import Visio vsd files to ConceptDraw follow the steps described in this article.

How to Convert a Mind Map into MS Project XML

The easiest way to start this project is to conduct a brainstorm session that identifies necessary tasks, then prepare a project schedule in the form of a Gantt chart and assign resources to tasks. With ConceptDraw MINDMAP, you can initiate a project using a mind map to represent all critical and important tasks. ConceptDraw MINDMAP supports a mind map export to MS Project; it also allows import a project file from MS Project giving team members who use OS X or Windows a working visual map of a planned project.

How to Use Project Exchange Solution

Ability to exchange project data across different project applications gives users an excellent alternative on the way they manage projects, and assists in the interoperability of project information between team members who have Macintosh and PC computers.

How to Export Project Data to MS Excel Worksheet

You can share your ConceptDraw PROJECT files with colleagues who use MS Excel®using the export capabilities of ConceptDraw PROJECT.

How to Plan Projects Effectively Using Solutions

You can turn a project mind map into a Gantt chart. The advanced data exchange capabilities of ConceptDraw MINDMAP and ConceptDraw PROJECT allows you to view your mind map as a Gantt chart. This way you are switching between views of the same file.

How to Import Project Data From MS Excel File

You can import information into the project from MS Excel workbook using the entered fields - fields in which you can enter or edit information as opposed to calculated fields.