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The vector stencils library "SysML diagrams" contains 19 symbols.
Use it to design your SysML diagrams using ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software.
"The Systems Modeling Language (SysML) is a general-purpose modeling language for systems engineering applications. It supports the specification, analysis, design, verification and validation of a broad range of systems and systems-of-systems.
SysML was originally developed by an open source specification project, and includes an open source license for distribution and use. SysML is defined as an extension of a subset of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) using UML's profile mechanism." [Systems Modeling Language. Wikipedia]
The building blocks example "Design elements - SysML diagrams" is included in the SysML solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
SysML diagram building blocks
SysML diagram building blocks, viewpoint, view, refine, realization, rationale , public package import, problem, private package import, package diagram, package containment, package, model, dependency, constraint textual note, constraint note, conform, comment,

How to Connect a Live Object to a Text Data Source

You can easily create a visual dashboard using charts and graphics indicators from Live Objects libraries. Here is an instruction on how to connect a ConceptDraw live object with data source files in TXT format to visualize the actual values of your performance metrics.

Visio Files and ConceptDraw

Visio Files and ConceptDraw. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is compatible with MS Visio.VDX formatted files.VDX is Visio’s open XML file format, and it can be easily imported and exported by ConceptDraw DIAGRAM.

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM Compatibility with MS Visio

For those who are migrating from MS Visio to ConceptDraw DIAGRAM, or for those who have colleagues and clients who use Visio, ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is compatible with MS Visio.VSDX formatted files.VSDX is Visio’s open XML file format, and it can be easily imported and exported by ConceptDraw DIAGRAM.

How to Create a Meter Dashboard

ConceptDraw Meter Dashboard solution is design to support creating interactive indicator such as Gauges, Meters, Bullets and Sliders. It is based on a Live Object technology. Live Meters indicators are used to show various types of quantitative data, and can be arranged into a dashboard. The dashboard displays the actual data from the data source files with regular updates every 5 seconds.