Event-Driven Process Chain Diagram Software
It’s very easy, quick and convenient to draw the Event-driven Process Chain (EPC) diagrams in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software using the Event-driven Process Chain Diagrams Solution from the Business Processes area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.SWOT Analysis
Most of the data needed for market analysis (demand, prices, volume of sales, etc.) are undefined, and in future are possible their changes as in the worst and the best side. SWOT analysis is effective method for prediction these processes and decision making for organizations that function in a competitive environment. It allows you to see the whole situation, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of organization (advantages and disadvantages), as well as opportunities and threats of external environment. The results of SWOT analysis are the basis for optimization the business processes, for development by the leading specialists in organization of interrelated complex of strategies and competitive activities. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software enhanced with SWOT and TOWS Matrix Diagrams Solution will effectively help you in strategic planning for your company, department, project, in development marketing campaign, in identification of four categories of factors of internal and external environment of organization, and construction professional-looking SWOT and TOWS matrices.Business diagrams & Org Charts with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM
The business diagrams are in great demand, they describe the business processes, business tasks and activities which are executed to achieve specific organizational and business goals, increase productivity, reduce costs and errors. They let research and better understand the business processes. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a powerful professional cross-platform business graphics and business flowcharting tool which contains hundreds of built-in collections of task-specific vector stencils and templates. They will help you to visualize and structure information, create various Business flowcharts, maps and diagrams with minimal efforts, and add them to your documents and presentations to make them successful. Among them are Data flow diagrams, Organization charts, Business process workflow diagrams, Audit flowcharts, Cause and Effect diagrams, IDEF business process diagrams, Cross-functional flowcharts, PERT charts, Timeline diagrams, Calendars, Marketing diagrams, Pyramids, Target diagrams, Venn diagrams, Comparison charts, Analysis charts, Dashboards, and many more. Being a cross-platform application, ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is very secure, handy, free of bloatware and one of the best alternatives to Visio for Mac users.- Restaurant Floor Plans | Banquet Organisation Structure
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