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The vector stencils library "People pictograms" contains 20 icons of men and women symbols. Use it to draw your pictorial infograms. The example "People pictograms - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Pictorial infographics solution from the area "What is infographics" in ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Man, man, person,
Woman, woman,
Child, child, child with balloon,
Joyful man
Joyful man, joyful man, happy man,
Man on a bicycle
Man on a bicycle, man on a bicycle, cyclist,
Old man
Old man, old man with a cane,
Man in wheelchair
Man in wheelchair, man in wheelchair,
Man pushing the shopping trolley
Man pushing the shopping trolley, man pushing the shopping trolley,
Sitting man reading
Sitting man reading, sitting man reading,
Man kneeling
Man kneeling, man kneeling,
Man sitting on the floor
Man sitting on the floor, man sitting on the floor,
Man lying under parasol
Man lying under parasol, man lying under parasol,
Running man
Running man, running man,
Man exit
Man exit, man exit,
Man climbing stairs
Man climbing stairs, man climbing stairs,
Man carrying a box
Man carrying a box, man carrying a box,
Man cooking
Man cooking, man cooking,
Man throwing garbage into a trash can
Man throwing garbage into a trash can, man throwing garbage into a trash can,
Man photographing
Man photographing, man photographing,
Winner, winner man, winner,
The vector stencils library "People pictograms" contains 20 icons of men and women symbols. Use it to draw your pictorial infograms. The example "People pictograms - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Pictorial infographics solution from the area "What is infographics" in ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Man, man, person,
Woman, woman,
Child, child, child with balloon,
Joyful man
Joyful man, joyful man, happy man,
Man on a bicycle
Man on a bicycle, man on a bicycle, cyclist,
Old man
Old man, old man with a cane,
Man in wheelchair
Man in wheelchair, man in wheelchair,
Man pushing the shopping trolley
Man pushing the shopping trolley, man pushing the shopping trolley,
Sitting man reading
Sitting man reading, sitting man reading,
Man kneeling
Man kneeling, man kneeling,
Man sitting on the floor
Man sitting on the floor, man sitting on the floor,
Man lying under parasol
Man lying under parasol, man lying under parasol,
Running man
Running man, running man,
Man exit
Man exit, man exit,
Man climbing stairs
Man climbing stairs, man climbing stairs,
Man carrying a box
Man carrying a box, man carrying a box,
Man cooking
Man cooking, man cooking,
Man throwing garbage into a trash can
Man throwing garbage into a trash can, man throwing garbage into a trash can,
Man photographing
Man photographing, man photographing,
Winner, winner man, winner,
The vector stencils library "People pictograms" contains 20 icons of men and women symbols. Use it to draw your pictorial infograms. The example "People pictograms - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Pictorial infographics solution from the area "What is infographics" in ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Man, man, person,
Woman, woman,
Child, child, child with balloon,
Joyful man
Joyful man, joyful man, happy man,
Man on a bicycle
Man on a bicycle, man on a bicycle, cyclist,
Old man
Old man, old man with a cane,
Man in wheelchair
Man in wheelchair, man in wheelchair,
Man pushing the shopping trolley
Man pushing the shopping trolley, man pushing the shopping trolley,
Sitting man reading
Sitting man reading, sitting man reading,
Man kneeling
Man kneeling, man kneeling,
Man sitting on the floor
Man sitting on the floor, man sitting on the floor,
Man lying under parasol
Man lying under parasol, man lying under parasol,
Running man
Running man, running man,
Man exit
Man exit, man exit,
Man climbing stairs
Man climbing stairs, man climbing stairs,
Man carrying a box
Man carrying a box, man carrying a box,
Man cooking
Man cooking, man cooking,
Man throwing garbage into a trash can
Man throwing garbage into a trash can, man throwing garbage into a trash can,
Man photographing
Man photographing, man photographing,
Winner, winner man, winner,

ERD Symbols and Meanings

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is a popular software engineering tool for database modeling and illustration the logical structure of databases, which uses one of two notations - Chen's or Crow’s Foot. Crow's foot notation is effective when used in software engineering, information engineering, structured systems analysis and design. Each of these notations applies its own set of ERD symbols. Crow's foot diagrams use boxes to represent entities and lines between these boxes to show relationships. Varied shapes at the ends of lines depict the cardinality of a given relationship. Chen's ERD notation is more detailed way to represent entities and relationships. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM application enhanced with all-inclusive Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution allows design professional ER diagrams with Chen's or Crow’s Foot notation on your choice. It contains the full set of ready-to-use standardized ERD symbols and meanings helpful for quickly drawing, collection of predesigned ERD samples, examples and templates. ConceptDraw Pro is a great alternative to Visio for Mac users as it offers more features and can easily handle the most demanding professional needs.
How to Build an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
How to Build an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
The vector stencils library "Education pictograms" contains 128 education pictograms. Use this flat icon set to design your educational infogram in ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software.
The vector stencils library "Education pictograms" is included in the Education Infographics solution from the Business Infographics area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Apple, apple,
Artist oil colors
Artist oil colors, artist oil colors,
Artists paint palette
Artists paint palette, artists paint palette,
Atom, atom,
Baseball, baseball, baseball bat, baseball,
Basketball, basketball, basketball basket, backboard basketball,
Beaker, beaker,
Bell, bell,
Bicycle, bicycle,
Book - open
Book - open, open book,
Books, books,
Brushes, brushes, paintbrush,
Bunsen burner
Bunsen burner, bunsen burner,
Calculator, calculator,
Calendar, calendar, wall calendars,
CD, cd,
Cell model
Cell model, cell model,
Chemical flask
Chemical flask, chemical flask, conical flask,
Cloud, cloud,
Colored paper
Colored paper, colored paper,
Colored pencils
Colored pencils, colored pencils,
Compass, compass,
Compasses, compasses,
Dinosaur skeleton
Dinosaur skeleton, dinosaur skeleton,
Diploma, diploma,
DNA double helix
DNA double helix, dna double helix,
Drop, drop,
Dumbbells, dumbbells,
Earth, earth,
Earth's internal structure
Earth's internal structure, earth's internal structure,
Easel, easel,
Email, email,
Eraser, eraser,
Exercise book
Exercise book, exercise book, notebook,
Felt tip pens
Felt tip pens, felt tip pens,
Folders, folders, paper folder, document folder,
Football, football,
Funnel, funnel,
Gears, gears,
Globe, globe,
Gouache, plastic jars with colored gouache,
Graduation cap
Graduation cap, graduation cap, square academic cap, master's cap,
Grand piano
Grand piano, grand piano,
Grand piano - clipart
Grand piano - clipart, grand piano,
Green blackboard
Green blackboard, green blackboard, school board, teacher pointer, chalk, sponge,
Hourglass, hourglass,
Laptop, laptop computer,
Laptop mouse
Laptop mouse, mouse, bluetooth notebook mouse, wireless mobile mouse,
Light bulb
Light bulb, light bulb,
Magnet, magnet, u-shaped magnet, horseshoe magnet,
Magnifier, magnifier, loupe,
Marker - black
Marker - black, marker,
Marker - blue
Marker - blue, marker,
Marker - green
Marker - green, marker,
Marker - red
Marker - red, marker,
Marker - white
Marker - white, marker,
Marker - yellow
Marker - yellow, marker,
Medal with ribbon
Medal with ribbon, medal with ribbon,
Metronome, metronome,
Microscope, microscope,
Moon, moon,
Music notes
Music notes, music notes, musical symbols, music staff, treble clef,
Notebook, notebook, exercise book, drawing block,
Notepad, notepad, arrowed callout, ribbon callout,
Paper clips
Paper clips, paper clips, paper clip,
Paper sheet
Paper sheet, paper sheet,
Paper sheet - grid
Paper sheet - grid, grid paper sheet,
Paper sheet - lined
Paper sheet - lined, lined paper sheet,
Paper stickers
Paper stickers, paper stickers,
Parthenon, Parthenon, Athenian Acropolis,
Pen, pen, ballpen, ball pen,
Pen - fountain
Pen - fountain, fountain pen,
Pencil, pencil,
Periodic table
Periodic table, periodic table,
Protractor, protractor,
Push pins
Push pins, push pins, push pin,
Robot, robot,
Round bottom flask
Round bottom flask, round bottom flask,
Rugby ball
Rugby ball, rugby ball, rugby league football, American football,
Ruler, ruler,
Scales, scales,
School backpack
School backpack, school backpack, schoolbag, school bag,
School bus
School bus, school bus,
School satchel
School satchel, school satchel, schoolbag, school bag, portfolio,
Schoolboy - african
Schoolboy - african, schoolboy, pupil,
Schoolboy - asian
Schoolboy - asian, schoolboy, pupil,
Schoolboy - caucasian
Schoolboy - caucasian, schoolboy, pupil,
Schoolboy - indian
Schoolboy - indian, schoolboy, pupil,
Schoolgirl - african
Schoolgirl - african, schoolgirl,
Schoolgirl - asian
Schoolgirl - asian, schoolgirl,
Schoolgirl - caucasian
Schoolgirl - caucasian, schoolgirl,
Schoolgirl - indian
Schoolgirl - indian, schoolgirl,
Scissors and a bottle of glue
Scissors and a bottle of glue, scissors, glue bottle,
Scroll, scroll,
Snowflake, snowflake,
Sport cup
Sport cup, sport cup, golden cup, champion cup, winner cup,
Star, star,
Stickers, paper stickers,
Stopwatch, stopwatch,
Sun, sun,
Tablet computer
Tablet computer, tablet computer,
Teacher with a pointer
Teacher with a pointer, teacher, schoolmarm, teacher pointer,
Teacher - african
Teacher - african, teacher,
Teacher - asian
Teacher - asian, teacher,
Teacher - caucasian
Teacher - caucasian, teacher,
Teacher - indian
Teacher - indian, teacher,
Teacher - woman, african
Teacher - woman, african, teacher, schoolmarm,
Teacher - woman, asian
Teacher - woman, asian, teacher, schoolmarm,
Teacher - woman, caucasian
Teacher - woman, caucasian, teacher, schoolmarm,
Teacher - woman, indian
Teacher - woman, indian, teacher, schoolmarm,
Telescope, telescope,
Test tube
Test tube, test tube, test-tube,
Thermometer, thermometer,
To-Do list
To-Do list, to-do list,
Tree leaf - acacia
Tree leaf - acacia, acacia tree leaf,
Tree leaf - birch
Tree leaf - birch, birch tree leaf,
Tree leaf - chestnut
Tree leaf - chestnut, chestnut tree leaf,
Tree leaf - maple
Tree leaf - maple, maple tree leaf,
Tree leaf - oak
Tree leaf - oak, oak tree leaf,
Tree leaf - walnut
Tree leaf - walnut, walnut tree leaf,
Triangle ruler
Triangle ruler, triangle ruler,
Volleyball, volleyball,
Violin, violin, violin bow, violin bow, violin,
Violin - clipart
Violin - clipart, violin, violin bow,
Wall clock
Wall clock, Wall clock,
Watercolor set
Watercolor set, watercolor set,
World map
World map, world map,