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Export from ConceptDraw DIAGRAM Document to PPT or PPTX (MS PowerPoint®) File

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM has extensive export capabilities which allow you to export your drawing to MS PowerPoint file formats. So, you can create effective presentations right from your ConceptDraw DIAGRAM documents.
Export to MS PowerPoint®
Export to MS PowerPoint®

How to Import a PowerPoint Presentation to ConceptDraw MINDMAP

ConceptDraw MINDMAP supports the ability to import presentations from Microsoft® PowerPoint®.

How to Create a PowerPoint Presentation from a SWOT Matrix

You can use SWOT analysis PowerPoint presentation to represent strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats involved in your SWOT matrix. We recommend using ConceptDraw MINDMAP for identifying and structuring factors employed in SWOT Analysis. Then, you can export the SWOT Matrix to PowerPoint slides.

Export from ConceptDraw DIAGRAM Document to SWF (Adobe® Flash®) File

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM ’s has extensive export capabilities which allow you to export your drawing as MS PowerPoint® and Adobe PDF files. You can also embed a drawing into an HTML page after saving it in SWF or SVG formats.
Export to Adobe® Flash®
Export to Adobe® Flash®

How to Make a Mind Map in PowerPoint

ConceptDraw MINDMAP allows you to create a traditional PowerPoint Presentation from your mind maps. You can create great PowerPoint slides from your mind maps.

How to Create a PowerPoint® Presentation from a Mind Map

ConceptDraw MINDMAP allows you to create a traditional PowerPoint Presentation from your mind maps. There are two different variants when exporting to PowerPoint  - one places editable text into the template of your choice, the other places the pieces of the map that you want to show into the slides.

How To Make an Effective PowerPoint Presentation

ConceptDraw MINDMAP is an advanced tool for making an effective PowerPoint presentation.

How to Add a Block Diagram to a PowerPoint Presentation

A block diagram is a useful tool both in designing new processes, and in improving existing. A block diagram is a type of chart, which is often used in presentations, because of its universality - the graphic blocks can be applied to many processes.The PowerPoint presentation of major process steps and key process participants can be very informative and helpful. Using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM , you can easily convert a block diagram to MS PowerPoint presentation.

Export from ConceptDraw DIAGRAM Document to MS Visio® XML

Once you have created your document in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM and you want to share it with your colleagues and friends, who uses MS Visio on their computers, you can easily export your document using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM export to Visio XML files (VDX) feature. Now you can share your ConceptDraw documents with MS Visio users.
Export to MS Visio® XML
Export to MS Visio® XML

Export from ConceptDraw MINDMAP to PowerPoint® Presentation

ConceptDraw MINDMAP extended with Presentation Exchange solution allows you to create a traditional PowerPoint Presentation from your mind maps.
Mind Map Exporting <br>to MS PowerPoint
Mind Map Exporting
to MS PowerPoint