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marketing diagram, marketing chart Marketing Diagrams

marketing diagram, marketing chart
This solution extends ConceptDraw PRO with samples, templates and library of design elements for drawing the marketing diagrams.
This step chart sample was created on the base of the webpage from the website Invest Punjab (Invest Punjab,
Punjab Bureau of Investment Promotion).
"Opportunities in Agro and Food Processing sector in Punjab:
(1) “Food Bowl of India” - Leading food producer of India with intensive cultivation of 2-3 crops per year.
(2) Highly mechanized agricultural practices with irrigation network available to 98% of the cultivable land.
(3) Robust infrastructure and a well developed ecosystem." [ opportunitiesdetails.aspx?id=7]
The step chart example "Opportunities in agro and food processing sector in Punjab" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Marketing Diagrams solution from the Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Step chart
Step chart, process chart, step chart, step diagram block,