How to Publish Project Reports to a Web Site
Reporting is an important part of project management. Every project manager is regularly asked how the project is progressing. ConceptDraw Office offers different ways in which to provide a project status.What Constitutes a Project?
Separated into categories of Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced categories, the new instructional videos about ConceptDraw PROJECT cover a huge breadth of topics, explaining how to use project management software. Users new to ConceptDraw PROJECT will find the Basic lessons an essential platform for familiarizing themselves with the programs′s functions and found it simple project management software. This video lesson is the first in Basic lessons series tells about affordable simple project management software, it may be used as an intro for what is project management using simple project management sample. ConceptDraw PROJECT is excellent portfolio project management software, this lessons explains how to use project management software for small business in case of multi project environment.
PM Planning
The PM Planning solution extends the functional abilities of ConceptDraw MINDMAP and ConceptDraw PROJECT software, allowing to automatically create the spreadsheets reflecting the tasks and project statuses for people who have different project roles. The reporting capabilities of this solution are represented by the possibility to generate a wide range of project reports that allow the project managers, senior management and other project participants to be informed on a project daily progress and monthly objectives: All Inclusive Report, All Visible Columns, Milestones with Notes and Objectives, Projects Goals, Projects Managers, Project Team, and Top Level Tasks. The PM Planning solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park is a strong project management and productivity tool which simplifies the process of reporting and lets one create a document with the desired report, includes the predesigned examples, extends and improves the planning capabilities for all team members, improves the project communication, helps to accurately plan, maintain, and finish projects on time, to track the work of project resources, to perform the analytical work and to make effective decisions.
Bubble diagrams in Landscape Design with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM
Bubble Diagrams are the charts with a bubble presentation of data with obligatory consideration of bubble's sizes. They are analogs of Mind Maps and find their application at many fields, and even in landscape design. At this case the bubbles are applied to illustrate the arrangement of different areas of future landscape design, such as lawns, flowerbeds, playgrounds, pools, recreation areas, etc. Bubble Diagram helps to see instantly the whole project, it is easy for design and quite informative, in most cases it reflects all needed information. Often Bubble Diagram is used as a draft for the future landscape project, on the first stage of its design, and in case of approval of chosen design concept is created advanced detailed landscape plan with specification of plants and used materials. Creation of Bubble Diagrams for landscape in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software is an easy task thanks to the Bubble Diagrams solution from "Diagrams" area. You can use the ready scanned location plan as the base or create it easy using the special ConceptDraw libraries and templates.Product Overview
ConceptDraw PROJECT is a vigorous tool for managing single or multiple projects. It lets you determine all essential elements involved into project, control schedules, resources and finances, and monitor projects' progress in most effective yet simple manner.
Project Exchange
This solution extends ConceptDraw PROJECT and ConceptDraw MINDMAP software with the ability to import and export project data.
PM Dashboards
The PM Dashboards solution extends the management boundaries of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM and ConceptDraw PROJECT products with an ability to demonstrate changes to the budget status, to show the project progress toward its objectives, to display clearly the identified key performance indicator (KPI) or the set of key performance indicators for any project. This solution provides you with examples and ability to generate three types of visual dashboards reports based on your project data Project Dashboard, Tactical Dashboard, and Radar Chart. By dynamically charting the project’s key performance indicators that are collected on one ConceptDraw DIAGRAM document page, all project participants, project managers, team members, team leaders, stakeholders, and the entire organizations, for which this solution is intended, have access to the daily status of projects they are involved in.
How to Draw a Gantt Chart
A Gantt chart is intended to provide a visualization of a project schedule. It is developed to help planning, coordinating, and tracking on project tasks implementation. One of the most critical resources for project implementation are time resources. Gantt chart - is one of the most convenient and popular ways of graphical representation of a project tasks progress in conjunction with the corresponding time consumption. Gantt chart's function is to show project tasks completed in progress and to make a project manager sure that project tasks were completed on time. ConceptDraw Office is a clear and easy-to-use tool for project management. It is a very handy visual tool that helps make a project processing clear.
PM Response
The PM Response solution extends the functional abilities in project management for all three ConceptDraw products by helping to improve the response time to project changes, to plan on how to effectively respond on issues and events impacting the project. It supplies the project managers, team leaders, and all other project participants with wide abilities of iteration planning, creative collaboration, effective decision-making, discussions of the project layout approaches and solving the project challenges, lets them use mind mapping technique for iteration planning and applying the project changes, to represent the projects data as Mind Maps and use them to construct the clear plans, to convert project maps to project implementations, to use different kinds of Visual diagrams to solve the current project problems and to make correct decisions, to plan resources usage and to respond to changes in the project environment.
How to Import MS Project File to a Mind Map Using the Project Exchange Solution
ConceptDraw MINDMAP can export a mind map to MS Project; it can also import a project file from MS Project, making a working visual map of a planned project. ConceptDraw MINDMAP supports inputting external data into a map with one click. Input capabilities are critical because it makes your data visual. When your data is visual, you can manage and communicate it using newly generated documents and/or presentations. Data you can input into your map can come from just about anywhere. Data can come from Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, Project, the web, a mind map, and other electronic sources. You can input data as a task list, resource list, Gantt chart, brainstorm or search results.
Fault Tree Analysis Diagrams
This solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM.5 or later with templates, fault tree analysis example, samples and a library of vector design elements for drawing FTA diagrams (or negative analytical trees), cause and effect diagrams and fault tree diagrams.
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- Types Of Ms Project Dashboard Report
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- Project Management Software Online Collaboration
- Basic Diagramming | | Project — Assigning Resources | Simple ...
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