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status dashboard, status indicators Status Dashboard

status dashboard, status indicators
Status dashboard solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with templates, samples and vector stencils libraries with graphic indicators for drawing the visual dashboards showing status data.
"Task management is the process of managing tasks through its life cycle. It involves planning, testing, tracking and reporting. Task management can help either individuals achieve goals, or groups of individuals collaborate and share knowledge for the accomplishment of collective goals. Tasks are also differentiated by complexity, from low to high.
Effective task management requires managing all aspects of a task, including its status, priority, time, human and financial resources assignments, recurrency, notifications and so on. These can be lumped together broadly into the basic activities of task management. ...
Task management may form part of project management and process management and can serve as the foundation for efficient workflow in an organisation. Project managers adhering to task-oriented management have a detailed and up-to-date project schedule, and are usually good at directing team members and moving the project forward. ...
Task life cycle.
The status of tasks can be described by the following states:
Failed." [Task management. Wikipedia]
The example "Project management task status dashboard" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Status Dashboard solution from the area "What is a Dashboard" of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Status dashboard
Status dashboard, shapes alert indicator, progress indicator, progress bar, 5-state alert,

How to Report on Multiple Projects Status

Reporting on project status is an important part of project management. Project manager have to generate systematic reports on project progress concerning schedule, scope and budget. Project progress reports, made orderly, form a notation of a current project status. Once a project manager has been assigned to a number of projects running simultaneously, a variety of business issues come up, such as: what kind of projects have already been launched, and what is their status? The reporting facilities of ConceptDraw PROJECT are actually dramatic. The following article is created to let you find out how to generate reports on multiple project using ConceptDraw PROJECT standard reporting pack.

ConceptDraw PROJECT Project Management Software Tool

ConceptDraw PROJECT is simple project management software. If you are on the fast track in your career and start facing such challenges as coordination many people, coordination tasks and works, manage project with a great deal of time and money involved - it is the right time to get Project management tool involved in your work.

What Information can be Displayed in the Multiproject Dashboard View

What information can can contain the projects list
Getting Started with ConceptDraw PROJECT
Getting Started with ConceptDraw PROJECT

Project Management, Dashboards, project, project indicators, KPI, solution park PM Dashboards

Project Management, Dashboards, project, project indicators, KPI, solution park
This solution extends ConceptDraw PRO and ConceptDraw PROJECT software with the ability to clearly display the identified key performance indicators for any project.

How to Manage Multiple Projects on Windows

ConceptDraw PROJECT lets you to track multiple projects at the same time.

How to Make a Mind Map from a Project Gantt Chart

ConceptDraw Office allows you to see the project data from ConceptDraw PROJECT in a mind map structure by opening your project in ConceptDraw MINDMAP.