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How to Work with Custom Properties

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM can store additional, user-defined data that can be assigned to a particular shape. This data is stored in the Custom Properties options.
This flowchart example was created on the base of land sales process diagram from the Property management webpage of the VicRoads website.
[ planning-and-projects/ property-services/ property-management]
"VicRoads or the Roads Corporation of Victoria is a statutory corporation which is the state road and traffic authority in the state of Victoria, Australia. It is responsible for maintenance and construction of the state arterial road network, as well as driver licensing and vehicle registration. VicRoads has broad responsibility for road safety policy and research. It is also responsible for regulating the accident towing industry in Victoria." [VicRoads. Wikipedia]
"Sales Process.
Once it has been established with the relevant VicRoads Regions/ Projects and other business areas that properties are identified as surplus to VicRoads’ operational needs, they are incorporated in the VicRoads annual sales program.
Following approval: relevant VicRoads Regional Manager and the VicRoads Chief Executive (and in some circumstances Minster for Public Transport and Roads) must approve all land deemed surplus and available for disposal.
The method of sale is then determined and consultant advice is sought:
(1) Planning.
(2) Valuer General Victoria (Valuer General’s office must provide a valuation for all sales).
(3) Government Land Monitor (Land Monitor approval is sought if the value exceeds $750,000).
(4) Environmental.
(5) Local Council." [ planning-and-projects/ property-services/ property-management]
The example "Land sales process flowchart" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Sales Flowcharts solution from the Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Sales process chart
Sales process chart, turn left arrow, start, sales manager, man, sales funnel, sales, right arrow, product database, nurturing, new products, leads, lead conversion, lead, international division, empty shopping cart, down arrow, distribution point, distribution, circular motion arrows, checkbox, box, banknotes, analyze, activities, accept,

How to Apply the Same Formatting to Different Objects

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM allows you customize the appearance of shapes by changing their text colors, font, fill colors and patterns, line weight and style, or shadow. In ConceptDraw DIAGRAM you can quickly duplicate an object's formatting.

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM Compatibility with MS Visio

For those who are migrating from MS Visio to ConceptDraw DIAGRAM, or for those who have colleagues and clients who use Visio, ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is compatible with MS Visio.VSDX formatted files.VSDX is Visio’s open XML file format, and it can be easily imported and exported by ConceptDraw DIAGRAM.

How to Protect a Document From Performing Unwanted Operations

Tips on how to protect a ConceptDraw document from unwanted changes. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM gives you the possibility to prevent unexpected changes to your drawings. You can protect separate objects within the document as well as the entire document. You can protect objects from deletion, resizing or moving.

How to Create the Custom Diagram Template

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM enables you to place your own templates. You can create a diagram with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM using your custom Template. You can set up your Template as a default ConceptDraw DIAGRAM start page. A template diagram is a drawing that serves as a starting point for a new graphic document. When you open a template, it is pre-formatted in some way. For example, you might use template that is formatted as an organizational chart. The template would likely have a workspace and a corresponding object libraries. When you save a file created with a template, you are usually prompted to a copy of the a, so that you don't save over the supplied with. customize your can either come with a proper solution or can be created by the user. If you find yourself creating similar documents over and over again, it might be a good idea to save one of them as a template. Then you won't have to format your template that each time you want to make a new one. Just open the template and start from there.