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Entity Relationship Diagram Software Engineering

Entity Relationship Diagram (aka ER Diagram, E-R Diagram, ERD) is a time-tested and widespread software development and software engineering method for data modeling, illustrating the logical structure of databases and system design. For ERDs construction are used three basic elements: entities, attributes, and relationships. Chen's notation for ERD supposes the use of rectangles (boxes) to represent entities and diamonds to depict relationships between first-class objects. This notation is popular when creating conceptual data models of information systems. Another standardized notation for ER diagrams is Crow's foot notation. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM as a powerful Entity Relationship Diagram software engineering provides the tools of Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution from Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park for instantly describing databases using ERDs of Crow’s Foot and Chen’s notations. Use the predesigned vector elements for both these notations from 2 libraries included to Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution.

Pyramid Diagram

A Venn-diagram style chart of the "project triangle" showing visually the potential overlaps between speed, quality and low cost, along with the "inability" to accomplish all three.

Pyramid Diagram

The purchase or purchasing funnel is a consumer focused marketing model which illustrates the theoretical customer journey towards the purchase of a product or service.

Pyramid Diagram

A triangular graphic representing Graham's "hierarchy of disagreement", based on Paul Graham's March 2008 essay "How to Disagree".

Human Resources Organizational Structure

Human resources organizational structure defines the hierarchy in HR department positions, roles and relationships, priorities, HR team competencies, shows how the responsibilities of each employee fit the overall system, indicates who reports to whom, and how the information flows between levels within the company. It makes the operation of the HR department more efficient and helps in the allocation of responsibilities and payment for the employees. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM vector charting software provides powerful HR Flowcharts solution to develop human resources organizational structure for a company of any size and direction. This solution is rich for the samples, examples, and predesigned vector element libraries.

Pyramid Diagram

The Project Management Triangle Diagram depicts three main constraints of any project: scope, time and cost. Projects have to comply with the specified scope, projects should be finished in time and projects need to consume the budget. Each of the constraints represents one side of the triangle, and any change in budget or timing or scope affects the entire diagram. This diagram was made using ConceptDraw Office suite including best marketing project management software extended with collection of tools for creative project management software and project management reporting software symbols.

UML Class Diagrams. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM - Diagramming Software for Design UML Diagrams

In software engineering, a UML Class Diagrams is a type of static structure diagram that is used both for general conceptual modeling of the systematics of the application, and for detailed modeling translating the models into programming code. Use ConceptDraw DIAGRAM with UML class diagram templates, samples and stencil library from Rapid UML solution to show the classes of system, their attributes, operations or methods, and the relationships among the classes.

Functional Organizational Structure

A functional organizational structure is a structure that consists of activities such as coordination, supervision and task allocation. You want to draw a functional organizational structure and look for the helpful software for this? Pay attention for the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software! Extended with Organizational Charts Solution from the Management Area, it is ideal for functional organizational structure development.

How to Build Cloud Computing Diagram Principal Cloud Manufacturing

The term “cloud” is very popular and widely used now, it is a server, data processing centre, or a network which lets to store the data and software, provides access to them, allows to run applications without installation and gives the possibility to process data hosted remotely via the Internet connection. For documenting the Cloud Computing Architecture with a goal to facilitate the communication between stakeholders are successfully used the Cloud Computing Architecture diagrams. It is convenient and easy to draw various Cloud Computing Architecture diagrams in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with help of tools of the Cloud Computing Diagrams Solution from the Computer and Networks Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Pyramid Diagram

The DIKW Pyramid refers loosely to a class of models for representing purported structural and/or functional relationships between data, information, knowledge, and wisdom.

Pyramid Diagram

The DIKW Pyramid refers loosely to a class of models for representing purported structural and/or functional relationships between data, information, knowledge, and wisdom.

Diagramming tool - Amazon Web Services and Cloud Computing Diagrams

The AWS Architecture Diagrams solution includes icons, sample and templates for several Amazon Web Services products and resources, to be used when creating architecture diagrams. The icons are designed to be simple so that you can easily incorporate them in your diagrams and put them in your whitepapers, presentations, datasheets, posters or any technical material you like.

One formula of professional mind mapping : input data + output data + make great presentation

ConceptDraw MINDMAP is a powerful software from ConceptDraw Office suite, which provides a lot of tools and components for professional Mind Mapping. Besides the extensive tools for creation attractive and great-looking Mind Maps, it offers also wide import capabilities from MS Office files and mind mapping files MindJet MindManager, XMind and FreeMind, extensive export capabilities to common formats, such as PDF, HTML, different graphic formats, the possibility to generate MS Office documents, Project Management reports, PowerPoint presentations and demonstrate them via Skype conference call. Use of Skype conference call feature lets you to demonstrate the presentation's slide show and control it on computers of Skype call participants. This Report Mind Map example created in ConceptDraw MINDMAP software depicts the current project status and includes many pages and slides. This Project Status Report can be easy played as a slide show presentation on the large screen or to remote team using Skype conference call.

Software Work Flow Process in Project Management with Diagram

This sample was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software using the Workflow Diagrams Solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.

This sample shows the Workflow Diagram that clearly illustrates stages a BPM consists of and relations between all parts of business. The Workflow Diagrams are used to represent the transferring of data during the work process, to study and analysis the working processes, and to optimize a workflow.

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM : Able to Leap Tall Buildings in a Single Bound

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is the world’s premier cross-platform business-diagramming tool. Many, who are looking for an alternative to Visio, are pleasantly surprised with how well they can integrate ConceptDraw DIAGRAM into their existing processes. With tens of thousands of template objects, and an easy method for importing vital custom objects from existing Visio documents, ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a powerful tool for making extremely detailed diagrams, quickly and easily.
A five level pyramid model of different types of Information Systems based on the information processing requirement of different levels in the organization. The first level represents transaction processing systems to process basic data. The second level represents office support systems to process information in office. The third level represents management information systems to process information by managers. The fourth level represents decision support systems to process explicit knowledge. The fifth level represents executive information systems to process tacit knowledge.
"A Computer(-Based) Information System is essentially an IS using computer technology to carry out some or all of its planned tasks. The basic components of computer based information system are:
(1) Hardware - these are the devices like the monitor, processor, printer and keyboard, all of which work together to accept, process, show data and information.
(2) Software - are the programs that allow the hardware to process the data.
(3) Databases - are the gathering of associated files or tables containing related data.
(4) Networks - are a connecting system that allows diverse computers to distribute resources.
(5) Procedures - are the commands for combining the components above to process information and produce the preferred output.
The first four components (hardware, software, database and network) make up what is known as the information technology platform. Information technology workers could then use these components to create information systems that watch over safety measures, risk and the management of data. These actions are known as information technology services." [Information systems. Wikipedia]
This pyramid diagram was redesigned using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software from Wikimedia Commons file Five-Level-Pyramid-model.png. [ wiki/ File:Five-Level-Pyramid-model.png]
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. [ licenses/ by/ 3.0/ deed.en]
The triangle chart example "Information systems types" is included in the Pyramid Diagrams solution from the Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Pyramid diagram
Pyramid diagram, pyramid, triangle,

hierarchy pyramid Pyramid Diagrams

hierarchy pyramid
Pyramid Diagrams solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with templates, samples and library of vector stencils for drawing the marketing pyramid diagrams.

Form Maker

Use the Basic Diagramming Solution from the Universal Diagramming area of ConceptDraw Solution Park to easy create simple forms, questionnaires, survey forms, registration and application forms, etc.

Diagram of a Pyramid

Pyramid diagram is a convenient way of representing data hierarchical structure and visualization relationships between hierarchy levels. You need create the diagram of a pyramid? ConceptDraw diagramming and vector drawing software supplied with Pyramid Diagrams Solution from the Marketing Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is the best tool for drawing attractive and successful diagram of a pyramid.

Organization Chart Software: A Comprehensive Guide

Create Organizational Chart Software - You need create Organizational Chart? Nothing could be easier with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM presents the Organizational Charts Solution from the Management Area that will allow you to draw the Organization Charts of any difficulty easy and quick.
How to draw an Organizational Chart
How to draw an Organizational Chart