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Process Flowchart

ConceptDraw is Professional business process mapping software for making process flow diagram, workflow diagram, general flowcharts and technical illustrations for business documents. It is includes rich examples, templates, process flowchart symbols. ConceptDraw flowchart maker allows you to easier create a process flowchart. Use a variety of drawing tools, smart connectors, flowchart symbols and shape libraries to create flowcharts of complex processes, process flow diagrams, procedures and information exchange.
How To Create a Process Flow Chart (business process modelling techniques)
How To Create a Process Flow Chart (business process modelling techniques)

Activity Network (PERT) Chart

Activity Network and Project Evaluation and Review Technique, or PERT, charts are a way of documenting and analyzing the tasks in a project.
This diagram is constructed as part of the process in creating a schedule of corrective actions. The Activity Network Chart (PERT) shows the logical connections and consequence of tasks to be performed. It displays the time period for problem solving and the implementation of all activities through the critical path.

Entity Relationship Diagram Symbols

Creating an entity-relationship (ER) model is to visually represent the structure of a business database, where data equates to entities (or objects) that are linked by defined relationships expressing dependencies and requirements. By nature it is an abstract visualization, the first step in the design process towards creating a logical and functional database.
ERD symbols used for professional ERD drawing are collected in libraries from the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution for ConceptDraw PRO.

Activity on Node Network Diagramming Tool

Activity on Node Network Diagramming Tool - Activity Network and Project Evaluation and Review Technique, or PERT, charts are a way of documenting and analyzing the tasks in a project.
This sample shows the Activity on node network diagramming method. It was created in ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software using the Seven Management and Planning Tools solution from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Entity Relationship Diagram Examples

ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software offers the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) Solution from the Software Development Area for ConceptDraw Solution Park. How many examples contains the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) Solution! All Entity Relationship Diagram examples were designed and saved for ConceptDraw PRO users. Now they are available from ConceptDraw STORE.

Business Process Elements: Activities

Create professional business process diagrams using ConceptDraw Activities library with 34 objects from BPMN.

Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) with ConceptDraw PRO

PERT Diagram is a more realistic approach of a project's time estimate analysis. After PERT chart was constructed user can discover the shortest possible duration for entire project timescale. The project timeline is the longest chain that might be taken with connected tasks on the PERT Diagram. Completion of serial tasks need to be accomplished in a presented order. At a project timeline can be independent tasks that not linked with main sequence they are called parallel tasks. PERT diagram is more suitable for Critical Path Analysis than Gantt chart for the reason that it undoubtedly better determine task dependencies. Project managers customarily utilize both methodologies.

Business process Flow Chart — Event-Driven Process chain (EPC) diagrams

Event-Driven Process chain Diagrams for improvement throughout an organisation. Best software for Process Flow Diagram. The Event-driven Process Chain (EPC) Diagrams allows managers to plan processes and resources.

Basic Flowchart Symbols and Meaning

Flowchart Symbols and Meaning - Provides a visual representation of basic flowchart symbols and their proposed use in professional workflow diagram, standard process flow diagram and communicating the structure of a well-developed web site, as well as their correlation in developing on-line instructional projects. See flowchart's symbols by specifics of process flow diagram symbols and workflow diagram symbols.
How to Build a Flowchart
How to Build a Flowchart

Flowchart Components

The ConceptDraw Flowchart component includes a set of samples and templates. This geathered as flowchart maker toolbox which focused on drawing flowcharts of any industry standards.