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Network Gateway Router

Use ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software enhanced with Computer and networks solution to draw different types of network diagrams: physical layout and topology, LAN and WAN, Cisco, Apple, Wi-Fi wireless and Ethernet wired networks, etc.
Special libraries of highly detailed, accurate shapes and computer graphics, servers, hubs, switches, printers, mainframes, face plates, routers etc.
The vector stencils library "Computer network" contains 51 symbols of computer network devices and equipment for drawing computer network diagrams.
"Network Mapping Software.
A number of software tools exist to design computer network diagrams / or generate visual maps of networks, servers, storage, services, data centers, and other peripherals. Broadly, there are two types of software tools - those that help create diagrams manually and those that generate them using automated / semi-automated approaches.
Type of Software.
(1) Manual - allows users to design and draw logical and physical topology diagrams by manually placing icons and connections.
(2) Automated - generate topology diagrams / maps by traversing the network and automatically discovering resident devices or by importing network data." [Comparison of network diagram software. Wikipedia]
ConceptDraw PRO is the software for manual design of computer network diagrams. The solutions of the Computer and Networks area in ConceptDraw Solution Park extend ConceptDraw PRO with vector stencils libraries, templates and examples for creating the computer network diagrams.
The symbols example "Computer network - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Computer and Networks solution from the Computer and Networks area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. solution-park/ computer-and-networks
Laptop, laptop computer,
Desktop computer
Desktop computer, desktop PC,
Firewall, firewall,
Bus, bus,
Ethernet, Ethernet,
Star network
Star network, star,
FDDI Ring, FDDI ring,
Token-ring, Token-ring,
Comm-link, Comm-link,
Modem, modem,
Laser printer
Laser printer, laser printer,
Inkjet printer
Inkjet printer, inkjet printer,
Image scanner
Image scanner, scanner,
City, city,
Ethernet hub
Ethernet hub, hub,
Wireless router
Wireless router, wireless router,
Network switch
Network switch, switch,
iPod Classic
iPod Classic, iPod Classic,
iPhone/ iPod Touch
iPhone/ iPod Touch, iPhone, iPod Touch,
Xserve RAID
Xserve RAID, Xserve RAID,
XServe, XServe,
Apple Thunderbolt Display
Apple Thunderbolt Display, Apple display,
Data store
Data store, data,
Mac Pro
Mac Pro, Mac Pro,
iMac, iMac desktop,
RAID, RAID drive,
Mainframe, mainframe,
Rack-mountable server
Rack-mountable server, server,
Server, server,
Cloud, cloud,
Computer monitor
Computer monitor, monitor,
Workstation, workstation,
Router, router,
IP Phone
IP Phone, IP phone,
Fax, fax,
Mobile phone
Mobile phone, cell phone,
Smartphone, smartphone,
Compact Disk
Compact Disk, compact disk,
Mouse, mouse,
Apple Wireless Mouse
Apple Wireless Mouse, Apple wireless mouse,
Computer keyboard
Computer keyboard, keyboard,
Apple Keyboard
Apple Keyboard, Apple keyboard,
Radio tower
Radio tower, radio tower,
Satellite dish
Satellite dish, satellite dish,
Satellite, satellite,
Webcam, webcam,
AirPort Extreme
AirPort Extreme, AirPort Extreme,
Airport Express
Airport Express, Airport Express,
MacBook, MacBook,
iPhone 4
iPhone 4, iPhone 4,

Star Network Topology

The Computer and Networks solution from Computer and Networks area of ConceptDraw Solution Park provides examples, templates and vector stencils library with symbols of local area network (LAN) and wireless LAN (WLAN) equipment.
Use it to draw the physical and logical network topology diagrams for wired and wireless computer communication networks.
Create Network Topology Diagram
Create Network Topology Diagram

EIGRP. Computer and Network Examples

The Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) is a progressive distance-vector dynamic routing protocol. It was developed by the Cisco Systems and is available as an open standard from 2013.
EIGRP is used to help automate routing decisions and configuration of the computer network. It allows the routers of the same logical area automatically share route information.
The vector stencils library "Cisco routers" contains 27 symbols of routers for drawing Cisco computer network diagrams.
"When multiple routers are used in interconnected networks, the routers exchange information about destination addresses using a dynamic routing protocol. Each router builds up a table listing the preferred routes between any two systems on the interconnected networks. A router has interfaces for different physical types of network connections, (such as copper cables, fiber optic, or wireless transmission). It also contains firmware for different networking Communications protocol standards. Each network interface uses this specialized computer software to enable data packets to be forwarded from one protocol transmission system to another.
Routers may also be used to connect two or more logical groups of computer devices known as subnets, each with a different sub-network address. The subnets addresses recorded in the router do not necessarily map directly to the physical interface connections." [Router (computing). Wikipedia]
The symbols example "Cisco routers - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Cisco Network Diagrams solution from the Computer and Networks area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. solution-park/ computer-networks-cisco
Router, router,
Router, subdued
Router, subdued, router,
Router with silicon switch
Router with silicon switch, router with silicon switch,
Wavelength router
Wavelength router, wavelength router,
NetFlow router
NetFlow router, NetFlow router ,
uBR 910
uBR 910, uBR 910,
Broadband router
Broadband router, broadband router,
Gigabit switch ATM tag router
Gigabit switch ATM tag router, gigabit switch ATM tag router,
ATM tag switch router
ATM tag switch router, ATM tag switch router,
ATM router
ATM router, ATM router,
NetFlow router
NetFlow router, NetFlow router, edge label switch router, NetFlow,
Cisco 7505
Cisco 7505, Cisco 7505,
Cisco 7507
Cisco 7507, Cisco 7507,
Cisco 7500 ARS (7513)
Cisco 7500 ARS (7513), Cisco 7500 ARS, Cisco 7513 ,
Voice enabled router
Voice enabled router, voice enabled router,
TDM router
TDM router, TDM router ,
IP telephony router
IP telephony router, IP telephony router,
IAD router
IAD router, IAD router,
Content service router
Content service router, content service router,
Cisco storage router
Cisco storage router, Cisco storage router,
Router with firewall
Router with firewall, router with firewall ,
Wireless router
Wireless router, wireless router,
ASR 1000 series
ASR 1000 series, ASR 1000 series,
ATM 3800
ATM 3800, ATM 3800,
Cable modem
Cable modem, cable modem,
Ground terminal
Ground terminal, ground terminal,

Cisco Routers. Cisco icons, shapes, stencils and symbols

Network infrastructure planning is a very important process in the network construction, and the share of time allocated to this within the scope of the entire project may reach 60-80%. A competent and thorough approach to planning contributes to the quick investment return, and also increases the reliability and flexibility of the final system, reducing the probability of additional costs related to the incorrect implementation.
Any planning begins with an analysis of the business requirements to the final system. Basic network parameters, which should be assessed are the scalability, accessibility, cost, speed and safety.
Speed and cost are often mistaken for the most important parameters, and the rest of the parameters aren't even remembered. This is not entirely correct. Initially, it is necessary to assess the business plans for the future, because sometimes it is more profitable to invest more money in the beginning. If the business is to develop, then, consequently, demands on

Metropolitan area networks (MAN). Computer and Network Examples

Metropolitan Area Network combines local networks located within a city, and is based on high data rate compounds, implemented on the basis of fiber channels and other digital data transmission channels. Now, with the increasing number of network communities, wireless local area networks based on 802.11b standard are combined into a wireless metropolitan area network consisting of affordable antenna systems and consumer-grade wireless equipment using 802.11a and 802.11b standards.

Wireless Network Mode

Wireless Networks solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM to help network engineers and designers efficiently illustrate wireless network mode diagrams.
The vector stencils library "Cisco routers" contains 27 router symbols for drawing the Cisco computer network diagrams using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software.
"A router is a device that forwards data packets between computer networks, creating an overlay internetwork. A router is connected to two or more data lines from different networks. When a data packet comes in one of the lines, the router reads the address information in the packet to determine its ultimate destination. Then, using information in its routing table or routing policy, it directs the packet to the next network on its journey. Routers perform the "traffic directing" functions on the Internet. A data packet is typically forwarded from one router to another through the networks that constitute the internetwork until it reaches its destination node.
The most familiar type of routers are home and small office routers that simply pass data, such as web pages, email, IM, and videos between the home computers and the Internet. An example of a router would be the owner's cable or DSL modem, which connects to the Internet through an ISP. More sophisticated routers, such as enterprise routers, connect large business or ISP networks up to the powerful core routers that forward data at high speed along the optical fiber lines of the Internet backbone. Though routers are typically dedicated hardware devices, use of software-based routers has grown increasingly common." [Router (computing). Wikipedia]
The example "Design elements - Cisco routers" is included in the Cisco Network Diagrams solution from the Computer and Networks area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Cisco router symbols
Cisco router symbols, wireless router, wavelength router, voice enabled router, uBR 910, router with silicon switch, router with firewall , router, ground terminal, gigabit switch ATM tag router, content service router, cable modem, broadband router, TDM router , NetFlow router, edge label switch router, NetFlow, NetFlow router , IP telephony router, IAD router, Cisco storage router, Cisco 7507, Cisco 7505, Cisco 7500 ARS, Cisco 7513 , AXP, ATM tag switch router, ATM router, ATM 3800, ASR 1000 series,

How To use Switches in Network Diagram

Special libraries of highly detailed, accurate shapes and computer graphics, servers, hubs, switches, printers, mainframes, face plates, routers etc.
Use ConceptDraw DIAGRAM with Computer & Networks solution for drawing LAN and WAN topology and configuration diagrams, Cisco network diagrams, network wiring schemes and floor plan layouts.
The vector stencils library "Computer network" contains 51 symbols of computer network devices and equipment for drawing computer network diagrams.
"Network Mapping Software.
A number of software tools exist to design computer network diagrams / or generate visual maps of networks, servers, storage, services, data centers, and other peripherals. Broadly, there are two types of software tools - those that help create diagrams manually and those that generate them using automated / semi-automated approaches.
Type of Software.
(1) Manual - allows users to design and draw logical and physical topology diagrams by manually placing icons and connections.
(2) Automated - generate topology diagrams / maps by traversing the network and automatically discovering resident devices or by importing network data." [Comparison of network diagram software. Wikipedia]
ConceptDraw PRO is the software for manual design of computer network diagrams. The solutions of the Computer and Networks area in ConceptDraw Solution Park extend ConceptDraw PRO with vector stencils libraries, templates and examples for creating the computer network diagrams.
The symbols example "Computer network - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Computer and Networks solution from the Computer and Networks area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. solution-park/ computer-and-networks
Laptop, laptop computer,
Desktop computer
Desktop computer, desktop PC,
Firewall, firewall,
Bus, bus,
Ethernet, Ethernet,
Star network
Star network, star,
FDDI Ring, FDDI ring,
Token-ring, Token-ring,
Comm-link, Comm-link,
Modem, modem,
Laser printer
Laser printer, laser printer,
Inkjet printer
Inkjet printer, inkjet printer,
Image scanner
Image scanner, scanner,
City, city,
Ethernet hub
Ethernet hub, hub,
Wireless router
Wireless router, wireless router,
Network switch
Network switch, switch,
iPod Classic
iPod Classic, iPod Classic,
iPhone/ iPod Touch
iPhone/ iPod Touch, iPhone, iPod Touch,
Xserve RAID
Xserve RAID, Xserve RAID,
XServe, XServe,
Apple Thunderbolt Display
Apple Thunderbolt Display, Apple display,
Data store
Data store, data,
Mac Pro
Mac Pro, Mac Pro,
iMac, iMac desktop,
RAID, RAID drive,
Mainframe, mainframe,
Rack-mountable server
Rack-mountable server, server,
Server, server,
Cloud, cloud,
Computer monitor
Computer monitor, monitor,
Workstation, workstation,
Router, router,
IP Phone
IP Phone, IP phone,
Fax, fax,
Mobile phone
Mobile phone, cell phone,
Smartphone, smartphone,
Compact Disk
Compact Disk, compact disk,
Mouse, mouse,
Apple Wireless Mouse
Apple Wireless Mouse, Apple wireless mouse,
Computer keyboard
Computer keyboard, keyboard,
Apple Keyboard
Apple Keyboard, Apple keyboard,
Radio tower
Radio tower, radio tower,
Satellite dish
Satellite dish, satellite dish,
Satellite, satellite,
Webcam, webcam,
AirPort Extreme
AirPort Extreme, AirPort Extreme,
Airport Express
Airport Express, Airport Express,
MacBook, MacBook,
iPhone 4
iPhone 4, iPhone 4,

Network Printer

Special libraries of highly detailed, accurate shapes and computer graphics, servers, hubs, switches, printers, mainframes, face plates, routers etc.

Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP). Computer and Network Examples

The Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is a communication protocol of the multicast transfer data in the IP networks. IGMP is used by routers and IP hosts for organizing the network devices in groups.
This example was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM using the Computer and Networks solution from the Computer and Networks area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. It shows the architecture of the network for delivering a multicast service using IGMP.

Mesh Network Topology Diagram

A mesh network is a network topology in which each node relays data for the network. All nodes cooperate in the distribution of data in the network.
The Mesh Network Topology Diagram examples was created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with Computer and Networks solution.

Hotel Network Topology Diagram. Hotel Guesthouse WiFi Network

The Computer and Networks solution from Computer and Networks area of ConceptDraw Solution Park provides examples, templates and vector stencils library with symbols of local area network (LAN) and wireless LAN (WLAN) equipment.

Use it to draw the physical and logical network topology diagrams for wired and wireless computer communication networks.