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Activity Network Diagram Method

Activity Network Diagram - This sample was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software using the Seven Management and Planning Tools solution from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
This sample shows the PERT (Program Evaluation Review Technique) chart of the request on proposal. A request for proposal (RFP) is a request of the company or the organization to potential suppliers to submit the business proposals for service or goods that it is interested to purchase. The RFP is represented on the initial procurement stage and allows to define the risks and benefits.

Diagramming Software for Design UML Collaboration Diagrams

ConceptDraw helps you to start designing your own UML Collaboration Diagrams with examples and templates.

UML Sequence Diagram Example. SVG Vectored UML Diagrams Tools

This sample was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software using the UML Sequence Diagram library of the Rapid UML Solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
This sample shows the interactions of the customer with the system and is used at the registration on the sites.

Network Topologies

Running your own business or working for some company as IT specialist, one day you definitely face the need of connecting all network and computer devices existing on this enterprise's balance sheet. Especially once this company grows you need more stuff and so elements of network such as laptops, servers, scanners, printers, fax machines, telephones, routers, so you definitely have to make network topology flowchart to arrange it all correctly to connect it with each other. In this case to use ConceptDraw DIAGRAM as a tool to make your topology diagram is the best decision ever! Test how simple it is to use our samples to create your diagrams in a short term! Whether you need to make logical or physical topologies you can always use the service of our software and with help of libraries to design whatever you need. The basic topologies types are: ring, mesh, bus, star, tree or fully connected one, and its examples are there in Solutions waiting for you on this site to use it all. Check it out and enjoy simplicity of using this application right now!
Create Network Topology Diagram
Create Network Topology Diagram

UML in 10 mins

It’s very simple and quick to create the UML Diagrams using the Rapid UML Solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM. This sample was created in 10 minutes.
This sample describes the credit card processing system. It’s a UML Class Diagram with generalization sets. This sample can be used by the banks, business and financial companies, exchanges.

Flowchart on Bank. Flowchart Examples

This sample was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software using the Flowcharts solution from the Diagrams area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
This sample shows the Flowchart of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis. This Flowchart describes the decline in housing prices when the housing bubble burst and what it caused on the housing and financial markets. You can also see the Government and Industry responses in this crisis situation.
Create Flowchart on Bank
Create Flowchart on Bank

UML for Bank

UML for Bank - This sample was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software using the UML Class Diagram library of the Rapid UML Solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Network diagrams with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM

Network diagram is the tool for description, study and analysis of network knots and connections between these knots. Created network diagram can present you the existing information in comprehensible graphic view.
Network diagrams are divided into Physical Network Diagrams and Logical Network Diagrams.
Network diagram is an indispensable tool for network administrators and engineers at development of new networks and management of existing networks.

Diagramming Software for Design UML Timing Diagrams

UML Timing Diagram as special form of a sequence diagram are used to explore the behaviors of objects throughout a given period of time.

Introductory Guide to Rapid UML Solution

The ability to develop UML diagrams as quickly as the ideas come. The solution uses ConceptDraw RapidDraw techniques. The result is a vector graphic document.