iPhone User Interface
iPhone User Interface solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with templates, samples and libraries with large quantity of vector stencils of graphical user interface elements, Apps icons, UI patterns for designing and prototyping of the iOS applic
UI Patterns
The most convenient, useful and right way for software engineers, UI designers, UI developers is to use UI patterns in the process of developing any application for computer devices. The User Interface (UI) patterns are standardized solutions for common design problems.
Telecommunication Network Diagrams
Telecommunication Network Diagrams solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with samples, templates, and great collection of vector stencils to help the specialists in a field of networks and telecommunications, as well as other users to create Computer systems networking and Telecommunication network diagrams for various fields, to organize the work of call centers, to design the GPRS networks and GPS navigational systems, mobile, satellite and hybrid communication networks, to construct the mobile TV networks and wireless broadband networks.
Fault Tree Analysis Diagrams
This solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM.5 or later with templates, fault tree analysis example, samples and a library of vector design elements for drawing FTA diagrams (or negative analytical trees), cause and effect diagrams and fault tree diagrams.
The vector stencils library "Mobile and Phones" contains 46 mobile and phone icons.
Use it to design your audio, video and multimedia illustrations, presentations, web pages and infographics with ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software.
The vector stencils library "Mobile and Phones" is included in the Audio, Video, Media solution from the Illustration area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Use it to design your audio, video and multimedia illustrations, presentations, web pages and infographics with ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software.
The vector stencils library "Mobile and Phones" is included in the Audio, Video, Media solution from the Illustration area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
This infographic sample visualizes the Conventional and wireless ad hoc network. It was designed on the base of the Wikimedia Commons file: Běžná bezdrátová síť a ad hoc síť.png.
[commons.wikimedia.org/ wiki/ File:B%C4%9B%C5%BEn%C3%A1_ bezdr%C3%A1tov%C3%A1_ s%C3%AD%C5%A5_ a_ ad_ hoc_ s%C3%AD%C5%A5.png]
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. [creativecommons.org/ licenses/ by-sa/ 4.0/ deed.en]
"A wireless ad hoc network (WANET) is a decentralized type of wireless network. The network is ad hoc because it does not rely on a pre existing infrastructure, such as routers in wired networks or access points in managed (infrastructure) wireless networks. Instead, each node participates in routing by forwarding data for other nodes, so the determination of which nodes forward data is made dynamically on the basis of network connectivity. In addition to the classic routing, ad hoc networks can use flooding for forwarding data.
Wireless mobile ad hoc networks are self-configuring, dynamic networks in which nodes are free to move. Wireless networks lack the complexities of infrastructure setup and administration, enabling devices to create and join networks "on the fly" – anywhere, anytime." [Wireless ad hoc network. Wikipedia]
The infographic example "Conventional and wireless ad hoc network" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Computers and Communications solution from the Illustration area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
[commons.wikimedia.org/ wiki/ File:B%C4%9B%C5%BEn%C3%A1_ bezdr%C3%A1tov%C3%A1_ s%C3%AD%C5%A5_ a_ ad_ hoc_ s%C3%AD%C5%A5.png]
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. [creativecommons.org/ licenses/ by-sa/ 4.0/ deed.en]
"A wireless ad hoc network (WANET) is a decentralized type of wireless network. The network is ad hoc because it does not rely on a pre existing infrastructure, such as routers in wired networks or access points in managed (infrastructure) wireless networks. Instead, each node participates in routing by forwarding data for other nodes, so the determination of which nodes forward data is made dynamically on the basis of network connectivity. In addition to the classic routing, ad hoc networks can use flooding for forwarding data.
Wireless mobile ad hoc networks are self-configuring, dynamic networks in which nodes are free to move. Wireless networks lack the complexities of infrastructure setup and administration, enabling devices to create and join networks "on the fly" – anywhere, anytime." [Wireless ad hoc network. Wikipedia]
The infographic example "Conventional and wireless ad hoc network" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Computers and Communications solution from the Illustration area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
How To Draw an iPhone?
How To Draw an iPhone? It's very fast and easy to draw an iPhone and design iPhone user interface using the tools of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM extended with iPhone User Interface Solution. iPhone User Interface Solution offers you the incredibly large quantity of predesigned objects that are grouped to 9 libraries: Apps Icons, Bars, Content Views, Controls, iMessage, iPhone 6 Mockup, Tab Bar Icons, Temporary Views, Toolbar and Navigation Bar Buttons.
Windows 10 User Interface
Windows 10 User Interface solution extends significantly ConceptDraw DIAGRAM functionality with look-and-feel functions of GUI software and makes it a great assistant for Win10 designers, developers, and software engineers. This solution provides a wide s
Android User Interface
The Android User Interface solution allows ConceptDraw DIAGRAM act as an Android UI design tool. Libraries and templates contain a variety of Android GUI elements to help users create images based on Android UI design.
Wireless Networks
The Wireless Networks Solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with professional diagramming tools, set of wireless network diagram templates and samples, comprehensive library of wireless communications and WLAN objects to help network engineers and designers efficiently design and create Wireless network diagrams that illustrate wireless networks of any speed and complexity, and help to identify all required equipment for construction and updating wireless networks, and calculating their costs.
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- Ipod Png Vector
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- macOS User Interface | Glyph icons - Vector stencils library | App ...
- Internet - Vector stencils library | IVR mobile - Vector stencils library ...
- Diagram Smartphone
- Contact Mobile Png
- Mobile Logo Png