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Winter Sports Vector Clipart. Medal Map. Spatial Infographics

Tracking Olympic results in visual format is the most modern way to deliver statistics to a broad audience. This is a good example of an illustrated table you may easily modify, print, or publish on web from ConceptDraw Winter Sports solution.

winter sports Winter Sports

winter sports
The Winter Sports solution from Sport area of ConceptDraw Solution Park contains winter sports illustration examples, templates and vector clipart libraries.

Winter Sports. Illustrations and Visualize Statistics

Visualizing sports statistics becomes as easy as never before with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software extended with the Winter Sports solution. This solution delivers a complete set of winter sports illustrations, samples and templates you may use to visualize any kind of sports statistics in minutes.

Winter Sports. Using Winter Sports Design Elements Producing Infographics

The Winter Sports solution from Sport Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park contains winter sports pictogram you may use illustrating any kind of material about Olympic Games or any other sport competitions.

Clipart School

Use it to make professional looking documents, presentations, and websites illustrated with color scalable vector clipart for geography, weather, and animals.

Mind Map Making Software

The power, economy, and versatility of ConceptDraw MINDMAP takes personnel and team productivity to another level. Discover today what this means to you.

Project management - Design Elements

These vector illustrations and cliparts are created for drawing the Project management Illustrations and contain plenty of project management design elements. The clipart library Project management includes 35 icons.

Flow Chart for Olympic Sports

Sports Selection Flow Chart - This sample was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM using the Flowcharts Solution from the Marketing Area and shows the Flow Chart of sport selection. An experienced user spent 10 minutes creating this sample.

Informative and Well-Designed Infographics

Informative and well-designed Infographics allows visually present various map containing information.

design presentation Presentation Clipart

design presentation
Presentation design elements solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with slide samples, templates and vector stencils libraries with design elements of presentation symbols, arrows, callouts, backgrounds, borders and frames, title blocks.