Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) with ConceptDraw PRO
Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (abbr. SSADM) is a method developed in Great Britain and accepted in 1993 as a national standard for information systems development and analysis. SSADM is based on Data Flow Diagrams and is characterized with presence of clear sequence of steps at projecting, analysis, and documenting of information system. It involves 6 main stages: analysis of existing system or estimation of practicability, requirements definition, determination of technical requirements and equipment cost, development of logical data model, projecting of logical requirements and specification them, physical projecting. Each of them is also divided into several steps defining the tasks that should be fulfilled at a given stage. The most important SSADM elements are flows modeling with help of DFD, data logic modeling with help of LDS (Logical Data Structure) and description of entities behavior. Applying of SSADM is easy with ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software and Data Flow Diagram solution.Booch OOD Diagram
The vector stencils library Booch OOD from the solution Software Engineering contains specific symbols of the Booch method such as class symbols, association symbols, aggregation symbols for ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software. The Software Engineering solution is contained in the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.Components of ER Diagram
Entity-Relationship model gives the possibility to visually describe a database using the components of ER Diagram, entity relationship stencils, relationship symbols, work flow shapes. ER-diagram lets represent the data or entities, attributes of these entities and relationships between them, using standardized Crow’s Foot notation icons or Chen’s notation icons. An entity is an object of the real world, it can exist independently and has the instances which differ in attribute values (properties). The attributes give an unambiguous (uniquely) identification for the instance and are called the primary key, this key can be composite and combine several attributes. ConceptDraw PRO is a professional software available with Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution from Software Development area that lets create ERDs for various database systems, using Crow’s Foot and Chen’s notations. It is invaluable tool for software engineers and developers, it supports ODBC-compatible databases (Oracle, MySQL, MS Access, MS SQL, InterBase, Firebird and others).ERD Symbols and Meanings
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is a popular software engineering tool for database modeling and illustration the logical structure of databases, which uses one of two notations - Chen's or Crow’s Foot. Crow's foot notation is effective when used in software engineering, information engineering, structured systems analysis and design. Each of these notations applies its own set of ERD symbols. Crow's foot diagrams use boxes to represent entities and lines between these boxes to show relationships. Varied shapes at the ends of lines depict the cardinality of a given relationship. Chen's ERD notation is more detailed way to represent entities and relationships. ConceptDraw PRO application enhanced with all-inclusive Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution allows design professional ER diagrams with Chen's or Crow’s Foot notation on your choice. It contains the full set of ready-to-use standardized ERD symbols and meanings helpful for quickly drawing, collection of predesigned ERD samples, examples and templates. ConceptDraw Pro is a great alternative to Visio for Mac users as it offers more features and can easily handle the most demanding professional needs.
Software Diagrams
Modern software development begins with designing different software diagrams and also uses a large amount of diagrams in project management and creation graphic documentation. Very popular diagrams that depict a work of applications in various cuts and notations, describe databases and prototype Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). Software engineering specialists and software designers prefer to use special technical and business graphics tools and applications for easy creation diagrams. One of the most popular is ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software. ConceptDraw PRO offers the possibility of drawing with use of wide range of pre-drawn shapes and smart connectors, which allow to focus not on the process of drawing, but on the task's essence. It is a perfect application for design and document development, planning tasks, visualization of data, design the databases, object-oriented design, creation flowcharts of algorithms, modeling business processes, project management, automation of management and development processes, and for many other tasks.Example of DFD for Online Store (Data Flow Diagram) DFD Example
Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a methodology of graphical structural analysis and information systems design, which describes the sources external in respect to the system, recipients of data, logical functions, data flows and data stores that are accessed. DFDs allow to identify relationships between various system's components and are effectively used in business analysis and information systems analysis. They are useful for system’s high-level details modeling, to show how the input data are transformed to output results via the sequence of functional transformations. For description of DFD diagrams are uses two notations — Yourdon and Gane-Sarson, which differ in syntax. Online Store DFD example illustrates the Data Flow Diagram for online store, the interactions between Customers, Visitors, Sellers, depicts User databases and the flows of Website Information. ConceptDraw PRO enhanced with Data Flow Diagrams solution lets you to draw clear and simple example of DFD for Online Store using special libraries of predesigned DFD symbols.
Software for Creating SWOT Analysis Diagrams
SWOT analysis or alternatively SWOT matrix is a simple, but useful tool for auditing an organization and its environment, for analyzing its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats that can appear. A SWOT analysis can be executed for an industry, product, place, or person. It is a first stage of planning which helps the marketing specialists to focus on the key issues. SWOT analysis includes the identification of objectives of the project or business venture, specification of internal and external factors favorable and vice versa unfavorable for achievement the designated goal. ConceptDraw PRO vector graphics software enhanced with SWOT and TOWS Matrix Diagrams solution from Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is a powerful software for creating SWOT analysis diagrams. Ready-to-use templates, samples and examples allow create your own TOWS and SWOT matrices in minutes. The integration between ConceptDraw MINDMAP and ConceptDraw PRO applications will be also helpful for easier drawing.Data Flow Diagrams
Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a special chart type which lets graphically illustrate the "flow" of data through an information system. So the Data Flow Diagrams can be successfully used for visualization of data processing or structured design, for creation an overview of the system, for business process modeling, for exploring the high-level design in terms of data flows and documenting the major data flows. Inclusion of powerful Data Flow Diagrams solution to the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park makes the ConceptDraw PRO a beneficial data flow diagramming software and supplies it with numerous collection of quick-start templates, professionaly designed samples, and extensive range of ready-for-use vector objects consisting the Data Flow Diagrams, Gane-Sarson Notation, and Yourdon and Coad Notation libraries. Use the ConceptDraw PRO application to design easy and quickly the Data Flow Diagrams including the data storages, data flows, external entities, functional transforms, control transforms and signals.ConceptDraw PRO ER Diagram Tool
Entity-relationship model, also called ER-model, is the main tool of domain modeling on the stage of conceptual design. The modeling of domain data structures is based on the use of graphical tools - Entity-Relationship diagrams (ER-diagrams). The core concepts of ER-Diagram are entity, attribute and relationship. ER-diagram lets visually represent the entities, helps effectively document all properties of designed system and to detail the data storages. To represent the elements at ER-model are commonly used Chen’s notation and Crow’s foot notation, each has its pros and cons. The entity on ER-diagram is represented in the form of rectangle, which specifies its name. An attribute is a property of the entity and relationship is an interaction between the entities. The relationship between two entities is called binary, between more than two entities - ternary. Specific software, such as ConceptDraw PRO with Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park is helpful for easy creation Entity-Relationship Diagrams.Types of Flowcharts
A Flowchart is a graphical representation of process, algorithm, workflow or step-by-step solution of the problem. It shows the steps as boxes of various kinds and connects them by arrows in a defined order depicting a flow. There are twelve main Flowchart types: Basic Flowchart, Business Process Modeling Diagram (BPMN), Cross Functional Flowchart, Data Flow Diagram (DFD), IDEF (Integrated DEFinition) Flowchart, Event-driven Process Chain (EPC) Diagram, Influence Diagram (ID), Swimlane Flowchart, Process Flow Diagram (PFD), Specification and Description Language (SDL) Diagram, Value Stream Mapping, Workflow Diagram. Using the Flowcharts solution from the Diagrams area of ConceptDraw Solution Park you can easy and quickly design a Flowchart of any of these types. This solution offers a lot of special predesigned vector symbols for each of these widely used notations. They will make the drawing process of Flowcharts much easier than ever. Pay also attention for the included collection of ready Flowchart examples, samples and quick-start templates. This is business process improvement tools. If you are looking for MS Visio for your Mac, then you are out of luck, because it hasn't been released yet. However, you can use Visio alternatives that can successfully replace its functions. ConceptDraw PRO is an alternative to MS Visio for Mac that provides powerful features and intuitive user interface for the same.
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