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SWOT Analysis

The SWOT Analysis provides information that is helpful in matching the firm's resources and capabilities to the competitive environment in which it operates. As such, it is instrument in strategy formulation and selection. SWOT analysis is a method of strategic planning which identifies the factors internal and external environment of the firm and divides them into 4 categories: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The ConceptDraw DIAGRAM and MINDMAP software allow professional to make well-designed SWOT matrix in minutes.

How to Create a PowerPoint Presentation from a SWOT Analysis Mindmap

You can use SWOT analysis PowerPoint presentation to represent strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats involved in your SWOT matrix.

SWOT Analysis

The "SWOT Analysis" solution contains easy-to-use mind map templates that help identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, as well as outputs to ConceptDraw DIAGRAM for presenting analysis results.

How to Create a PowerPoint Presentation from a SWOT Matrix

You can use SWOT analysis PowerPoint presentation to represent strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats involved in your SWOT matrix. We recommend using ConceptDraw MINDMAP for identifying and structuring factors employed in SWOT Analysis. Then, you can export the SWOT Matrix to PowerPoint slides.

Create Captivating Presentations Easily

When you prepare professional-looking presentation, you need to use ConceptDraw MINDMAP software for the amazing result.

How to Make SWOT Analysis in a Word Document

A SWOT Analysis is a popular strategic planning tool used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in any businesses. You can export your SWOT mind map into a MS Word document, which makes using SWOT mind map easier if you need to collaborate it with other people.
ConceptDraw products across any platform, meaning you never have to worry about compatibility again. ConceptDraw MINDMAP allows you to make SWOT analysis on PC or macOS operating systems.

SWOT Matrix Template

A SWOT analysis can be carried out for a product, place, industry or person. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving that objective.

SWOT analysis, TOWS analysis SWOT and TOWS Matrix Diagrams

SWOT analysis, TOWS analysis
SWOT and TOWS Matrix Diagrams solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM and ConceptDraw MINDMAP software with features, templates, samples and libraries of vector stencils for drawing SWOT and TOWS analysis matrices and mind maps.

TOWS Matrix

TOWS Matrix is an effective tool which allows to analize the external opportunities and threats by means of analyzing the internal strengths and weaknesses of a company. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with SWOT and TOWS Matrix Diagrams Solution from the Management Area will help design TOWS Matrix for your company without efforts.

SWOT Template

The "SWOT Analysis" solution gives simple visual support for all the steps of a SWOT Analysis process. SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats facing a project. The new template for ConceptDraw MINDMAP isually supports identifying internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable. When the analysis is complete, output your data to a SWOT Matrix in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM for exporting to a variety of other formats: MS Visio, PowerPoint presentation, PDF, image files, etc.