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The vector stencils library "Android tabs" contains 9 tab elements: app bar, tab bar, search bar, tabs.
Use it to design user interface of your Android 5 application.
The shapes example "Design elements - Android tabs" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the "Android user interface" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Tab elements
Tab elements, tab item, tab indicator, tab bar, search bar, tab bar, status bar, signal wifi statusbar 3 bar, status bar icon, signal cellular 2 bar, search icon, search bar, search, more vertically, microphone icon, menu, inset search, app bar, tab bar, cards, battery, app bar, tab bar, app bar,
The vector stencils library "Tab Bar Icons" contains 18 iOS apps GUI elements - tab bar icons: bookmark, contacts, downloads, favorites, featured, history, more, most recent, most viewed, recents, search, top rated, near me, top charts, keypad, voicemail, radio, artists.
Use the library "Tab Bar Icons" to draw tab bar elements for design of iPhone software applications user interface sketches, mockups and prototypes.
The iOS GUI views sample "Design elements - Tab Bar Icons" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the iPhone User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
iOS GUI views: tab bar icons
iOS GUI views: tab bar icons, tab bar icon,
The vector stencils library "Android tabs" contains 18 tab elements: app bar, tab bar, search bar, tabs.
Use it to design user interface of your software applications for Android OS with ConceptDraw PRO software.
The shapes example "Design elements - Android tabs" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the "Android user interface" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Tab elements
Tab elements, tab more menu, tab item, tab indicator, tab bar, search bar, tab bar, status bar, search icon, search bar, search, overflow pagination, more vertically, mobile app bar, microphone icon, menu, inset search, app bar, tab bar, icon placeholder, extended app bar, fixed tab bar, expanded more dropdown menu, dropdown menu, desktop app bar, default app bar, tab bar with icons, default app bar, fixed tab bar, cards, app bar,
The vector stencils library "iPhone interface" contains 119 iPhone UI design elements.
Use it for development of graphic user interface (GUI) for iPhone software applications in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Graphic User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
iPhone case
iPhone case, iPhone case,
iPhone case, horizontal
iPhone case, horizontal, iPhone case,
Display, display,
Screen, screen,
Home screen
Home screen, home screen,
Keypad control
Keypad control, keypad, keypad control,
Status bar
Status bar, status bar,
Navigation bar
Navigation bar, navigation bar,
Navigation bar with buttons
Navigation bar with buttons, navigation bar,
Navigation bar with controls
Navigation bar with controls, navigation bar,
Navigation bar with controls
Navigation bar with controls, navigation bar,
Navigation bar with buttons, horizontal
Navigation bar with buttons, horizontal, navigation bar,
Navigation bar with controls, horizontal
Navigation bar with controls, horizontal, navigation bar,
Modal view
Modal view, modal view,
Search bar
Search bar, search bar,
Text field 1
Text field 1, text field,
Text field 2
Text field 2, text field,
Text field, varying
Text field, varying, text field,
Table row
Table row, table view row,
Table view row
Table view row, table view row,
Table view (simple list)
Table view (simple list), table view, list,
Table view (with header)
Table view (with header), table view with header, indexed list,
Action list
Action list, action list, grouped list, table,
Control button
Control button, control button,
Navigational control button
Navigational control button, navigational control button,
Add button
Add button, add button, plus button,
Navigation toolbar
Navigation toolbar, navigation toolbar, toolbar,
Tab bar
Tab bar, tab bar,
Action sheet
Action sheet, action sheet,
Choice button
Choice button, choice button,
Rounded rectangle button
Rounded rectangle button, rounded rectangle button,
Keyboard control
Keyboard control, keyboard,
Keyboard literal button
Keyboard literal button, keyboard literal button,
Keyboard button, pressed
Keyboard button, pressed, keyboard button pressed,
Keyboard label button
Keyboard label button, keyboard label button,
Selection frame 1
Selection frame 1, selection frame,
Selection frame 2
Selection frame 2, selection frame,
Loupe, loupe,
Message box 1
Message box 1, message box,
Message box 2
Message box 2, message box,
Progress view
Progress view, progress view,
Progress view
Progress view, progress view,
Progress view
Progress view, progress view,
Player control
Player control, player,
Label button
Label button, label button,
Back button
Back button, back button,
Forward button
Forward button, forward button,
Option button
Option button, option button,
Checkbox, checkbox,
Radio button
Radio button, radio button,
Alert, alert,
Two-button alert
Two-button alert, alert,
Two-button alert (v 3.0)
Two-button alert (v 3.0), alert,
Up-Down control
Up-Down control, up-down, stepper,
Segmented control
Segmented control, segmented control,
Segmented control
Segmented control, segmented control,
Segmented control
Segmented control, segmented control,
Segmented control
Segmented control, segmented control,
Pop-up menu button
Pop-up menu button, pop-up menu button,
Popup menu
Popup menu, pop-up menu, segmented control,
Clock, white
Clock, white, clock,
Clock, black
Clock, black, clock,
Clock application table
Clock application table,
Date and time picker (1/2 parts)
Date and time picker (1/2 parts), date and time picker,
Date and time picker (3 parts)
Date and time picker (3 parts), date and time picker,
Date and time picker (4 parts)
Date and time picker (4 parts), date and time picker,
Date and time picker (v 3.0)
Date and time picker (v 3.0), date and time picker,
Switch control
Switch control, switch,
System button
System button, system button,
Reply button
Reply button, reply button,
Organize button
Organize button, organize,
Remove button
Remove button, remove,
Refresh button
Refresh button, refresh,
Play button
Play button, play,
FastForward button
FastForward button, fastforward,
Pause button
Pause button, pause,
Rewind button
Rewind button, rewind,
Backward icon
Backward icon, backward,
Forward icon
Forward icon, forward,
Share button
Share button, share,
Camera button
Camera button, camera,
Compose button
Compose button, compose,
Bookmarks button
Bookmarks button, bookmarks,
Search button
Search button, search,
Add button
Add button, add,
Trash button
Trash button, trash,
Bookmarks tab icon
Bookmarks tab icon, bookmarks tab icon,
Contacts tab icon
Contacts tab icon, contacts tab icon,
Downloads tab icon
Downloads tab icon, downloads tab icon,
Favorites tab icon
Favorites tab icon, favorites tab icon, featured, top rated ,
Featured tab icon
Featured tab icon, featured tab icon,
History tab icon
History tab icon, history tab icon,
MostRecent tab icon
MostRecent tab icon, most recent tab icon,
MostViewed tab icon
MostViewed tab icon, most viewed tab icon,
Search tab icon
Search tab icon, search tab icon,
More tab icon
More tab icon, more tab icon,
SMS tab icon
SMS tab icon, sms tab icon,
Mail tab icon
Mail tab icon, mail tab icon,
Charts tab icon
Charts tab icon, charts tab icon,
World clock tab icon
World clock tab icon, world clock tab icon,
Alarm tab icon
Alarm tab icon, alarm tab icon,
Stopwatch tab icon
Stopwatch tab icon, stopwatch tab icon,
Timer tab icon
Timer tab icon, timer tab icon,
Badge, badge,
Delete button control
Delete button control , delete,
Checkmark, checkmark badge,
Delete button
Delete button, delete button,
Insert, row insert, plus, add,
Disclosure indicator
Disclosure indicator, disclosure indicator,
Clear button
Clear button, clear, delete badge,
Bookmarks badge
Bookmarks badge, bookmarks,
Badge with varying width 1
Badge with varying width 1, badge,
Badge with varying width 2
Badge with varying width 2, badge,
Badge with varying width 3
Badge with varying width 3,
Activity indicator
Activity indicator, activity indicator,
Network activity indicator
Network activity indicator, network activity indicator,
Page control
Page control, page control, page indicator,
Search badge
Search badge, search,
Slider, slider,
The vector stencils library "Bars" contains 16 iOS apps GUI views: menu bar, navigation bar, search bar, status bar, tab bar, toolbar, wifi icon, bluetooth icon, power icon, plus button, back button.
Use the library "Bars" to draw bar views in your design of iPhone software applications user interface sketches, mockups and prototypes.
The iOS GUI views sample "Design elements - Bars" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the iPhone User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
iOS GUI views: Bars
iOS GUI views: Bars, wifi icon, toolbar, tab bar, search bar, power icon, battery, plus, add, navigation bar, menu bar, navigation bar, bluetooth icon, back button,
The vector stencils library "Controls" contains 53 icons of Windows 8 controls.
Use it to design graphic user interface (GUI) prototypes of your software applications for Windows 8.
"A graphical control element or widget is an element of interaction in a graphical user interface (GUI), such as a button or a scroll bar. Controls are software components that a computer user interacts with through direct manipulation to read or edit information about an application. ...
Each widget facilitates a specific type of user-computer interaction, and appears as a visible part of the application's GUI as defined by the theme and rendered by the rendering engine. The theme makes all graphical control elements adhere to a unified aesthetic design and creates a sense of overall cohesion. Some widgets support interaction with the user, for example labels, buttons, and check boxes. Others act as containers that group the widgets added to them, for example windows, panels, and tabs." [Graphical control element. Wikipedia]
The design elements example "Controls - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Windows 8 User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Balloon, balloon,
Check box - checked
Check box - checked, check box,
Check box - unchecked
Check box - unchecked, check box,
Radio button - selected
Radio button - selected, radio button,
Radio button
Radio button, radio button,
Group box
Group box, group box,
Standard command button
Standard command button, standard command button,
Default command button
Default command button, default command button,
Link, link,
Command link - selected
Command link - selected, command link,
Command link
Command link, command link,
Command link
Command link, command link,
Command link 2
Command link 2, command link,
Drop-down button with text box
Drop-down button with text box, drop-down button,
Drop-down button with text box - selected
Drop-down button with text box - selected, drop-down button, text box,
Drop-down list
Drop-down list, drop-down list,
List item
List item, list item,
List item - selected
List item - selected, list item,
Drop-down button with text box 2
Drop-down button with text box 2, drop-down button, text box,
Drop-down list 2
Drop-down list 2, drop-down list,
Drop-down button
Drop-down button, drop-down button,
Drop-down button - selected
Drop-down button - selected, drop-down button,
Combo box
Combo box, list item, drop-down list, drop-down button, combo box,
Combo box 2
Combo box 2, list item, drop-down list, drop-down button, text box, drop-down button, combo box,
Combo box with scroller
Combo box with scroller, scroller, list item, drop-down list, drop-down button, text box, drop-down button, combo box,
List box
List box, list item, list box, drop-down list,
List box with scrollbar
List box with scrollbar, scroller, list item, list box, drop-down list,
List view
List view, scroller, list view, drop-down list,
Vertical scroller
Vertical scroller, scroller,
Horizontal scroller
Horizontal scroller, scroller,
Notification, notification, balloon,
Options button
Options button, options button,
Close button
Close button, close button,
Text label
Text label, text label,
Progress bar
Progress bar, progress bar,
Search box
Search box, search symbol, search box,
Search symbol
Search symbol, search symbol,
Spin control
Spin control, spin control,
Slider - 5 intervals
Slider - 5 intervals, slider,
Slider - 10 intervals
Slider - 10 intervals, slider,
Status bar
Status bar, status bar,
Start button
Start button, start button,
Status bar with Start button
Status bar with Start button, status bar, Start button, status bar, start button,
Viewed window
Viewed window, window state,
Current window state
Current window state, current window state,
Tab control
Tab control, tab control,
Tab control - selected
Tab control - selected, tab control,
Tab view page
Tab view page, tab view,
Tab view
Tab view, tab view, tab control,
Text box
Text box, text box,
Text box label
Text box label, text box label,
Tooltip, tooltip,
Infotip, infotip,
The vector stencils library "iPhone interface" contains 119 iPhone UI design elements.
Use it for development of graphic user interface (GUI) for iPhone software applications in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Graphic User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
iPhone case
iPhone case, iPhone case,
iPhone case, horizontal
iPhone case, horizontal, iPhone case,
Display, display,
Screen, screen,
Home screen
Home screen, home screen,
Keypad control
Keypad control, keypad, keypad control,
Status bar
Status bar, status bar,
Navigation bar
Navigation bar, navigation bar,
Navigation bar with buttons
Navigation bar with buttons, navigation bar,
Navigation bar with controls
Navigation bar with controls, navigation bar,
Navigation bar with controls
Navigation bar with controls, navigation bar,
Navigation bar with buttons, horizontal
Navigation bar with buttons, horizontal, navigation bar,
Navigation bar with controls, horizontal
Navigation bar with controls, horizontal, navigation bar,
Modal view
Modal view, modal view,
Search bar
Search bar, search bar,
Text field 1
Text field 1, text field,
Text field 2
Text field 2, text field,
Text field, varying
Text field, varying, text field,
Table row
Table row, table view row,
Table view row
Table view row, table view row,
Table view (simple list)
Table view (simple list), table view, list,
Table view (with header)
Table view (with header), table view with header, indexed list,
Action list
Action list, action list, grouped list, table,
Control button
Control button, control button,
Navigational control button
Navigational control button, navigational control button,
Add button
Add button, add button, plus button,
Navigation toolbar
Navigation toolbar, navigation toolbar, toolbar,
Tab bar
Tab bar, tab bar,
Action sheet
Action sheet, action sheet,
Choice button
Choice button, choice button,
Rounded rectangle button
Rounded rectangle button, rounded rectangle button,
Keyboard control
Keyboard control, keyboard,
Keyboard literal button
Keyboard literal button, keyboard literal button,
Keyboard button, pressed
Keyboard button, pressed, keyboard button pressed,
Keyboard label button
Keyboard label button, keyboard label button,
Selection frame 1
Selection frame 1, selection frame,
Selection frame 2
Selection frame 2, selection frame,
Loupe, loupe,
Message box 1
Message box 1, message box,
Message box 2
Message box 2, message box,
Progress view
Progress view, progress view,
Progress view
Progress view, progress view,
Progress view
Progress view, progress view,
Player control
Player control, player,
Label button
Label button, label button,
Back button
Back button, back button,
Forward button
Forward button, forward button,
Option button
Option button, option button,
Checkbox, checkbox,
Radio button
Radio button, radio button,
Alert, alert,
Two-button alert
Two-button alert, alert,
Two-button alert (v 3.0)
Two-button alert (v 3.0), alert,
Up-Down control
Up-Down control, up-down, stepper,
Segmented control
Segmented control, segmented control,
Segmented control
Segmented control, segmented control,
Segmented control
Segmented control, segmented control,
Segmented control
Segmented control, segmented control,
Pop-up menu button
Pop-up menu button, pop-up menu button,
Popup menu
Popup menu, pop-up menu, segmented control,
Clock, white
Clock, white, clock,
Clock, black
Clock, black, clock,
Clock application table
Clock application table,
Date and time picker (1/2 parts)
Date and time picker (1/2 parts), date and time picker,
Date and time picker (3 parts)
Date and time picker (3 parts), date and time picker,
Date and time picker (4 parts)
Date and time picker (4 parts), date and time picker,
Date and time picker (v 3.0)
Date and time picker (v 3.0), date and time picker,
Switch control
Switch control, switch,
System button
System button, system button,
Reply button
Reply button, reply button,
Organize button
Organize button, organize,
Remove button
Remove button, remove,
Refresh button
Refresh button, refresh,
Play button
Play button, play,
FastForward button
FastForward button, fastforward,
Pause button
Pause button, pause,
Rewind button
Rewind button, rewind,
Backward icon
Backward icon, backward,
Forward icon
Forward icon, forward,
Share button
Share button, share,
Camera button
Camera button, camera,
Compose button
Compose button, compose,
Bookmarks button
Bookmarks button, bookmarks,
Search button
Search button, search,
Add button
Add button, add,
Trash button
Trash button, trash,
Bookmarks tab icon
Bookmarks tab icon, bookmarks tab icon,
Contacts tab icon
Contacts tab icon, contacts tab icon,
Downloads tab icon
Downloads tab icon, downloads tab icon,
Favorites tab icon
Favorites tab icon, favorites tab icon, featured, top rated ,
Featured tab icon
Featured tab icon, featured tab icon,
History tab icon
History tab icon, history tab icon,
MostRecent tab icon
MostRecent tab icon, most recent tab icon,
MostViewed tab icon
MostViewed tab icon, most viewed tab icon,
Search tab icon
Search tab icon, search tab icon,
More tab icon
More tab icon, more tab icon,
SMS tab icon
SMS tab icon, sms tab icon,
Mail tab icon
Mail tab icon, mail tab icon,
Charts tab icon
Charts tab icon, charts tab icon,
World clock tab icon
World clock tab icon, world clock tab icon,
Alarm tab icon
Alarm tab icon, alarm tab icon,
Stopwatch tab icon
Stopwatch tab icon, stopwatch tab icon,
Timer tab icon
Timer tab icon, timer tab icon,
Badge, badge,
Delete button control
Delete button control , delete,
Checkmark, checkmark badge,
Delete button
Delete button, delete button,
Insert, row insert, plus, add,
Disclosure indicator
Disclosure indicator, disclosure indicator,
Clear button
Clear button, clear, delete badge,
Bookmarks badge
Bookmarks badge, bookmarks,
Badge with varying width 1
Badge with varying width 1, badge,
Badge with varying width 2
Badge with varying width 2, badge,
Badge with varying width 3
Badge with varying width 3,
Activity indicator
Activity indicator, activity indicator,
Network activity indicator
Network activity indicator, network activity indicator,
Page control
Page control, page control, page indicator,
Search badge
Search badge, search,
Slider, slider,
The vector stencils library "Android UI" contains 28 UI elements: screen, status bar, app bar, divider, navigation bar, page control, tab, search bar, flexible space, keyboard, cursor tooltip, touch UI tooltip, index scroller, Google Nexus 6 smartphone, Google Nexus 9 tablet.
Use it to design user interface of your Android 5 application.
The shapes example "Design elements - Android UI" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the "Android user interface" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
User interface elements
User interface elements, ui element shadow, touch ui tooltip, tab bar, search bar, status bar, signal wifi statusbar 3 bar, status bar icon, signal cellular 2 bar, scrollbar, screen, page control, navigation bar, app bar, navigation bar, menu icon, keyboard, index scroller, scrollbar, index scroller notification, flexible space, divider, cursor tooltip, keyboard tooltip, battery, backspace, app bar, Nexus 9, Nexus 6,

How to Draw EPC Diagram Quickly

An event-driven process chain diagram is a flowchart used in business process analysis. It evolved from Architecture of Integrated Information Systems (ARIS) and utilised in the business process improvement and analysis. It is also used to facilitate enterprise resource planning.

An EPC diagram is a complex flowchart that shows different business processes through various workflows. The workflows are seen as functions and events that are connected by different teams or people, as well as tasks that allow business processes to be executed.

ConceptDraw PRO is a software for making EPC diagrams that allows managers visually present business process models for making decisions for business.
How to Draw EPC Diagram
How to Draw EPC Diagram
The vector stencils library "Wireframe" contains 18 wireframe design elements.
Use it for designing wireframe graphic user interface (GUI) of computer software in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Graphic User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Dialog form
Dialog form, dialog form, window,
Dialog form (browser window)
Dialog form (browser window), browser window, dialog form,
Area box
Area box, area box, text field,
Text input box
Text input box, text input box,
Listbox, listbox,
ComboBox, combobox, drop-down menu,
Scrollbar, scrollbar, scroll bar,
Button, button,
Radio button
Radio button, radio button,
Checkbox, checkbox,
Radio buttons group
Radio buttons group, radio buttons group, radio buttons list,
Checkbox group
Checkbox group, checkbox group, checkbox list,
Menu bar tab
Menu bar tab, menu bar tab,
Image, image,
Multimedia, multimedia, video,
Wireframe note
Wireframe note, wireframe note,
Separator, horizontal
Separator, horizontal, horizontal separator,
Separator, vertical
Separator, vertical, vertical separator,
The vector stencils library "Ribbon interface" contains 41 ribbon shapes.
Use it for designing Microsoft ribbon graphic user interface (GUI) of software for Windows computers in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Graphic User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Main Window with Menu
Main Window with Menu, main window, menu,
Main Window
Main Window, main window,
Menu, menu,
Special Menu
Special Menu, menu,
Field, field,
Tools Group
Tools Group, tools group,
Tools Group Minimized
Tools Group Minimized, tools group,
Tool Button
Tool Button, tool button,
Tool Button
Tool Button, tool button,
Toolbar, toolbar,
Label, label,
Text Label
Text Label,
Edit Box
Edit Box, edit box,
Combobox, combobox,
Combobox with List
Combobox with List, combobox,
Drop-down Menu
Drop-down Menu, drop-down menu,
Spin Box
Spin Box, spin box,
Check Box
Check Box, check box,
Radio Button
Radio Button, radio button,
Styles Control 1
Styles Control 1, styles control,
Styles Control 2
Styles Control 2, styles control,
Rounded Tab
Rounded Tab, rounded tab,
Floating Dialogue
Floating Dialogue, floating dialogue,
Status Bar
Status Bar, status bar,
Small Toolbar (for Status Bar)
Small Toolbar (for Status Bar), toolbar,
Zoom Slider
Zoom Slider, zoom slider,
Horizontal Scroll
Horizontal Scroll, horizontal scroll,
Vertical Scroll
Vertical Scroll, vertical scroll,
Drop-down List
Drop-down List, drop-down list,
Arrow, arrow,
Close, close,
Drop-down Menu Base
Drop-down Menu Base, drop-down menu,
Drop-down Menu Left Part
Drop-down Menu Left Part, drop-down menu,
Menu/List Item (Text)
Menu/List Item (Text), menu, list, text,
Menu/List Item (Image)
Menu/List Item (Image), menu, list, image,
Menu/List Item (Image with Text)
Menu/List Item (Image with Text), menu, list,text, image,
Meny/List Header
Meny/List Header, menu, list, header,
Drop-down Menu Separator
Drop-down Menu Separator, drop-down menu,
Vertical Separator
Vertical Separator,
Chek/Option for Drop-down Menu
Chek/Option for Drop-down Menu, chek, option, drop-down menu,
Image, image,
The vector stencils library "MS Windows Vista user interface" contains 76 MS Windows Vista design elements.
Use it for designing Microsoft ribbon graphic user interface (GUI) of software for computers with MS Windows Vista OS in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Graphic User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Window, window,
Dialog Window
Dialog Window, dialog window,
Empty Window
Empty Window , empty window ,
Field, field,
Horizontal Scrollbar
Horizontal Scrollbar, horizontal scrollbar,
Vertical Scrollbar
Vertical Scrollbar, vertical scrollbar,
Window Buttons
Window Buttons , window buttons ,
Window Buttons
Window Buttons, window buttons ,
Window Button 1
Window Button 1, window button,
Window Button 2
Window Button 2, window button,
Window Button 3
Window Button 3, window button,
Window Button 4
Window Button 4, window button,
Navigation, navigation,
Menu Bar
Menu Bar, menu bar,
Gradient Menu Bar
Gradient Menu Bar, menu bar,
Drop-down Menu
Drop-down Menu, drop-down menu,
Button, button,
Toolbar Pannel
Toolbar Pannel, toolbar pannel,
Tool Button
Tool Button, tool button,
Primary Toolbar
Primary Toolbar, primary toolbar,
Toolbar 1
Toolbar 1, toolbar,
Toolbar 2
Toolbar 2, toolbar,
Customizable Tollbar
Customizable Tollbar, toolbar,
Tab View
Tab View , tab view ,
List View
List View, list view,
Text Field
Text Field, text field,
Vertical Separator
Vertical Separator,
Horizontal Separator
Horizontal Separator,
Group Box
Group Box , group box ,
Text Label
Text Label,
Line Edit
Line Edit, line edit,
Search, search,
Search with Button
Search with Button , search, button,
Spin Box
Spin Box , spin box ,
Combo-box, combo-box,
Editable Combo-box
Editable Combo-box, combo-box,
Editable List Box
Editable List Box, list box ,
List Box
List Box, list box,
Single-selection List
Single-selection List, single-selection list,
Multiple-selection List
Multiple-selection List, multiple-selection list,
Check Box
Check Box, check box,
Radio Button
Radio Button, radio button,
Check box group
Check box group, check box group,
Radio Buttons Group
Radio Buttons Group, radio buttons group,
Progress Bar
Progress Bar , progress bar,
Modal Progress Bar
Modal Progress Bar, modal, progress bar,
Vertical Slider with Ticks
Vertical Slider with Ticks, slider, ticks,
Horizontal Slider with Ticks
Horizontal Slider with Ticks, slider, ticks,
Dial , dial,
Catalogue Tree
Catalogue Tree, catalogue tree,
Tree View 1
Tree View 1, tree view,
Tree View 2
Tree View 2, tree view,
Vertical Spacer
Vertical Spacer,
Horizontal Spacer
Horizontal Spacer,
Chevron 1
Chevron 1, chevron,
Arrow 1
Arrow 1, arrow,
Arrow 2
Arrow 2, arrow,
Plus/Minus Control
Plus/Minus Control, plus, minus, control,
Rotating Triangle
Rotating Triangle, rotating triangle,
Chevron 3
Chevron 3, chevron,
Chevron 2
Chevron 2, chevron,
Normal Select Cursor
Normal Select Cursor, select cursor,
Link Select Cursor
Link Select Cursor, select cursor, link,
Text Select Cursor
Text Select Cursor, select cursor, text,
Working in Background Pointer
Working in Background  Pointer, background pointer,
Busy Pointer
Busy Pointer, busy pointer,
Unavailable Cursor
Unavailable Cursor, unavailable cursor,
Precision Select Cursor
Precision Select Cursor, precision, select cursor,
Error Icon
Error Icon, error icon,
Warning Icon
Warning Icon, warning icon,
Information Icon
Information Icon, information icon,
Question Mark Icon
Question Mark Icon, question mark icon,
Balloon, balloon,
Tooltip/Infotip, tooltip, infotip,
Calendar, calendar,
"iOS (previously iPhone OS) is a mobile operating system developed and distributed by Apple Inc. ...
The user interface of iOS is based on the concept of direct manipulation, using multi-touch gestures. Interface control elements consist of sliders, switches, and buttons. Interaction with the OS includes gestures such as swipe, tap, pinch, and reverse pinch, all of which have specific definitions within the context of the iOS operating system and its multi-touch interface. Internal accelerometers are used by some applications to respond to shaking the device (one common result is the undo command) or rotating it in three dimensions (one common result is switching from portrait to landscape mode)." [iOS. Wikipedia]
The example "iPhone OS (iOS) graphic user interface (GUI) - More function view" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Graphic User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
iPhone GUI
iPhone GUI, tab bar, status bar, screen, navigation bar, controls, iPhone, grouped list, list,
The vector stencils library "Toolbar control elements" contains 42 toolbar graphical control elements.
Use this toolbar control element UI icon set to design graphic user interface (GUI) of your software application for OS X 10.10 Yosemite Apple Mac operating system.
"A graphical control element or widget is an element of interaction in a graphical user interface (GUI), such as a button or a scroll bar. Controls are software components that a computer user interacts with through direct manipulation to read or edit information about an application. ...
Each widget facilitates a specific type of user-computer interaction, and appears as a visible part of the application's GUI as defined by the theme and rendered by the rendering engine. The theme makes all graphical control elements adhere to a unified aesthetic design and creates a sense of overall cohesion. Some widgets support interaction with the user, for example labels, buttons, and check boxes. Others act as containers that group the widgets added to them, for example windows, panels, and tabs." [Graphical control element. Wikipedia]
The icons example "Design elements - Toolbar control elements" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Mac OS User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Toolbar graphical control elements
Toolbar graphical control elements, tool bar drop-down button, tool bar button, small button toggle, slider element, sidebar button, share button, shape, settings, segmented control, segmented button control, search field, list-icons view, edit tags button, downloads button, gradient button, copy button, button 4  drop down, back forward button, arrange button, action buttons, stoplights control, action button,

Is ConceptDraw PRO an Alternative to Microsoft Visio 2010?

Visio for Mac and Windows - ConceptDraw as an alternative to MS Visio. ConceptDraw PRO delivers full-functioned alternative to MS Visio. ConceptDraw PRO supports import of Visio files. ConceptDraw PRO supports flowcharting, swimlane, orgchart, project chart, mind map, decision tree, cause and effect, charts and graphs, and many other diagram types.